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Old Wolf
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Re: Trevor

Post by Old Wolf »

Beautiful shots Trevor. You especially deserve a few of these for the PHS's :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

The PHS in the last shot appears to be missing a deely bopper or appears it has it's head cocked :?

Also, do you know what the red spot on the Meadow Brown's body is?
Old Wolf.
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

What is the secret to all of these Purple Hairstreak shots Trevor? :shock: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Cheers Old Wolf. That red spot is a Trombidium mite also found on Graylings, and other species.
Apparently it does no harm to it's host.

There is no secret, Wurzel, other than find the right Oak, and an early start!.
Anyway here is another male from this morning. A little higher up this time.

The best of luck to you both,
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Re: Trevor

Post by Maximus »

Great shots of the PE and PH recently, Trevor :D

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Re: Trevor

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Trevor,

I am really jealous of your Purple Hairstreak shots, you make it look so easy :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I find it amazing that you were more pleased with the Small Tortoiseshells, they seem to doing a bit better here this year, certainly better than last year.


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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

trevor wrote:...There is no secret...other than find the right Oak, and an early start!
Ah! So that's how you do it! You must be 'purpled out' right now, trevor, with all this activity.
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Many thanks, Mike, Neil & David. Not quite purpled out yet David I had another one today.

Doug Neve and myself went over to Chiddingfold forest this morning, hoping for Purple Emperor.
One did touch down briefly, then flew onto the back of my jeans!.

The day was to be one of several highlights. First find was a Purple Hairstreak resting on bracken.
Then a single, second brood Wood White turned up, followed up later by a mating pair. This was
very quick work by this pair, as we were told by a Lady recorder for BC Surrey that the first specimen
was only recorded on Thursday.
I also found two pairs of mating Ringlets. These were constantly pestered by other males trying
to get in on the act. Many fresh Silver Washed Fritillaries, both male and female were seen,
but nearly all were too active to be photographed.
The last photograph of today was of a fresh female Brimstone.

A very absorbing day.

PS. The Comma was taken yesterday morning at Abbots wood.
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Brilliant stuff Trevor :D Those 2nd brood Wood Whites are noticeably different from the first brood - much 'cleaner white' more Daz than Own brand :wink: :D I tried the early morning trick for PH but it didn't pay off, yet today after 2:30 I saw three down low :shock: - that's butterflies for you :roll:

Have a goodun

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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

'Absorbing' is rather an understatement, trevor. Mating Wood Whites & a feast of Purple Hairstreak (along with the supporting cast)...there aren't many places in the UK where you can see that.
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Re: Trevor

Post by ernie f »

Trevor - I've just been enthusing about Wurzel's in-cop shots on his PD and now I find your Wood Whites!!! Amazing. :mrgreen:
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Thanks, Wurzel, David & Ernie, I'm making the most of the ' silly season ',
which we are in the middle of at the moment!.

For a complete change of routine and scenery, I went out for a rare ( for me ) evening site visit.
My destination was Horseshoe Plantation, for Chalk Hill Blues and Dark Green Fritillaries.
At the far end of this site there is a good view of the famous' Belle Tout ' lighthouse, which
was moved further inland, away from the cliff edge in March 1999.

The two target species were easily found, although only about a dozen Dark Greens were seen,
the Chalk Hills were everywhere, in their hundreds, although only one female was spotted.
These were complemented with many Marbled Whites, Skippers, Meadow Browns, Hedge Browns,
( including a mating pair) and a few, fresh, Brown Argus.

Hope you enjoy the fruits of a perfect evening.
Belle Tout Lighthouse.
Belle Tout Lighthouse.
Mating Hedge Browns.
Mating Hedge Browns.
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Re: Trevor

Post by millerd »

You've certainly been filling your boots while I was away up north, Trevor. :) As ever I have particular envy for the Purple Hairstreak shots :mrgreen: :mrgreen: but there is a very impressive mix of species. Chiddingfold has been good to you this year = but you've certainly put in the hours. It's been great meeting up with you (and everyone else too) down there for the annual Emperor Festival. :)

Those DGF females are pretty striking too. :)


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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Thanks, Dave. As you know there was a ' purple ' party at Chiddingfold today !.
Great to see you and others.

I arrived at a quiet Chiddingfold forest just before 8am today. I had just reached my chosen spot,
and was pouring a coffee, when an equally early Neil Hulme approached.
Emperor bait laid days ago was duly ' refreshed '. Neil had actually paid a visit for Wood Whites,
and it was a pleasure to point him in the direction of one I had photographed earlier.

I was kindly shown a couple of rare Broad Leaved Helleborine's ( images below ). As I returned
from viewing the Helleborines I could see Neil acting ' carefully ' in the distance, sure enough
he had a male Purple Emperor down on the very bait refreshed earlier, which was right by my base for the day!.
This part worn specimen took off and returned several times, and each time he came back the crowd
eager to see him had grown. ( see image ).

We all had a great morning and everyone went home happy.
Guess who's legs frame this Emperor!.
Guess who's legs frame this Emperor!.
Plant 1
Plant 1
Close up of plant 1
Close up of plant 1
Plant 2
Plant 2
Close up of plant 2
Close up of plant 2
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Re: Trevor

Post by millerd »

Yes, another very sociable morning at Chiddingfold, Trevor. I see that when you enlarge your shot of the Emperor seen between Neil's legs, you can just make out that Holly Blue which shared the bait for quite a while. :)


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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Morning cracking Purple antics Trevor :D :mrgreen: I really need to get to Chiddingfold next year for a proper Purple fix :? :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

An excellent outing it seems, trevor. I noted what went on from Neil's own PD earlier, so it comes as no surprise that you saw both Wood Whites and a grounded Emperor. Sadly, if Neil is right, that may be the last of the 2019 season. :(
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Goldie M
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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Great shots of the Emperor Trevor, I hope they're not finished yet, we thought of going to see them next week some time, my Daughter says they're in the forest at Tunbridge Wells, I hope so.Goldie :D
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Many thanks folks, a little more purple today!.

A search for Purple Hairstreaks this morning was quite hard going.
In all five came within reach of my camera, but all were partially obscured by Oak leaves.
Then one individual flew to the ground and settled on wood chips at the edge of a large,
felled tree trunk, used for children to play on.
Later I caught a Speckled Wood on the point of take off, I think the resulting image might qualify as ' interesting ',
or just plain awful!.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

That is a great Purp shot Trevor :D :mrgreen: As for the Specklie it is interesting but I find I can't look at it for too long lest I get a migraine :shock: :wink:

Have a goodun

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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

trevor wrote:...A search for Purple Hairstreaks this morning was quite hard going.
You should try living in south Wales, trevor....they're almost impossible here!

LOL! I know exactly how you feel when a butterfly takes flight as you press the shutter! 'Interesting' it certainly is.
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