UKB 3.0

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Pete Eeles
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UKB 3.0

Post by Pete Eeles »

Hi all,

If you’ve managed to get any kind of decent access to UKB over the last month, then congratulations :)

I’ve spent the best part of today (and much of the last week) talking with the hosting provider, since they are “throttling” access to UKB. The website lives on a shared server and they can’t allow us to affect other websites (understandably!) that live on the same server. After much investigation, it seems that UKB (especially in this amazing season) has become too successful (!) and, no matter how much I optimise the website to reduce the resources used on the server, the one factor that I cannot control is the number of simultaneous visitors. In essence, it’s got to the point where radical thinking is required.

After much thought, I’ve decided that we’re just going to have to put up with the current performance issues for the time being, largely because I’m snowed under with work (proper work, that is) and will be on holiday before the summer is over. But the holiday will also give me time to think about what we do.

An obvious option is to upgrade to a "Virtual Private Server" that is dedicated to UKB, is on a shared machine [that’s the “virtual bit”], but does not, most importantly, share resources such as RAM and disk space, which would be ring-fenced just for us. If this is gobbledegook to you then don’t worry - the point is that we’d never ever get throttled again! The big problem is that this solution is really expensive. While I’ve covered the cost of hosting UKB myself since it started, I won’t be able to do this moving forward if we take this approach. Given the number of images and other files we host, we need a solution that will cost us between £45 and £89 per month (I need to confirm the configuration we need). Although we would be able to reinstate the images I had to remove to keep the file count below 300,000 :)

In summary - a significant change is in order and it’s time to “raise the bar” once again (at least, that’s how I see it).

If you do have any ideas / comments, then do let me know. You can always email me directly at And thanks to those of you that have offered help in the past .. I'll be in touch in due course. Signing up a major sponsor would clearly be an option :) If you work for, or know, an organisation that is willing to cover the costs (let's assume £3000 to cover a 3-year sponsorship deal, as a ballpark figure) then do let me know!


- Pete
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Re: UKB 3.0

Post by CallumMac »

Hi Pete,

Interesting to read this - I'm sure we all fully sympathise with the challenge of keeping the site running smoothly when we're all uploading so many photographs on a daily basis! I can't speak for others, so I thought I would put this idea out to the crowd rather than sending you a PM, to see what others think.

Something that has become very popular among makers of content aimed at my generation (podcasts, vlogs, etc.) is the so-called 'Patreon model', where a group of super-keen consumers of that content pay for additional content and the proceeds cover the costs of keeping the basic content coming. So for UKB, that might mean a membership scheme, which would unlock access to some kind of new, additional content - I don't know what that might be, but I'm sure somebody would have a bright idea - that users of the site would see as being worth paying for. The proceeds of that membership scheme would then pay for the current site in its full glory to be hosted, freely accessible to all.

Hypothetically, if the 20 most enthusiastic users of the site were willing to pay £2.50 per month (less than a cup of coffee from Costa!), that would raise £50 to cover hosting. Obviously the exact costs would depend on how much you decide we actually need, and how many users were willing to pay.

It's just an idea, but I'd be interested to know what you, and the other UKBers, think of it!
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Re: UKB 3.0

Post by Pete Eeles »

Thanks Callum; I appreciate your input - and many thanks to those that have contacted me privately; quite an overwhelming response!

While I've made a few adjustments to the website, that doesn't explain the 10x performance improvement that I'm currently experiencing and can only assume that the hosting company really did have problems other than traffic!

So let's wait and see if this improvement continues; it may be a result of the England v Sweden game :)


- Pete
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Re: UKB 3.0

Post by David M »

I'd be absolutely happy to contribute financially. Perhaps UKB could have a scheme whereby individuals could become 'patrons' (or something similar) for a modest fee, in much the same way as Butterfly Conservation offers different levels of membership.

Given the enjoyment this site provides to those of us who use it frequently, I see no reason why those same people wouldn't be prepared to join together collectively to provide support to Pete to allow it to continue in its current form.

Ideally, I presume the majority would prefer to keep posting images without them potentially being removed at a later date, AND to have the site respond in a super-fast way as opposed to the sluggishness (or even temporary unavailability) that has been occurring lately.
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Jack Harrison
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Re: UKB 3.0

Post by Jack Harrison »

You have hinted at getting a wealthy sponsor.

Try Boris Johnson. He's wealthy and currently out of work :evil:

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