Bugboys mission

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

25th August, back to Bookham part 2

It was Dave who once again saved the day, spotting a female basking in dappled sunlight not long after noon :) .
She fluttered here and there, did a bit of egg laying from time to time before vanishing across the meadow in the direction of one of the lone Oaks. I searched out one of the eggs layed whilst Dave kept an eye on her, and found it was next to an older one, proving not all doubles are laid by the same female at the same time.
We wandered around a bit more, noting the darkening sky to the north that looked to threaten rain, both of us concluding it was probably not worth staying any longer. It was as Dave was saying his farewells that another female flew out from the hedge next to us and landed a bit further along on a Hazel, quite high up.

We both spent a bit of time trying to find the best angle to take pictures from and actually achieved some rather interesting images, particularly with the dark clouds as a backdrop.
Some small breaks in the cloud tempted her to bask and a more prolonged sunny spell encouraged her to flutter over the hedge where we located her again basking flat out on some bracken. Sadly she flew off before I had time to switch lenses but Dave got a few shots :mrgreen: . For a third time we located her, again sat in a Hazel before she finally flew out of sight into a nearby Oak. We compared images of the two Hairstreaks and concluded they were indeed two separate individuals meaning a two nil win for me :D .
Now it really was time to go home but I left happy, Hairstreaks 4 bugboy 6 :D

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by millerd »

That turned into a very good day in the end, Buggy. Give it a day or two and I'll post my shots from slightly different angles... :D Yours give a real feel for what the day was like and the character of the butterfly. :)


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Janet Turnbull »

Well done with the Brostreaks, Bugboy - a lovely set of shots. -Janet

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

Great that the Brostreaks turned up in the end - looks like Fergie time paid off :wink: :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Thanks Dave, Its always interesting to compare photo's from the same outing :)
Thanks Janet :) , persistence payed off :D
Thanks Wurzel, yup just a little bit of extended extra time did the trick! Depending on the weather there still might be the chance for one more hunt, perhaps for some decrepit females getting rid of the last of their eggs!

28th August

Just an hours wander around my local patch today after work, since the sun decided to break through the clouds. Not a great deal was about, indeed there were far more people than butterflies. Small And Green-veined Whites were relatively numerous but they and a couple of Specklies avoided my camera. There were a couple of Comma’s, one of whom did pose for me, quite a pale late summer individual.
On the return I took a wander out in the meadow where a handful of Meadow Browns flitted around in the evening sun and I disturbed a single Small Copper.
Not much but still a nice way to end a day

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

Fabulous, BB. Your images of the wider panorama give a good impression of what it's like when you actually see a Brown Hairstreak.

I never tire of them and I honestly don't know how I'd fill late August into September if they weren't around. Such a fascinating species.

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Goldie M »

Great Bros Streak shot's Bugboy, :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I really envy them :D You've certainly more Butterflies there than we have up here Buggy. Goldie :D

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

Looking out of the window at the autumnal scene that H.Comma seems wildly out of place even if we are still technically in summer :shock: :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Andrew555 »

Love the Graylings with the glimpse of open wing. And you got some lovely Adonis and Brostreak shots. :mrgreen: :D

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by ernie f »

I've just been going back through your Brostreak pics. Its amazing how different such pictures can look on a cloudy day and yet you have still managed to keep them sharp. I love it.

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Thanks for all the comments guys :). Ernie, those clouds were in the distance, above us and the Hairstreak was relatively bright. Had it been that cloudy there's no way I'd have been able to get anything sharp!

5th September, back out at last

It feels like an age since I last had the chance to get out, indeed a whole new season has descended since I was last chasing butterflies! Anyway it was a tossup between Box Hill and/or Denbies or Bookham. I had a few things to do in the morning so I couldn’t get going until quite late on so I plumped for Bookham, figuring I’d get there in time for the golden hours of Hairstreak activity. On arrival there was a lot of activity from the local Specklies, mostly now ghostly versions of their former selves.
I found a few Coppers as I wandered the hedgerows, all males as far as I could tell and mostly fresh indicating a new brood is just starting to emerge. I watched a couple of these fresh ones have a minor scuffle before one settled, closely followed by the second close by, whereupon the second one sidled up close. Perhaps he practicing his moves for when the females appear?
Small Copper.gif
In amongst the ghostly Specklies, the occasional fresh specimen stuck out like a sore thumb, looking especially dark.
A few more circuits of the Hairstreak hotspots threw up much the same collection of butterflies, but no Hairstreaks.

