Buchan Boy

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David M
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by David M »

Beautiful, Dave, especially that second Orange Tip image, which is absolutely redolent of spring.
Buchan Boy
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

Cheers Dave and Wurzel,they were fresh out I reckon,beauties.
Dave Browne
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

19th April 2019 Samphire Hoe,Kent

I've been after the Early Spider Orchid colony here for a while now and although not out of reach for a day trip from where I live(Sussex),I'd always wanted to find them with the my sister,who lives in Dover,and who with I stay every Easter.So wandering down to Samphire Hoe is always a joy and of course the added benefit of butterflies,always exposed and difficult to stay wind free,perseverance can pay dividends.Samphire was the additional bit of the British Isles,that was formed when all the Channel Tunnel spoil was placed here to form what we have now(although there were old coal mine workings here before).A quick look at the rangers siteings board said Dingy Skippers and Clouded Yellows....hello for the Cloudeds...yep.
First off were the Speckled Woods on the sheltered side of the cliff tops,all pristine and fresh,like many of the butterflies this weekend.
Samphire Hoe cliff top Speckled Wood
Samphire Hoe cliff top Speckled Wood
Once down to the reserve,and still very Winter bleak looking,and with a stiff Easterly wind it was difficult to note any areas that were sheltered enough,but in the far Western corner the first butterflies were beginning to congregate.First noted were the Dingys,my first of this year.
Samphire Hoe Dingy Skipper
Samphire Hoe Dingy Skipper
Several here but with the wall to wall sunshine and temperatures rising they were beginning to move fast.Already noted a Clouded Yellow that was patrolling up and down and....no chance.
But my first Small Copper of the year in the bag.
Samphire Hoe Small Copper
Samphire Hoe Small Copper
Samphire Hoe Small Copper (2)
Samphire Hoe Small Copper (2)
Noted a dark butterfly wizzing around that turned out to be a Wall Brown,tetchy gits,a bit of chasing round but got the record shots for the diary.
Naff shots but a marker.
Samphire Hoe Wall Brown
Samphire Hoe Wall Brown
Samphire Hoe Wall Brown (2)
Samphire Hoe Wall Brown (2)
I still couldn't locate the Early Spider Orchids here,bit of an enigma for me this,considering its one of the biggest colonies in Britain and the board said they were starting to flower,doing the old noggin in a bit! :D
Samphire Hoe Western End
Samphire Hoe Western End
Also worth noting was a Rose Chafer and an Adder that I failed to photograph...
Samphire Hoe Rose Chafer
Samphire Hoe Rose Chafer
Dave Browne
Buchan Boy
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

19th April 2019 Samphire Hoe,Kent

And as an addendum on the Ornithological side of stuff,Fulmars nesting on the cliffs here.
Samphire Cliff Fulmar 1
Samphire Cliff Fulmar 1
Samphire Cliff Fulmar 2
Samphire Cliff Fulmar 2
Samphire Cliff Fulmar 3
Samphire Cliff Fulmar 3
Samphire Cliff Fulmar 4
Samphire Cliff Fulmar 4
Dave Browne
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Allan.W. »

Hello Dave,
Good report from Samphire Ho ! I see that you,re struggling with the Early Spiders . May I suggest that if you do manage to get there again
instead of going "over the top " you go through the far Car park (where there are generally a few to be seen ) and follow the path that leads alongside the railway line ,after a few steps you should begin to see the orchids on either side of the path ,keep looking mainly to your left ,
but for me the best area is actually along the beach ,you go through the metal fence and along the small raised concrete path ,when it finishes
and you hit the beach ,look along the base of the cliff ,at first in the hollows ,and as you proceed towards the concrete dwelling ,they are a little higher up the chalk cliff. We saw 30 + Early Spiders here a couple of weeks back and they should now be at near peak .
also along the beach section you can find Adonis ,Small ,Common Blues and brown Args, and Green Hairstreaks.
I posted a few shots of various Early Spiders at Samphire Ho ,last year Good Hunting !
Regards Allan.W.
Buchan Boy
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

Ha thanks Allan,just writing up now from last weekend,I did locate them exactly where you noted,well chuffed.

20th April 2019 Dungeness,Kent

I had some vague recollection of Grizzled Skippers being located here,right on the vegetated shingle mass.....I also was well aware of the Small Coppers here.Quite breezy and no Grizzleds but loads of Small Coppers.And a sister that was rapidly falling into Willow pollen hay fever...
Dungeness Small Copper
Dungeness Small Copper
Dungeness Small Copper 2
Dungeness Small Copper 2
Vast expanse of vegetated shingle...
Dungeness shingle stuff
Dungeness shingle stuff
If there are Grizzleds here,maybe a few more weeks,would like to know if they are here though.
Watched a Peacock come across from the sea here and land on the beach shingle bank,thinking it must be knackered,try to get shots and it motored off,top speed.Another lovely Power Station.....
Dave Browne
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

