"Wood White "Courtship Ritual"

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"Wood White "Courtship Ritual"

Post by PhilBJohnson »

Leptidea sinapis (there was another species that reacted differently to a different habitat in Ireland) which was identified recently by no obvious external difference in wing or antenna evolution.

My understanding was that a Wood White’s male and female interaction was distinctly different from other species in the United Kingdom. Some have called it a courtship ritual but what most people witness, appears to be the male placing itself in front of the female and pestering her, waving his proboscis and antenna at her, until he was convinced that she was not receptive. After a minute or so, he flew off to look for another female.
If the female was receptive (unmated), mating usually took place quickly without long “courtship”.
The Wood White had been described as “dainty” or "fluttery" in flight.
I thought that an evolutionary advantage in that “courtship ritual”, would have been to avoid wing damage and flight loss as seen in some other species excitement to chase in flight."
Kind Regards,
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