Goldie M

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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Goldie M wrote:
Again many thanks David, I was certainly pleased to see those Butterflies :D Not so much the Mouse :lol: we all have to live together though, he lives in the Rockery wall and I've got quite used to it popping in and out now :lol: Just so long has it doesn't start a family.
I fear the 'family' element is unavoidable, Goldie. That said, if it remains outside in your rockery wall then surely that's not a hardship?

Like the rainbow photo. I expect we won't see too many of those over the next few days. Dry weather is forecast meaning we can all get out and enjoy the last few days of September.

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great work catching the double Bow Goldie :D as Dave said that's a tricky thing, nice composition with the Rose in frame as well :D

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks for your post Dave, I was kicking myself about the rainbow's, thinking ,if I'd gone out a bit sooner I'd have caught it better both of them together:D

Hi! David the Mouse is no problem, if any thing it make's us laugh, especially when it runs up the tree to take some nuts :lol:You were right about the weather, we went out today and the weather was great :D

Hi! Wurzel, that's my Lancashire Rose, made especially for my window :lol:

Today was great, I made a good start catching the Red Admiral early morning, In the afternoon we went to Brockholes CP, I didn't know what to expect but on arrival we were surprised to find all the grass had been cut down and there wasn't many flowers to speak of, I resigned myself to the fact it was well into Autumn and the Sun was shining and although it was hot we still had the cold wind we would just enjoy being out :roll:
We decided to walk through the tree's and go to where we'd seen most of the Butterflies this year ( it's very sheltered from the wind and catches the Sun) Has we walked in this area we saw Ragwort and others flowers which had not been touched and to my surprise and delight Small Copper's :D
I decided I'd taken lots of shots of Coppers before and I'd like to take some from a distance on the flowers, which I did, Until, we walked by the lake and I found the Blue Badge :D I just had to have shots of those spots :lol:
I was taking my shots when a Comma flew by and landed near me, also a Speckled Wood , Just to make my day :lol: Both Butterflies were slightly worn but still a welcome sight.Goldie :D
River Ribble Brockholes CP
River Ribble Brockholes CP

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Re: Goldie M

Post by millerd »

Very nice Coppers, Goldie - they really are doing well everywhere at the moment it seems. :)


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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Glad you got out and saw a few butterflies, Goldie. I see Small Coppers are prominent just about everywhere right now.

Hopefully it'll stay decent through the weekend so we can all see a few.

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Maximus »

It's nice to see that you still have Red Admirals, Goldie :D and that's a nice blue badge Small Copper too, plus the Comma :D


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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks so much for your posts Dave,David and Mike, it's great to see Butterflies again even it is the same ones visiting :lol: yesterday was great seeing the Small Copper's lets hope this weather lasts much longer. :D

Today after the mist lifted I had another Red Admiral visit, this one was ab biababa so of course I was thrilled to see it and add yet another one to my list of ab's :D
When I went to my side garden where I've loads of Autumn Glory I found a lovely fresh looking Comma, I'm hoping it's the form Hutchinson's , the Sun is certainly bringing out more Butterflies, I'm hoping I'll see a Peacock, not having one in my Garden will be the first year ever from moving into the house years ago. I hope this isn't a sign their in danger.I have seen them this year but only in odd ones, mostly when I was down South, gone are the days it seems, when you could see a field full of them :roll: Goldie :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Allan.W. »

Love the Coppers Goldie !!……………. Nice One.!
Regards Allan.W.

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Re: Goldie M

Post by millerd »

That's a great Comma, Goldie! :)


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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

That was a brilliantly posed Red Admiral Goldie :D And a great array of Coppers and Commas :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


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David M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

I think your Comma is one of the overwintering types, Goldie, rather than a hutchinsonii. That said, I haven't seen one of either for weeks now so it's great that you have one visiting your lovely looking sedums.

