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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Srumpshaw Fen. Day 2.

Today was once again to be about Swallowtails, and indeed it was, until the discovery
of a pair of mating Eyed Hawk Moths. A particular thrill for me, as my lifetime Hawk
Moth encounters can be counted on one hand!.
I have selected some shots from several angles, as neither Moth could clearly be seen in one image.

Hope you enjoy.
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Strumpshaw Fen. Day 2. The Swallowtails.
Last edited by trevor on Fri Jun 07, 2019 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

More stunning photos Trevor :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: A visit to the Fens is on the list for sure, I just need to start depositing some serious Brownie points...I mean SERIOUS amounts :shock: :roll: :wink:

Have a goodun

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Strumpshaw Fen. Day 3.

On Tuesday evening ( day 2 ) we decided to cut our visit short, the result of a poor weather forecast for Thursday.
So after breakfast on day 3, we had a do we or don't we moment, head straight home, or risk a last visit to Strumpshaw.
In spite of building cloud we decided to head for Strumpshaw, then head for home around lunchtime.

It turned out to be a good decision, the weather improved and the Swallowtails responded, although as ever they
proved difficult to photograph. When nectaring they constantly flap their wings to help balance on the flowers,
and never spend more than a couple of seconds on each flower before flitting on to the next. Once again, a few
cloudy spells calmed them down a little, making photography a little easier. Any sharp shots I manged to get had
more to do with the capabilities of the camera, than any skill on my part!.

Reluctantly we had to leave at 1.10pm, to avoid the London rush.
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Re: Trevor

Post by Pauline »

More wonderful images Trevor - a memorable trip for sure :mrgreen:
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Re: Trevor

Post by millerd »

Brilliant Swallowtails, Trevor. I'm glad they continued to deliver. I do believe I recognise that last individual, still sitting on his nettle stalk! :)


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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Many thanks, Pauline & Dave.

It is indeed the same Swallowtail, Dave. We saw him on all three days, always perched
on a nettle top in the same area, only shifting to see off an intruding male.
Within minutes he would return, and on occasion nectar on Red Campion.
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Fantastic shots Trevor :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: That last individual in that light looks more honeyed than the others 8) You defintely made the right call :D

Have a goodun

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Cheers, Wurzel.
The individual Swallowtail you mention, was unique in some respects.
He was probably the oldest specimen we saw, and was identifiable by a small nick
on the left hand forewing. After encountering him on many different occasions
we new him as ' Nicky '. He was also present in the same location on all three days
of our visit. Unlike all the other Swallowtails we saw, which were all nectaring like mad,
this one hardly ever moved from his nettle top perch, and then only to see off the competition.
It would seem that this one alone had established a territory to defend.
' Nicky ' on our first day, 3rd June.
' Nicky ' on our first day, 3rd June.
The second day, 4th June.
The second day, 4th June.
The third day, 5th June.
The third day, 5th June.
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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

What a trip, Trevor! I'm not sure which is better - those gorgeous Swallowtails or that rare image of Eyed Hawk Moths in cop.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Neil Freeman »

A great series of reports from Norfolk Trevor with some cracking photos, brings back memories of the few days I spent there last year, can't believe that was a year ago now.

I am jealous of the Eyed Hawk Moth pair, I have not seen one of these for a few years now. One that I am hoping will turn up to my moth trap eventually.

Great stuff :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ,

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Many thanks David & Neil.

I took note of the week that you visited Strumpshaw last year, Neil.
I remembered your stunning images of pristine Swallowtails.
Whereas when we went a little later and only found worn specimens.
On our visit this year all were fresh except for two, so like you we caught them just right.

Glad you enjoyed the Eyed Hawk Moths,
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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

trevor wrote:..Glad you enjoyed the Eyed Hawk Moths..
'Enjoy' isn't the word, Trevor...I don't think I've ever seen an image of any Hawk moth pair in cop so unless someone can better what you've posted, it will remain a unique event.
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Yesterdays weather, high winds and heavy rain in the morning, suggested time would
be better spent on household chores. So I was very surprised to read that those who
braved the wind found success with the Black Hairstreak at Ditchling common.

As the forecast for the rest of next week is poor, I decided to try my luck today.
Even at 9.00am I found some hopefuls on site, and was told of a settled Black Hairstreak
earlier. Shortly after arrival another settled on bracken for a few shots.
Generally the day was slow going, but plenty of high up action was observed.

Eventually I managed images of five Black Hairstreaks, a Large Skipper, and a lovely Bee Orchid.

It was great to meet so many old and new faces today.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Fantastic shots of Blackstreaks Trevor :D In the words of my girls I'm "well gel" :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol: It seems that we're going to be stuck with a load of awful weather for at least the next week :roll: :( so you did well to get that before it all goes to pot :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

Great. delighted for you, Trevor.

It's only a short window with this species but you got in early. :)

Sadly, the flight period for this species doesn't look too promising this year, with the adverse weather forecast. :(
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Re: Trevor

Post by millerd »

Good to see there has been some Black Hairstreak actiivity at Ditchling, Trevor. You got some great shots too. :) I missed this last weekend's gathering by being up on Yorkshire, but the weather may improve for the coming weekend and a trip down beckons... (but I did find some in Oxfordshire last week... :wink: )


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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Catching up with posts Trevor, great shots of the Swallow Tail it looks fantastic every time I see shots of it. :D
Your Black Hair Streak shots look really good, I bet your well chuffed with them :D Goldie :D
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Thanks everyone. No success today with the Black Hairstreak,
and I'm glad we went to Norfolk last week!.

Firstly my good deed of the day. Just before setting off for Ditchling Common
I went into the garden with my coffee, and there on the patio was a young
Nuthatch with my Cat ' guarding ' over it. Care was needed to frighten off the
Cat in such away that he didn't have time to grab the Bird before making off.
As far as I know the Nuthatch made a successful escape. It was not injured.

At Ditchling Common sunshine was in short supply, but there was much tree-top
action during the short cloud breaks, only one Black Hairstreak was seen low down
before I left. I did however manage an image of a BH pupae.

The young Nuthatch, unharmed.
The young Nuthatch, unharmed.
Black Hairstreak pupae.
Black Hairstreak pupae.
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Re: Trevor

Post by bugboy »

Great Swallowtails Trevor, I was there on the Saturday and you're right, we all picked the right week to go! I'm itching to get down and find myself some Black Hairstreaks but I have to wait until the weekend now when the weather looks like it will start behaving itself again.... and also I don't have to be at work! The fact that there's still pupae though is a good sign I wont be too late :)
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