Goldie M

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Old Wolf
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Old Wolf »

Hello Goldie,
I am just catching up on diaries and have come across your sunbathing great tit, hilarious.

The HBHM sequence is something special :D I have only ever seen one hovering around some high up Buddleia against the sun so my view was not very good, but I do hope I get to see one a bit closer like you did.
Old Wolf.
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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Old Wolf, that HBHM was also the first I'd seen, I was lucky, it found a flower just in front of me and Hovered over it like an Helicopter :D I was really impressed :D Hope you see one this year and get a shot of it.Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

It rained this morning and was much cooler but by lunch time the Sun was out and whilst I was in the bedroom dusting I spotted a Red Admiral on my Buddleia , grabbing the camera I hoped it was still there when I got outside, I was lucky and managed a few shots before it flew off :D
It's been like that lately I keep seeing them and missing them. :roll: this time it didn't get a way. :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Goldie,

Just seen your HBHM sequence. Great shots, well done :D

Glad you managed to get that Red Admiral as well. We had rain here last night but today was not too bad and the weekend is looking to be reasonable.


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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great shots of the Red Admiral Goldie :D Glad you got there in time - it's great when you can catch up with a butterfly after a break :D Good luck in Kent 8)

Have a goodun

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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Nice to see a Red Admiral, Goldie. During a fortnight in the French Alps I saw a grand total of just TWO! :(
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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks so much Neil, I must admit my chief photos ( the ones I like ) are usually Butterflies but when I saw the HBHM for the first
time I was blown a way :D to actually get some shots of it was icing on the cake. :D

Hi! Wurzel, I can't wait to set off for Kent :D I just hope my family are in Butterfly mode :D

Hi! David, that Admiral was back today, the photo I took of it yesterday, when I looked the Admiral had a small white patch on it's wing , so had this one today. :D The patch seemed more out standing today, I think the Sun was brighter :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

This morning was Sunny and I walked round the front Garden enjoying the roses when I saw this small orange speck, when I took a closer look I found my first Gate Keeper and probably the last Butterfly before i'm off on holiday :D It was a really nice surprise, I'm glad the Garden keeps giving me these little gems, Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

"Hi! Wurzel, I can't wait to set off for Kent :D I just hope my family are in Butterfly mode :D" - I'm sure you'll sort them out Goldie :wink: :D
A cracking description of the Gatekeeper (although I prefer Hedge Brown :wink: ) - one of my favourites 8)

Have a goodun
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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

I arrived safe and sound into Kent on Monday and Wurzel you were right I've seen loads of Butterflies, :D

Yesterday morning we took the dog to Blean Woods and there was loads Of Butterflies, trouble was because of the nice weather they never seemed to settle :D I got a shot of a Gate Keeper that only had one spot instead of the usual two which made him interesting, also saw Red Admiral's and Meadow Browns, Ringlet's ,loads of large and Small Whites, Comma's. the list goes on :D

In the afternoon we went to the White Cliffs and at first we didn't see much, then we found patches of Wild Thyme and the Butterflies were every where, Marble Whites, Chalkhill Blues, Common Blues, even a Small Copper which really stood out with the Blue Badges brighter than I've ever seen, it was only there moment's before taking off again so I couldn't get a full shot which was a shame.

This morning we decided to take the dog to East Blean Woods, I thought I might see the the Purple Hair Streaks but I didn't see
any, I'll go back later in the week, I did see a White Admiral which was slightly the worse for wear but still good for some shots, my surprise of the day though was a Heath Fritillary which landed just to the side of me , I didn't expect to see any I thought they'd all gone by now, I'd already walked the length of the path where they usually are and seen nothing and there was none in the car park so I was convinced none were there, it didn't stay I took two quick shots hoping to catch some thing, I did but not too well :roll: at least you can tell it's an Heath Fritillary :oops: :D

