Species from Peru?

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Species from Peru?

Post by 661-Pete »

Inspired perhaps by the thread about mounted tropical butterflies, I looked through my piccies from our recent South America trip and came across this which I snapped in Peru (not the best of pics I'm afraid):
This was in the Sacred Valley at about 3,000m, in June (dry season there). There seemed to be a lot of this species about. I've tried googling "butterflies" "Peru" and come up with page after page of the most colourful exotica imaginable! But this rather drabber specimen doesn't seem to be featured.

Can anyone identify please? Just interested.
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Re: Species from Peru?

Post by bugboy »

I'm gonna have a little tentative stab and suggest Dione glycera....
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Re: Species from Peru?

Post by 661-Pete »

Thanks. It certainly looks like it.
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