Painted Lady (Early Stages)

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Vince Massimo
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Painted Lady (Early Stages)

Post by Vince Massimo »

The Painted Lady is a migrant to the British Isles, it being unable to overwinter at any stage of its life cycle in this country. It has permanent populations in North Africa and Arabia from which it spreads across Europe by various routes. An adult will live for around 3 weeks and surprisingly this 200 milligram insect can cover 100 miles a day. The closest butterflies to the British Isles are in Morocco and these usually start flying northwards in March, traveling significant distances before laying eggs and leaving the remainder of their journey to be completed by their offspring in successive steps, although some early pioneers may undertake the entire journey. However when the population reaches a critical mass and the food plant is in short supply, they may swarm and arrive in fresh locations en-masse, depending on favourable winds. The last such event to be recorded in the British Isles was in 2009 when numerous unforgettable spectacles were witnessed by many observers. This included watching streams of individual butterflies passing along favoured migration corridors in the countryside or seeing a field of thistles covered in thousands of insects. Parks and gardens also saw large numbers of butterflies taking nectar during this time.
Painted Lady influx - Crawley, Sussex 29-May-2009
Painted Lady influx - Crawley, Sussex 29-May-2009
In Autumn there is a reverse migration as the butterflies return en-masse to warmer climes, but this is not so obvious because they mainly fly at a higher altitude and so are difficult to observe without specialised radar equipment.