Not sure about the weather tomorrow but in only a day and a half i've had a great time :D I even got a shot of the Moon last night
in the partial Moon eclipse :D Goldie :D
Chalkhill Blue 16th July 2019 (14).jpg
Comma 16th July 2019 (1).jpg
Gate Keeper ab 16th July 2019.jpg
Marbled White 16th JUly 2019 (8).jpg
Chalkhill Blue 16th July 2019 (12).jpg
Small Copper 16th July 2019.jpg
Chalkhill Blue 16th July 2019 (7).jpg
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Pauline »

Cracking shot of the moon M and some very nice butterfly images there. I'm so pleased for you :D .
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Re: Goldie M

Post by trevor »

Great shot of the Moon, last night, Goldie. I saw the partial eclipse as I walked home about 10.45
You have certainly found a good selection of butterflies in Kent. The Heath Fritillaries have gone from
the car park at East Blean, the area where they were found is now overgrown.

Best wishes,
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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Fabulous, Goldie! You've really filled your boots there. That is a wonderful and varied array of species you've been privileged to see and especially nice that you've got a few that you won't see up north - White Admiral, Chalkhill Blue & Heath Fritillary.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by millerd »

I'm very pleased you found a surprise Heath Fritillary, Goldie. From what you can see of it, it seems to have a lot of dark splotches on the upperside - maybe even an ab of some sort. :) It looks like the rest of the Dover area is performing well too, and your eclipse shot is far better than my feeble efforts... :mrgreen:


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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Flipping cracking Goldie :D 8) :mrgreen: A lovely set of images - you've gotten a Chalkhill before me and I reckon your Hedgie looks good for an aberrant as I can only see one 'pupil' in it's fore wing eye :D 8) :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thank's Pauline, I'd to rid of of quite a few images to get that one of the Moon :lol:

Many thanks Trevor, I tried all the settings to get a decent shot of the Moon :D
I was amazed when I saw that Heath, I didn't expect to see any fritillaries , it's just a pity it was too quick for me to settle on for a decent shot :roll: still at least I got some thing :D

Thanks David, it's been great here so far, I think they've forecast rain for today, I think I could do with a break though :lol:
I even saw a Silver Washed Fritillary fly passed when I was in East BW so I've got to go back there soon again :D

Thanks Dave, it's just a pity I couldn't get a better shot of the Heath because from what I saw of it , it looked in pretty good shape, it was certainly quick :D
Dover was perfect that day, Sunny, no wind to speak of in the sheltered area's and loads of Butterflies, talking about Boots, mine's coming off this weekend :D

Hi! Wurzel, I thought the Hedge Brown could be an ab, I tried to take it from a different angle but nothing was staying any where for very long, I even tried to follow it but it didn't settle again just flew off. :roll:
I can get rid of my Boot this week-end, I tried a few days without it, on and off and my foots been okay so I can't wait to bin it :lol:
Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Padfield »

Lovely set of pictures, Goldie. Funnily enough, I thought of you when I went out at 22h30 the other night to try and see the eclipse. Cloud around the horizon in woodbridge. ‘But I bet Goldie gets a shot...’ I thought!

Guy's Butterflies:
The Butterflies of Villars-Gryon :
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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Guy, I was lucky, I'd to try all the various settings before finally getting some thing reasonable :lol:

This morning in Blean Woods there was no Butterflies it was too cloudy but a Quick White bungle shot across in front of the car has we were going in, we thought at first it was a cat, imagine our surprise when it turned out to a White Squirrel :D
I got out of the car so quick, I nearly tripped :D I did manage a couple of shots but you know what Squirrel's are like, it was up the tree and down the other side quick has a flash, I waited to see if it settled and then hoped I'd got some thing just prove we'd seen it. :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

That is a rare sight Goldie :shock: :mrgreen: - you do really well with Albino/leucistic forms 8) :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Wurzel, never seen any thing so pretty for a long time has that Squirrel, exception of course ,the Butterflies.Goldie :D
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