Goldie M

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, it was certainly a good day for me today :D After two days of rain which dropped half a month's rain in the two days, it was a perfect day with clouds, hot Sun and Butterflies :D

They said those Painted Ladies were on their way and they got into my Garden today :D I totally lost count of how many, it wasn't just the Painted Ladies, ( It was one of those dream days, the ones you look back on and never forget. :D ) I'll skip my shots of the Whites because I seemed to have posted loads. :D But it was the Whites I saw first in the Garden :D

All the Whites appeared, GV, LW, SW, never seen has many five on a bush at one point, then I saw a flurry and Gate Keepers appeared and not in Ones, then it was the Painted Ladies, every where, I was open mouthed at one time :D Then I saw the Red Admiral's on the Buddlia.
The Peacocks arrived next I counted five but there was many more, then I spotted the Small Tort's, when a Holly Blue passed I really couldn't believe it :D When I turned and looked again at an Orange Butterfly that had just come into the Garden it was a Comma :D It was followed by a Speckled Wood, by this time I couldn't keep up :D I took loads of shots but once again the Holly Blue dodged me :D
What a fantastic day it was, I just hope we don't pay for it, they say Thunder Storms tonight :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by MikeOxon »

A wonderful day, Goldie, and beautifully recorded :)

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Re: Goldie M

Post by trevor »

Some lovely shots there, Goldie. Especially the fresh Painted Ladies.
Apparently there has been an explosion in numbers of fresh ones in Scotland,
maybe they are gradually heading south.

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Mike, it was a great day and you can't beat it when it happens in your garden :D

Thank you Trevor, I hope you see the Painted Ladies soon, they're fantastic and you just can't count them there's so many :D

We were lucky with the weather here yesterday, we didn't see rain until about and then the heavens opened and it's rained since then. In the morning though the Sun was out also patchy cloud, which helped when the Butterflies settled, taking photos was easier.
The Painted Ladies were still in the Garden, also the Gate Keeper's, in fact the only two missing yesterday day were the Speckie and the Comma :D
I was strolling round taking shots when I caught sight of a blue flash, I quickly went round to the Rockery and there was the elusive Holly Blue :D I managed some shots at last, I can't think what the plants called it landed on, I know I bought a Marjoram but that's a pinky colour, this plant is similar and has suddenly appeared at the side of it but it's White, I can only think it's the same but a different colour( White ) what ever it is the Gate Keeper's and the HB love it. :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by millerd »

Wonderful photos from your garden, Goldie - the Painted Ladies seem to have swarmed to your buddleia, but there's so much other variety as well. You must have wondered where to point the camera next! :)


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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

It's all happening here Dave, :D even with the rain this morning when the Sun came out so did the Butterflies, I took these shots on the front garden this morning before we were back with the heavy down pours :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by essexbuzzard »

I’m really pleased for you, Goldie! Plenty of Peacocks but no Painted Lady for us down here, yet. And yes, your flower is marjoram.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Many thanks for the info essex , I bought a pink Marjoram, it's still there but this one must be an off shoot then :D
I don't think the Painted Ladies can get a way from here because of the rain :roll: in fact It's a wonder they've not been washed a way :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Pauline »

Hey! Goldie! Some fabulous shots there :D What a spectacle!!!! I love the Peacock on the rose (unusual) and the Painted Lady looking into the camera. In fact, I love all the Painted Lady shots :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Such a selection to choose from. I hope you have some Thistle in your garden - if not, keep checking your nettles for Painted Lady eggs/larva.
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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Pauline, they were still here today, I'm sure the Peacocks have had an influx from some where has well, I counted nine on the Bush this morning, sadly I'd to go out today but Butterflies were every where again it's been a great three days.
Before I went I took a few rough shots, I was in a hurry :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Well in-spite of the rain, this morning was a lovely day, the heavy rain seems to arrive about 3pm which means the Butterflies are very active from early Morning so they avoid the rain in the afternoon, I was out before 8am this morning and the Buddleia's were full of Butterflies, It's such a pleasure to watch them especially the Painted Ladies, they're so quick :D

