ernie f

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Re: ernie f

Post by David M »

Lovely images of a beautiful butterfly, ernie. How I wish I had them close by me.

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ernie f
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Re: ernie f

Post by ernie f »

Neil - I've seen wood ant nests in Dorset and they can get to be huge piles. One day this nest here might get so big it could consume the wooden post. Re the old sci-fi film - I can imagine nowadays someone coming along with a big spray-gun of Nippon or Ant-stop. End of movie! :lol:

Wurzel - After your comment I looked again at my Chalkhill pic and I do believe you are right. One of the spots is completely absent and many others are much reduced. Thanks for pointing it out.

David - Thanks. I know what you mean about butterflies far away. I am always envious of other people's pics of say Mountain Ringlet or Swallowtail.


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Re: ernie f

Post by ernie f »

Folly Hill Heath - 21st July 2018

The view north from the top of the Iron Age Hillfort. It appears the aliens have landed!
They've landed (1).JPG
A different route across the heath yielded a further 8 Grayling today, bringing my total this year at this location to 15. My previous record here was 13 and I have not covered all the heath yet. Looks like another butterfly species that is doing well this year. Todays pics...
Also 1 Common Blue, Large White, many Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown and Speckled Wood and 1 Small Copper.
Non-butterfly Snapshot of the day

I came across this beetle today. I cannot quite work it out. Does anyone know what it is?
unknown beetle - 21July2018 Folly Hill Heath.JPG

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Re: ernie f

Post by Wurzel »

What is that Spaceship Ernie? :shock: I don't know what beetle that is but my pupils would describe it as 'hench' :shock: :lol:

Have a goodun


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Re: ernie f

Post by ernie f »

Wurzel - I honestly don't know what the "Spaceship" is. I guess its something military because its not far from Farnborough airfield.

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Re: ernie f

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Wurzel - After a bit of online research about that "Spaceship" I have found that the official line is that it is the Bourley Hill Covered Reservoir near Aldershot. However it is on active MOD land part way between the Farnborough Air Research establishment and airfield, Odiham Chinook Helicopter airfield and Aldershot army barracks. So whether you believe this or not depends on whether or not you believe something this elaborate would be constructed to cover a water supply.

I still prefer the grounded spaceship idea. :D

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Re: ernie f

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! ernie, two Butterflies I've not seen this year yet ,( your shots of a Grayling and of all things a Small Copper) :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D I usually see the Grayling at Southport or Gait Barrow but none had emerged when I was at these places, in fact the North was completely opposite to the South this year in that respect. :D so your shots are good to see, I don't think the Grayling are in Kent so I'll have to try again when I get home. :D Goldie :D

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ernie f
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Re: ernie f

Post by ernie f »

Goldie - I hope you have some luck with Grayling and Small Copper soon. Its quite odd down here, the Grayling are doing well but the Small Copper don't seem to be at the moment.

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Re: ernie f

Post by ernie f »

I could not get out today as I was feeling very poorly so no butterfly post today. It may have been heat stroke. I hope so because the only alternative I can come up with is Lyme disease and I certainly don't want that! :(

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Re: ernie f

Post by Wurzel »

'They' say it's a covered reservoir but we all know that it's an Alien craft hanger a la Roswell :wink: :lol:
Hope you're on the mend and it was only heat stroke :?

Have a goodun


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ernie f
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Re: ernie f

Post by ernie f »

Noar Hill - 23rd July 2018

Feeling a bit better today I got out for about an hour, trying to stay in the shade as much as possible. Noar Hill is one of my closest Nature Reserves and around now and throughout August is Brown Hairstreak time so today my quest was for this butterfly.

I saw quite a few species including MB&R&G&SpWd, Lwh&Swh&Mwh&GVwh, Brimstone, Peacock, Small Skip, Comma, Common and Holly Blues, SW and DG Frits, 1 Purple Hairstreak, two 6-spot Burnet, a Silver-Y and yes 2 male Brown Hairstreaks. They repeatedly sparred up in the canopy but that is where they stayed. They were on their usual master tree which here, unusually, is a Beech Tree. In past years the numbers of males on this single tree can climb to six but I must admit I wasn’t expecting any today being right at the start of their flight season.

