Orange Tip ab.

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Orange Tip ab.

Post by Rivoldini »

Gateshead this afternoon. I am considering it being ab costaenigrata with some charateristics of ab striata. Is that being a bit ambitious?
Thank you
ab costaenigrata and striata..jpg
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Neil Hulme
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Re: Orange Tip ab.

Post by Neil Hulme »

Hi Rivoldini
I agree - ab. costaenigrata + striata.
BWs, Neil
Posts: 83
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:02 pm

Re: Orange Tip ab.

Post by Rivoldini »

Great, thank you very much
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David M
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Re: Orange Tip ab.

Post by David M »

Thanks for sharing that, Ron, and to Neil for identifying it. That's a very striking specimen.
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