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Many thanks for your comments Allan, Dave, Wurzel, and David, It was great seeing the Comm's, I was going off the very pail yellow colouring for the Comma David , most I've seen are very dark :D I'm no expert though, it was just a guess :D

Yesterday I saw three Comma's in my Garden, One again on the Sedum's the other two in the back Garden on the Boules Mauve, Of course it could have been the same one :D One did seem darker than the others though.
The Admiral's were back and one gave me a surprise, I've got a large pot just out side my sun lounge door which is filled with Begonia's, I know Butterflies seem to ignore these flowers but I find they're great when I go on holiday for not needing too much watering if put in the shade (and every year I take them out after flowering ,dry them off and store them in news paper for the following year. ) Any way, when I looked yesterday there was an Admiral sat on the edge of one of their Petals catching the Sun :lol: First time I've seen that happen, last year it was the roses they chose :lol:
But it was the look it gave me when I slowly moved round the side of the pot to get a shot that made me laugh.
( " Oh it's her again " ) :lol: Goldie :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by ernie f »

Goldie - lovely selection of butterflies you have had recently. I especially liked your garden Admirals. I hadn't seen and for ages until yesterday - two on a garden centre Buddleia.

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Neil Freeman »

Nice Red Admirals and Commas Goldie :D

I have not seen a Red Admiral in my garden at all this year, in fact I have not seem many at all this year.



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Re: Goldie M

Post by Old Wolf »

Hello Goldie, how brilliant that your garden seems to be still bustling with visitors and I love your little mouse friend.

More great Copper shots and a freat shot of the double rainbow, always a delight to see :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Cracking stuff Goldie :D Red Admirals are quite snotty butterflies :lol: I'm probably going to be wrong BUT I reckon that your Comma could be an aberrant as the 'comma' on the underside doesn't look like a Comma it looks more like a straight line? :? ( :mrgreen: if it is :wink: )

Have a goodun


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Re: Goldie M

Post by essexbuzzard »

Now I know where all the Admirals and Commas have gone! Precious few down here this autumn. Good to see them in your garden, too. My garden is rather shady now, as the low sun doesn’t get above the trees at the back, so now butterflies for me. :(

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thank you ernie, :D I didn't see any yesterday so may be my one on the Begonia was saying goodbye :( :D

Hi! Neil, I didn't see many when I was down South and the ones I saw were hiding from the heat, they do seem to come North in Sept/Oct there's certainly not as many as Last year worst luck.

Many thanks old Wolf, I try to keep plants that flower through the year so I've always got colour, the fact is when there's no flowers in the fields the Butterflies tend to move into gardens Sept/Oct round here. Glad you liked the Rainbow's :D

Thanks Wurzel, I did wonder about that Comma but I thought it was just darker down it's edge, I've got a couple of closer shots of it, they were taken on the same day but I'm not sure it's the same Comma :roll: You know me by now :lol: Hope your right though :D

Sorry to hear that essex, I didn't see the Admiral yesterday so maybe their heading South, they say if your in the Sand Dunes at Southport in October you can see them taking off for the South, I've never seen this but I hope they head your way :D

I'll put a couple of shots in of that Comma Wurzel, from the 27th Goldie :D

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

I didn't want to get things mixed up so started a new post :D

Yesterday was a lovely day, a Red Admiral was seen but took off before I got any shots and never returned, so I'm not sure if it was too hot for it or it's gone South :roll:
The Comma's were back though and a lovely Large White which didn't clear off has usual so I was able to get some shots, I decided to try and get some under shots of the Comma because I've always liked their shape, they're a bit dark though :lol:
Lot's of mist this morning so I hope the weather picks up I'm still hoping for my first Peacock in the Garden for the year :D Goldie :D

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ernie f
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Re: Goldie M

Post by ernie f »

Goldie - I like to try to get underneath a butterfly to get its picture if I can and you've done the Comma proud in this respect. The second and third from last shots are brilliant.

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Ernie F
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