Here is todays pic taken around 9.40 am but its really only a record shot. Can you see him?
It is rare that I am able to take pics of both the Silver Washed and Dark Green Frits in the same place on the same day but today was one of those - both were showing signs of wear by now though.
And I am rather pleased with my underwing shot of a nectaring Peacock showing its patterning, normally just a silhouette.
As it is my first spot of the year for the Brown Hairstreak, its time to share some of my past pics of this butterfly. All of them from Noar Hill.
Brown Hairstreak - female - underside (4).JPG
Brown Hairstreak - female - underside (17).JPG
Brown Hairstreak - female - underside (18).JPG
Brown Hairstreak - female (8).JPG
Brown Hairstreak - female (16).jpg
Brown Hairstreak - female (18).JPG
Brown Hairstreak - male (6).JPG
Brown Hairstreak - male (7).JPG
Brown Hairstreak - male (10).JPG
Brown Hairstreak - male (13).JPG
Brown Hairstreak - male (21).JPG
Brown Hairstreak - male (28).JPG
Non-butterfly Snapshot of the day.

Because its so unusual to find Brown Hairstreaks using a Beech Tree as a master tree, here is its picture. Just a regular, although mature Beech, but it does have Ash, Blackthorn and Hemp Agrimony adjacent. It is the highest tree in the immediate vicinity so perhaps its not that much of a surprise after all.
Brown Hairstreak Master Tree when there were three on it.JPG

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Re: ernie f

Post by Wurzel »

I've got a few of those type of Hairstreak shots Ernie :D :roll: :lol: Won't be long now until they're coming down proper 8)
With Ash die-back hopefully this switch to a different master tree will catch on :)

Have a goodun


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Re: ernie f

Post by David M »

I'm sure there'll be plenty of Brown Hairstreaks this year to bring the curtain down on the season, ernie.

Looks like everything's set for them.

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Janet Turnbull
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Re: ernie f

Post by Janet Turnbull »

Those previous shots of Brostreaks are gorgeous, Ernie - may you have as much luck this year! Hope you're feeling 100% again now - the heat certainly gets to us.

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ernie f
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Re: ernie f

Post by ernie f »

Thanks, all.

Janet - I am feeling a little better now but even an hour in the sun is exhausting for me at the moment. Whenever I can I walk and stand in shade. I must have had a mild form of heatstroke but it kept me bedridden for almost a day.

David - I hope so too. This is the only place I will be going that I know has them, so I'm hoping for a bumper crop here this year.

Wurzel - It may be that all the Hairstreaks are trying out new "homes". So far this year I have seen Purple Hairstreaks on Ash, Green Hairstreaks on Sycamore and Brown Hairstreaks on Beech. Its a bit like that children's party game where they all walk around some chairs while music plays and when it stops they have to find a seat, but an adult has removed one of the chairs so one child cannot sit and so loses, .. etc, except this game is played with trees and butterflies! Of course I am trying to make a joke of something that is quite serious. I only learnt last week of a virus sweeping across Europe that is infecting and killing a whole variety of trees, including Oak! We have already had problems with our Chestnut trees around my way recently too.

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Re: ernie f

Post by ernie f »

Noar Hill - 24th July 2018

Today there were three male Brostreaks (thanks Janet for the name contraction) all flying at once on the Beech but none low down. (They only come down for Pauline at the moment). :D

I can add Red Admiral and Small Heath to yesterday’s roll-call of species. Whilst most of the summer nectaring flowers are blooming now, I was surprised how few butterflies there were. Only the Meadow Brown and Gatekeeper were getting into double figures. I did get there early so this may have been a factor but I left at 9.45 am and it was already 22 degrees.