20th April 2019 Park Gate Down,Kent

Once again after those Early Spiders, there are reports of them here as well,but none today.No Dingys either,had that as perfect.
The odd Orange Tip and the odd Peacock,not stopping,where are the Small Torts this year?
But the Early Purples were a joy.
Park Gate Down Early Purple Orchid
Park Gate Down Early Purple Orchid
Park Gate Down Early Purple Orchids
Park Gate Down Early Purple Orchids
Park Gate Down,Kent Wildlife Trust
Park Gate Down,Kent Wildlife Trust
Glorious weather as well.
Worth noting that on the cliff path towards the end of the day,loads of Wall Browns,but as Wall Browns are,cant get near them in the sun.
Dave Browne
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Allan.W. »

Hello again Dave,
Good ! I,m glad you found the Early Spiders ! At Dungeness the Grizzlies haven,t been reported as yet , I was there this afternoon and I spoke to Dave Walker from the obs; and he,s had no reports as yet , Amongst the high numbers of Small Coppers at Dungeness this afternoon ,I did glimpse one possible Grizzle ,but can,t be sure .
I always find it difficult to actually pinpoint the best areas for them at Dungie ,and I have seen them ,in the moat ,along the power station fence , along the long pits and along the grassy area in the trapping area along the old railway line line ………….. they are very spread out !
I haven't found any (as yet !) at my local inland sites either ,I reckon the first 2-3 Days in May.
Good Hunting ! As a matter of interest there is one !! Early Spider at Dungie .
Regards Allan.W.
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Wurzel »

Great shots of the Small Coppers and the Orchids - they're much more 'open' than the ones I've seen :D :mrgreen: Lovely shots of the Fulmars - the strangest place I saw them was nesting in Iceland. They were nesting one what was once a seacliff but as the glaciers and ice sheets receded the land mass 'sprang back up' and so their nests are now a little over a mile 'inland' :shock: :D

Have a goodun

Buchan Boy
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

21st April 2019 Samphire Hoe

Got down there early next morning,as from the evening before and finally locating the Early Spiders,which in retrospect,wasnt that difficult.The one area that you dont go to.....elimination and all that.
Samphire Hoe Early Spider Orchid
Samphire Hoe Early Spider Orchid
Samphire Hoe Early Spider Orchid 2
Samphire Hoe Early Spider Orchid 2
Wandered down to the butterfly hotspot, that was already warming up,and my first Holly Blue of the season,just wafted down and had a sunbathe,always found exposure so difficult with these,I think its the only butterfly I dont quite get!
Samphire Hoe Holly Blue
Samphire Hoe Holly Blue
Small Copper,which I think was the same one as yesterday....
Samphire Hoe Small Copper
Samphire Hoe Small Copper
More Dingys were beginning to show their wares,remember these are pretty much first for the year,so I'm chuffed.
Samphire Hoe Dingy Skipper
Samphire Hoe Dingy Skipper
Finally the nailed Kent Early Spider Orchid,been down here for several years now trying to get the timing right with Easter at my Sisters and to show her what they look like,job done.
Samphire Hoe Early Spider Orchid
Samphire Hoe Early Spider Orchid
That Clouded Yellow settled on a Dandelion......happy boy.
Samphire Hoe Clouded Yellow
Samphire Hoe Clouded Yellow
Another Wall Brown,just......these guys are top difficult,but what else would i do?
Samphire Hoe Wall Brown
Samphire Hoe Wall Brown
Come to Samphire,from the non-officiated Kent tourist board official that isnt! :D
Samphire Hoe,how you get there!
Samphire Hoe,how you get there!
Dave Browne
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Goldie M »

So glad with your report Dave, when the weather settles down I'll go to" Samphire Oh" before I go home and hope fully I'll see some more Butterflies, looks like my trip would have been wasted had I gone to Dungeness for the Grizzlies, may be I'll see some there. Not sure I could make the Beech though!!!!! :D Goldie :D
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Wurzel »

Great that you got the Orchid Dave, persistence and quartering every inch of the reserve pays off :D 8) The Cloudy must have been the icing on the cake :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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David M
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by David M »

That's one hell of a comprehensive set of reports, Dave. You've seen some lovely flowers (particularly the orchids) but the Clouded Yellow is the most eyecatching sighting, although Wall Browns are always very welcome.
Buchan Boy
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

Thanks guys,its most rewarding when the unexpected pops up!,I'd given up on getting close to the Cloudy but as I was studying the Early Spiders that one can down and landed on a Dandelion within 6 feet of me,and hung around for enough time to get the shots,chuffed.

Same day,later on.

