Large Heath - Favourite Photo of 2018

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Large Heath - Favourite Photo of 2018

Post by Wurzel »

Large Heath - Favourite Photo of 2018

Week 9

Apparently Christmas is coming :roll: ? So we must be entering the 9th week of the Favourites Thread 8)

Please could I ask that everyone waits until a topic has been opened by me for a particular species before posting photos as then it will be easier to keep track of things? Of course our overseas members are very welcome to fill in the obvious gaps relating to rare UK migrants. As in previous years details of locations, dates, times and circumstances would be welcome as would any accompanying stories and anecdotes or other observations of behaviour and interesting other points.

Have a goodun

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Re: Large Heath - Favourite Photo of 2018

Post by bugboy »

I saw these a couple of times this year but on only one day was it overcast enough for them to settle. Taking a break from chasing Mountain Ringlets up in Scotland we went for a drive over to Glen Loy where I remembered Neil Freeman had seen them a couple of years previously. It was probably near the end of the flight period here with just two or three rather worn specimens disturbed and only a dozen or so images achieved but this one still makes me smile, failing to land properly by snapping its wings tight on a blade of grass and ending up just hanging there :lol:
Large Heath, Glen Loy.JPG
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Re: Large Heath - Favourite Photo of 2018

Post by millerd »

2018 saw my first encounter with this species, at Fen Bog up on the North York Moors on 3rd July. After a slightly cloudy start it cleared to sunshine, but up on the Moors it was blissfully cool compared to the stiffling temperatures all around. The bog itself was unusually dry though, and could largely be walked upon. Though starting to wear a bit, the Large Heaths weren't shy and I found them surprisingly approachable (having been told they are a nightmare in this respect). However, there was still the problem of intervening foliage, even when within a few inches...
view3 030718.JPG
LH3 030718.JPG
LH8 030718.JPG
LH9 030718.JPG
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Re: Large Heath - Favourite Photo of 2018

Post by David M »

I had an opportunity to see this species around midsummer, but passed it up in favour of my local race of Silver Studded Blues.

Hopefully other members will continue to provide views that I didn't get this year.
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Re: Large Heath - Favourite Photo of 2018

Post by Goldie M »

I saw the Large Heath this year on the 7th of June at Foulshaw Moss in the Lakes, it was a very hot day and the LH were everywhere but landing every time and seemly disappearing into the Moss, I thought myself lucky to get a couple of shots :roll:
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Re: Large Heath - Favourite Photo of 2018

Post by CallumMac »

I also visited Fen Bog, 3 days ahead of Dave on June 30th. It was a memorable visit, with Small Pearl-bordered and Dark Green Fritillaries abounding, as well as excellent views of Keeled Skimmer and Golden-ringed Dragonfly (both scarce in Yorkshire). I only managed to locate a single Large Heath, but I was lucky that it allowed me to approach reasonably closely. :D
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Re: Large Heath - Favourite Photo of 2018

Post by dave,b,james »

My favourite photo of a Large Heath (in fact my only photo of one) was taken earlier this year up near Greenlee Lough Nature reserve. My girlfriend and I had been up to visit the Farne Islands and I couldn't resist a search to see this butterfly while I was up there. The only day we had free to look wasn't the best weather wise and despite searching all the likely places along Hadrians Wall around Crag Lough we had to give up and headed to nearby Greenlee Lough to try there. We walked through the reserve but didn't see anything (the wind was really picking up now) so we walked the long way back to the car along the ridge on the hill above. As we nearly arrived back at the car I noticed an area of Cottongrass and as I approached a butterfly flew up and landed in nearby grasses. It was my first Large Heath!
Large Heath for forum.jpg
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