This lovely moth stayed in the shade as much as possible. I think it is a Shaded Broad-bar but it has almost unbelievable clarity in it’s markings. All the times I have seen this species in the past, the patterning is far more evenly coloured. Maybe this is the first time I have seen a very fresh one. If I have the ID wrong - please let me know.
Shaded broad-bar (1).JPG
Non-butterfly Snapshot of the day

This is I think the Robin’s Pincushion Gall. I’ve seen this common Wasp Gall before at different places at Noar Hill but today, this one was in “The Scrape”.
Robins Pincushion Gaul.JPG

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Re: ernie f

Post by ernie f »

Noar Hill - 25th July 2018

I was here half an hour later than yesterday and the number of butterflies had more than doubled so coming early, even when its hot does seem to have an effect. Many won’t have fully “woken-up”. For example I saw 4 Holly Blues today, 8 Speckled Wood and the SW Frits and S&L Whites joined the Meadow Browns and Gatekeepers in double figures. I also got a Comma and a Peacock plus the usual Common Blues and Small Heaths. There were 2 Red Ads but one was very tatty with a large chunk out of one of its wings.

I didn’t get any decent pics today so here is one from the past at around this time of year to compensate. I always like pics when at least three species are all represented at once but the opportunities don’t present themselves that often. I did see all the species on this pic, just not all at the same time today.
Peacock - Red Admiral and SW Fritillary (3).jpg
There were still three male Brostreaks on the Beech Tree. One visited the tops of the Hazel that line the path here. There was another on an Ash beside the top gate into the reserve and another flitting around near but not in “The Triangle” so the total I have seen here this year so far is now five and numbers will continue to increase over the coming days I would hope.

Non-butterfly Snapshot of the day

There won’t be any butterflies here in late autumn and I won’t be posting anything then so I thought I’d show a pic of what Noar Hill can look like then. Its still a lovely location.
Does this picture of approaching winter make you feel any cooler?

No, me neither!

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Ernie F
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Re: ernie f

Post by ernie f »

Noar Hill - 26th July 2018

As per Pauline’s recent posts I decided to visit Noar Hill in the early afternoon instead of the early morning to see if I could get lucky with Brostreaks on the ground. So I plastered myself with factor 50+ and took a brolly as a sunshade and when I got there…

… I saw not a single Brostreak, not even in the trees. This was between 12 noon and 1 pm and the temperature had already hit 31 degrees. I did see Pauline though. She had seen them earlier nectaring and was just about to leave.

Never mind – I thought I shall have a short walk into the reserve now I am here and I am so pleased I did because an absolutely pristine Painted Lady was nectaring from the Hemp Agrimony. She was there for a long time so I got 60 shots of her, of which I was able to ditch 30. Here is just a small sample from the photo-shoot.
Non-butterfly Snapshots of the day

Well, what do you know. I have run-out of non-butterfly snapshots for Noar Hill, so I am going to bend my own rule a bit (the rule that says my pic should come from the place I visited) and instead cut across to the other side of the village of Selborne (where Noar Hill is situated) to the wonderful Selborne Lavender Farm. I have to drive by this place to get to Noar Hill. They recently had their open days. My wife and I have been to these twice in recent years, they are great fun, but this year it was just too hot and indeed only a week or so afterward, everything is turning to hay so these pics are historic, say within the last three years as far as I can remember.
Wild Flower fields (30).JPG
Lavender fields (8).JPG
Lavender fields (2).JPG
Wild Flower fields (18).JPG
Sunflowers at Selborne (2).JPG
Even I think the sunflower shot looks faked but it is not. This is exactly as it was on the day.

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Re: ernie f

Post by Wurzel »

Great stuff Ernie, lovely photoshoot :D :mrgreen: I got my own PL as part of an epic day, something to look forward to reading about in the drear of October :wink: :lol: I also saw a female Brostreak wing rubbing :)One to add to the list?

Have a goodun


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Re: ernie f

Post by ernie f »

Thanks, Wurzel. Yes - definitely one to add to the list.

I'll add your text to the "General" stream topic.

The list is getting to be quite a long one now. I am currently compiling a summary of it all which I shall post there at the end of the season.


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