21st April 2019 Lydden Temple

This reserve is fab and has captivated me for a few years now.Met my Sis at Dover station and we got the train to Kearsney,1 stop and 4 minutes up the track and £2.70 return.A walk through the village,which is delight,and up onto the hills behind it.Classic downland site with loads to find.I was still on my Grizzly hunt and I'm not sure of any records here,but the habitat is pristine for all manner of stuff.First off on the lower slopes staring at the trees we'd noted our first Green Hairstreaks of the year,leading a merry dance up to higher bits of the trees,no chance with these guys but within another half hour and further up towards the Beech wood here I found some more.
Lydden Temple NR
Lydden Temple NR
The Greenies were on that patch on bramble in the foreground to the left,had about 4 or 5 around me,quite tetchy but with patience I was able to get my reward.Luckily they all stayed low.
Lydden Temple Green Hairstreak
Lydden Temple Green Hairstreak
Lydden Temple Green Hairstreak 2
Lydden Temple Green Hairstreak 2
A corker that one!
After my fill of Greenies I wandered down to the bottom of this combe to see what was congregating in warmth at the bottom,loads of Dingys just wizzing around,a site to see to be honest,I managed to kneel in some stinging nettles that went straight through my walking trousers....that left me tingling for days!
Lydden Temple Dingy Skipper.
Lydden Temple Dingy Skipper.
The Dingys were at the bottom here,no Grizzlys,but you cant always get what you want.....said Mr Jagger!
Lydden Temple NR another view
Lydden Temple NR another view
We wandered off the hill,and realising we had no car to worry about it was time to pop into the Fox at Temple and have a few Stellas in the sun.Back here again for the Orthoptera in August,fab site,or those Late Spider Orchids that pop up in a month or so.The Greenies were top today though.
Dave Browne
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Wurzel »

Butterflies and then a few beers in the sun - sounds like a GREAT day :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: It's always good to leave something for later :wink: :D

Have a goodun

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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Allan.W. »

Enjoyed your report from Lydden ,Dave along with Dungeness my favourite Kent site ,I agree with your excellent looking Grizzle
habitat ,can,t say I,ve ever seen (or heard of any ) any here ,but as you know Adonis ,Chalkhills, Wall and all the other usual suspects ,and there used to be a small colony of Small Blue as well ,but I haven't looked for them myself lately .Lyddens also a good site for Straw Belle ,and Burnt Tipped Orchids
showed up again in 2018 after an absence of some years ,and I,m sure you,re aware but you need to be in the Wye/Brook area for Late Spiders
or the Folkestone area. Regards Allan.W.
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David M
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by David M »

Some lovely looking habitat there, Dave, and that is a beautifully marked Dingy Skipper. I hope I can find one similar to that during the next week or so!
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by trevor »

Excellent Green Hairstreak shots, and it's good to know that Samphire Hoe
has attracted Wall Browns. Hopefully a stable colony.

Great stuff,
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by CallumMac »

Fabulous selection of orchids Dave! Something of a relief to see that your Kent Early Purples aren't quite at peak yet - I've been looking hard for them here in Yorkshire without success so far, but I guess it's still just slightly too early.
Buchan Boy
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

Thanks all and Allan W,just noted your Early Spiders at Samphire, they are immense,makes me want to go back down there.I take it they were on the Western side outside the reserve?amazing.Used to stumpy wind blown ones down here in Sussex!

22nd April 2019 Folkestone Warren,Kent

First to note some super scrub clearance has gone on here over the Winter,good effort that,hope the butterflies respond,the Green Hairstreaks clearly have...
I'd always though there was an introduced Wall Lizard colony here and I have searched and searched to no avail...anyways my Kent adventure was drawing to a close but not before I popped into Folkestone Warren for a quick look see.Just over the lip of the cliff and down to the right,follow the path down and this spot is always the first place I head to when here in the morning,everything congregates hear.
Folkestone Warren
Folkestone Warren
Twayblades just beginning their way up.
Folkestone Warren Twayblade
Folkestone Warren Twayblade
Always a good spot for Wall Browns before they get too active but couldn't locate any here, but not before long this small area became Green Hairstreak central,unbelievable,never expected this trip to contain so many of these,seems like they're having a goodun.Just standing in a small ditch with them all around me,opportunities to get some shots were endless,could've of stayed all day but needed some Grizzlies and needed to be closer to home.
Folkestone Warren Green Hairstreak
Folkestone Warren Green Hairstreak
Folkestone Warren Green Hairstreak 2
Folkestone Warren Green Hairstreak 2
Folkestone Warren Green Hairstreak 3
Folkestone Warren Green Hairstreak 3
Vast amounts of Dingys as well,moving around at pace but as everyone is different its worth getting the shots.
Folkestone Warren Dingy Skipper
Folkestone Warren Dingy Skipper
A couple of Speckled Woods, that looked like theyd been around a while already,probably tired from the Hairstreak onslaught!
Folkestone Warren Speckled Wood
Folkestone Warren Speckled Wood
But another day that belonged to the Hairstreaks,love these days,all in area the size of a parking space!
Folkestone Warren Green Hairstreak 4
Folkestone Warren Green Hairstreak 4
Folkestone Warren,looking a bit tidy!
Folkestone Warren
Folkestone Warren
Off for those surrey Grizzlies now,fingers crossed.

Dave Browne
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