I decided to have a wander into the wood to see if anything was around there, perhaps a second gen White Admiral? Nothing except more Specklies and hordes of Darter Dragonflies. Close inspection found both Common and Ruddy Darters, distinguishable by the pale longitudinal stripes on the legs of the Common Darters compared to the solid black of the Ruddy Darters.
On the return I checked on the trio of Purple Hairstreak eggs near the car park, finding the first two healthy but the third one had clearly been parasitized at some point and is now just an empty shell with a hole in it.
Another couple of circuits of the hedgerow still came up blank on the Hairstreak front but I come across an unusual fly I have never seen before. can't find anything like it on the interweb either
More Coppers and a few Fresh Small Heath started to appear mid-afternoon, the Heaths looking more normal than the sandy coloured ones that were appearing during the height of the summers dry spell.
I ended the afternoon looking round a patch of Blackthorn where both Pauline and I had found several larvae earlier in the season but to no avail. I did find a Common Blue posing, a couple of flies having a standoff and a rather nice dusky caeruleopunctata to finish the day off.
No target species but certainly not a write off :) !

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by millerd »

Very nice Coppers, Buggy! :) I wondered when the third brood would kick off properly down at Bookham. Sounds like the Hairstreaks have pretty well called it a day now, sadly. :( I did wonder if you see a White Admiral though...



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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

Some very nice Coppers indeed Bugboy, the gif made me smile which was much needed as I'm back at work now :? That Specklie does look very dark could that be something to do with the temperature during pupation?

Have a goodun


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

Beautiful array of colours there, BB. Love the moving image of the Small Copper. Looks like a blind side manoeuvre to me! :)

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Goldie M »

Lovely Copper shots Bugboy, I particularly like the moving couple with one moving up the stalk :lol: Goldie :D

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Thanks for the comments :). Looks like there may be another strong third brood down at Bookham again. For me it's the best place to guarantee a good supply of Small Coppers :), possibly one of the best places outside of Dungerness!

9th September, Shoreham

Trevor's recent reports from Shoreham Harbour (plus one from Dave Cook who also stumbled across a Brown Hairstreak there) are what sealed Sunday's destination. A chance to tick off species number 54, and barring any vagrants, the final species for the year.

It was impossible to get there early enough to catch the Clouded Yellows warming up, a Sunday ‘service’ on southern railways isn’t something you can really plan for. It was already warm and sunny when I arrived at 10 and it didn’t take long for the first male to zoom past me, great now just to find one settled and I started to pray for a nice fat cloud to drift over, just a small one for a minute or two. It didn't happen, there was just patches of thin high cloud here today, but that is the law of the sod for you :roll: .

As the morning progressed a few more started appearing and I probably ended up seeing around half a dozen, all males. There was a bit of activity at the eastern end where some Buddleja seemed rather popular.
A cheeky glimpse of uppers
A cheeky glimpse of uppers
I happened to be following another, rather tatty one, when the high cloud thickened enough for him to decide he should take a break. Rather inconsiderately he decided the best place was in amongst the grass stems but I eventually managed to get the right angle.
Meanwhile the activity was increasing on and around the Buddleja and it was here that I found the majority of the other butterfly life too, perhaps searching for some shelter from the persistent stiff westerly that was being most unhelpful. The most numerous butterfly of the morning was the Common Blue with perhaps a dozen flying around, mostly in tip top condition. All three common Whites were as usual, present but there was no sign of Dave Cooks Hairstreak.
I watched this one searching for a suitable place to deposit her eggs
I watched this one searching for a suitable place to deposit her eggs
She found some Medick
She found some Medick
So, target achieved :D next stop Mill Hill for the afternoon :) .

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by trevor »

How Cloudie behaviour can vary !. On both my visits they just flew past the Buddleia,
I waited up by the fuel tanks, where the Buddleia is hoping for one to land. Your shots
are just what I was hoping for.
Still the season is young at Shoreham, it will probably get better over the next few weeks,
providing the weather doesn't spoil things.

Pleased you had a fruitful trip,

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by millerd »

As Trevor says, different days, different behaviour! :) The buddleia was ignored today (around midday), with incessant patrolling by the only two Cloudies I saw down there - unless the sun went in when they dropped like stones to the path and tried to disappear.

I particularly like the teaser shot of a bit of upperside... :) The Blues are good too - bright and new. :)


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

Wow Bugboy that first Cloudy is a cracker I don't think I've seen one that yellow before :shock: :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Maximus »

Nice shots of the Cloudies, Bugboy, the last shot in particular. Fifty four is a great tally for the year, you've worked hard for it though :D

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