For once it didn't rain this afternoon but very dark clouds cut out the Sun from time to time, I noticed last year the Peacock Butterfly was not seen too much, I myself saw very few , this year there's definitely been loads, the Painted Lady is every where here also the Peacock, which is very welcome news. Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Today was a lovely day and since the forecast for tomorrow was thunder Storms, I decided to leave what I'd to do in the house till tomorrow and just sit in the garden and enjoy watching the Butterflies and being lazy :D I'd taken so many photo's over the last few days I thought I could relax . :D How wrong can you get!!!! :D

Once again Butterflies were every where and a Comma was the first to catch my eye, I took the occasional photo and enjoyed a very chocolate Ice cream lolly and took some shots of the Small Whites in the distance whilst eating it :D

I did move out of curiosity when I saw these two whites disappear just below the Lavender, I saw them about to mate when a flash of Blue flew passed, I quickly took some shots of the mating pair and whizzed off after the Holly Blue which settled once again on the Marjoram , I spent loads of time just with the Holly blue and once again a Gate Keeper arrived so of course I'd to take shots of that. :D Another Holly Blue arrived shortly after and they sorted one another out flying high and off they went, one finally came back but I'm not sure which :D

In my Buddleia's ( I've got four one on the front garden and three on the back) I couldn't resist taking more shots of the PL, Peacock, Small Tort, quite a satisfying day. :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Neil Freeman »

A cracking selection of butterflies in your garden recently Goldie and some lovely photos, I particularly like the ones with the Peacocks and Painted Ladies together :D


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Re: Goldie M

Post by bugboy »

Crikey, your back garden looks like my one when i was a kid with all those butterflies, sadly it's not something I've seen in real life since the 80s :(
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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thank's Neil, glad you've enjoyed them :D I've really had a great time in the garden with the Butterflies, we've all managed to dodge the showers up tp now :D

Hi! Bugboy, I don't think I've had a year like this in the Garden for a long time, the Painted ladies arrived all at once loads of them, and there's been just as many Peacocks , they've had a bumper year too. the other's coming all at once with them was fantastic :D

Yesterday afternoon and Morning was great lots of Butterflies again but they were all very wary of the coming weather and as soon as it started to get dark they were off.
I've never seen any thing like the down pour that arrived, when I looked out into the Garden it was flooded, luckily it didn't last very long but I couldn't go into the Garden after wards for ages the water was just like a stream and huge puddles were every where, it drained a way slowly and thank goodness it didn't do too much damage to the garden :D

I really thought" that's it I won't be seeing too many Butterflies after this", how wrong can you be! :D

Yesterday before the storm, I'd Peacock's, Painted Ladies, Small Tort's, the usual Whites, Speckled Wood, Comma, Gate Keeper, the list , ended with a Green Veined White, I've not seen too many of those in the garden up to now. Oh! I nearly forgot a Red Admiral which looked worse for wear but still very proud :lol:

Today same thing but add an Holly Blue to the list and take a way Small Tort and it's been great again , no rain which makes a change :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Maximus »

Some lovely photos from your garden in recent posts, Goldie :D you've certainly been blessed with lots of butterflies :D

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Mike, the butterflies have been every where every day since I came back from Kent a fortnight ago, even through the bad weather we've had, which really surprised me :D Just a few from yesterday , it was very windy and heavy cloud for most of the day. It doesn't seem to put the Whites off they still come rain or shine :lol:

None today though it's rained most of the day although it's Sunny right now.
We've the promise of better weather tomorrow and then it's back to the heavy rain again,UGH! :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by essexbuzzard »

Yes, August certainly looks like living up to it’s soggy reputation!
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Lovely set of shots Goldie - love the one with the Painted Lady and the Peaock :D :mrgreen: The weather at the moment looks atrocious for the next couple of days :? hopefully things will improve soon :?

Have a goodun

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! essex, we've got Sunshine and showers here, more showers at present than Sunshine :D Yesterday was a lovely day though, calm before the storm :D

Hi! Wurzel, many thanks, I like that photo too, the Painted Ladies are still here, and Boy can they move :D I watched them in the Garden yesterday and a bird tried it's best to get one off the Buddleia, no chance, it took off like a Rocket :lol:

I did see a Comma, PL's, Red Admiral ( in a bad way ) Gate keeper, SPeckie, Peacock, LW/SW's and three Holly Blues, yesterday,
one Painted Lady looked like it was so glad to land and finally get some Sun , It was in one piece at least :lol: it rested a few seconds then took off like a rocket :lol: Goldie :D
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