The Ovum and Larva

Eggs are usually laid singly on the upper sides of the leaves of the host plant but many may be found on individual leaves. The most favoured are various species of Thistle but other plants are used such as Artichoke, Common Nettle, Mallow (various), Burdock and Vipers-bugloss. The following account shows larval habits on Thistle. Other food plants are covered in further detail at the end.
Painted Lady migrant (egg laying) - Lancing, Sussex 8-Sept-2019
Painted Lady migrant (egg laying) - Lancing, Sussex 8-Sept-2019
The pale green barrel-shaped egg looks superficially like that of the Red Admiral or Comma, but under high magnification it has many more keels running longitudinally than those of the other species.
Painted Lady ova - Crawley, Sussex 9-May-2018
Painted Lady ova - Crawley, Sussex 9-May-2018
Painted Lady ovum - Crawley, Sussex 9-May-2018
Painted Lady ovum - Crawley, Sussex 9-May-2018
The colour gradually changes to a pale grey/green as the larva develops inside with a dark head visible at the top.
Painted Lady ovum (on Mallow) - Lancing, Sussex 15-July-2019
Painted Lady ovum (on Mallow) - Lancing, Sussex 15-July-2019
Painted Lady ovum (preparing to hatch) - Lancing, Sussex 16-July-2019
Painted Lady ovum (preparing to hatch) - Lancing, Sussex 16-July-2019
Painted Lady ova - Lancing, Sussex 27-Aug-2019
Painted Lady ova - Lancing, Sussex 27-Aug-2019
Painted Lady ovum preparing to hatch - Crawley, Sussex 6-Aug-2019
Painted Lady ovum preparing to hatch - Crawley, Sussex 6-Aug-2019
It emerges from the egg by chewing around the crown and forming a hinged lid which it pushes open. It does not eat any of the remaining eggshell (based on 137 observations).
Painted Lady larva preparing to emerge - Crawley, Sussex 6-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva preparing to emerge - Crawley, Sussex 6-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larvae emerging - Lancing, Sussex 24-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larvae emerging - Lancing, Sussex 24-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva emerging from egg - Crawley, Sussex 6-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva emerging from egg - Crawley, Sussex 6-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva emerging from egg - Crawley, Sussex 6-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva emerging from egg - Crawley, Sussex 6-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva emerging from egg - Crawley, Sussex 6-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva emerging from egg - Crawley, Sussex 6-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva (freshly emerged) - Crawley, Sussex 6-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva (freshly emerged) - Crawley, Sussex 6-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larvae 1st instars and ova - Lancing, Sussex 30-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larvae 1st instars and ova - Lancing, Sussex 30-Aug-2019
It then usually moves to the underside of a leaf (if on a thistle food plant) where it spins a silk tent above its feeding site. On other food plants such as Mallow or Burdock, it invariably stays on the top surface of the leaf (based on 115 observations).
Painted Lady larva (1st instar shelter) - Lancing, Sussex 16-July-2019
Painted Lady larva (1st instar shelter) - Lancing, Sussex 16-July-2019
Painted Lady larva (1st instar shelter) - Crawley, Sussex 10-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva (1st instar shelter) - Crawley, Sussex 10-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 1st instar - Crawley, Sussex 9-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 1st instar - Crawley, Sussex 9-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larvae 1st instar - Crawley, Sussex 10-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larvae 1st instar - Crawley, Sussex 10-Aug-2019
On thistle it feeds on the lower cuticle of the leaf, but does not break through the upper cuticle, which results in characteristic transparent "windows" in the leaf.
Painted Lady larva (1st instar feeding) - Lancing, Sussex 18-July-2019
Painted Lady larva (1st instar feeding) - Lancing, Sussex 18-July-2019
Painted Lady larva (1st instar feeding damage) - Lancing, Sussex 18-July-2019
Painted Lady larva (1st instar feeding damage) - Lancing, Sussex 18-July-2019
Painted Lady larvae 1st instar - Crawley, Sussex 1-Oct-2019
Painted Lady larvae 1st instar - Crawley, Sussex 1-Oct-2019
Painted Lady larva 1st instar - Lancing, Sussex 19-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 1st instar - Lancing, Sussex 19-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 1st instar (pre-moult) - Lancing, Sussex 20-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 1st instar (pre-moult) - Lancing, Sussex 20-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (freshly emerged) - Lancing, Sussex 20-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (freshly emerged) - Lancing, Sussex 20-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (post moult) - Lancing, Sussex 20-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (post moult) - Lancing, Sussex 20-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar - Lancing, Sussex 21-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar - Lancing, Sussex 21-July-2019
The colour of the larva can be extremely variable, even at this stage.
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar - Crawley, Sussex 14-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar - Crawley, Sussex 14-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar - Crawley, Sussex 14-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar - Crawley, Sussex 14-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar - Crawley, Sussex 14-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar - Crawley, Sussex 14-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar - Crawley, Sussex 13-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar - Crawley, Sussex 13-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva (2nd instar shelter) - Crawley, Sussex 14-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva (2nd instar shelter) - Crawley, Sussex 14-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva (2nd instar feeding damage) - Lancing, Sussex 22-July-2019
Painted Lady larva (2nd instar feeding damage) - Lancing, Sussex 22-July-2019
At the end of the 2nd instar stage the larva can be brown or grey as it approaches the next moult. The brown form tends to produce the most colourful successive instar (based on only 6 observations).
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (pre-moult) - Lancing, Sussex 22-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (pre-moult) - Lancing, Sussex 22-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (preparing to moult) - Crawley, Sussex 15-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (preparing to moult) - Crawley, Sussex 15-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (preparing to moult) - Crawley, Sussex 15-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (preparing to moult) - Crawley, Sussex 15-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (moulting) - Crawley, Sussex 15-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (moulting) - Crawley, Sussex 15-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (moulting to 3rd) - Crawley, Sussex 15-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (moulting to 3rd) - Crawley, Sussex 15-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (moulting to 3rd) - Crawley, Sussex 15-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (moulting to 3rd) - Crawley, Sussex 15-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (freshly emerged) - Crawley, Sussex 15-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (freshly emerged) - Crawley, Sussex 15-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (post moult) - Crawley, Sussex 15-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (post moult) - Crawley, Sussex 15-Aug-2019
Compare this with the resultant moult of a grey form larva.
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (pre-moult) -  Crawley, Sussex 10-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 2nd instar (pre-moult) - Crawley, Sussex 10-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (freshly emerged) - Crawley, Sussex 10-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (freshly emerged) - Crawley, Sussex 10-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (post moult) - Crawley, Sussex 10-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (post moult) - Crawley, Sussex 10-April-2018
Whilst coloured spines can sometimes appear on the larva at 2nd instar stage, more intense colouration generally starts to appear on the larva at the 3rd instar stage with up to 9 yellow projections and a broken double line on the back and a broken yellow band along the flank, all on a grey/black body. However the caterpillars can be quite variable in appearance and such features may not always be so obvious.
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar - Crawley, Sussex 12-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar - Crawley, Sussex 12-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (highly coloured) - Lancing, Sussex 23-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (highly coloured) - Lancing, Sussex 23-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (highly coloured) - Lancing, Sussex 2-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (highly coloured) - Lancing, Sussex 2-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (orange form) - Lancing, Sussex 13-Sept-2019 (L12)
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (orange form) - Lancing, Sussex 13-Sept-2019 (L12)
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (dark) - Crawley, Sussex 11-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (dark) - Crawley, Sussex 11-April-2018
Painted Lady larvae 3rd instar (dark) - Crawley, Sussex 10-April-2018
Painted Lady larvae 3rd instar (dark) - Crawley, Sussex 10-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar feeding - Crawley, Sussex 16-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar feeding - Crawley, Sussex 16-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva (3rd instar feeding damage) - Crawley, Sussex 16-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva (3rd instar feeding damage) - Crawley, Sussex 16-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (pre-moult) - Crawley, Sussex 13-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (pre-moult) - Crawley, Sussex 13-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (pre-moult) - Crawley, Sussex 14-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 3rd instar (pre-moult) - Crawley, Sussex 14-April-2018
Painted Lady larva (moulting to 4th instar) - Crawley, Sussex 15-April-2018
Painted Lady larva (moulting to 4th instar) - Crawley, Sussex 15-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (freshly emerged) - Crawley, Sussex 15-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (freshly emerged) - Crawley, Sussex 15-April-2018
The 4th instar larva has a more intense colouration. The spines are more complex and branching and a broken double line becomes increasingly visible along the back.
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (post moult) - Crawley, Sussex 14-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (post moult) - Crawley, Sussex 14-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 4th instar - Crawley, Sussex 14-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 4th instar - Crawley, Sussex 14-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 4th instar - Crawley, Sussex 16-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 4th instar - Crawley, Sussex 16-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (highly coloured) - Lancing, Sussex 26-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (highly coloured) - Lancing, Sussex 26-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (orange spines) - Crawley, Sussex 8-Oct-2019
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (orange spines) - Crawley, Sussex 8-Oct-2019
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (coloured form) - Crawley, Sussex 22-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (coloured form) - Crawley, Sussex 22-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (orange form) - Lancing, Sussex 16-Sept-2019 (L12)
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (orange form) - Lancing, Sussex 16-Sept-2019 (L12)
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (late) - Crawley, Sussex 17-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (late) - Crawley, Sussex 17-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (pre-moult) - Crawley, Sussex 18-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (pre-moult) - Crawley, Sussex 18-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (coloured form) pre-moult - Crawley, Sussex 22-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 4th instar (coloured form) pre-moult - Crawley, Sussex 22-Aug-2019
After a moult the caterpillar tends to have a transitional colouration which only lasts for less than an hour, during which time it darkens. The colour of a 5th instar larva which has freshly emerged from a moult is worth highlighting because it is quite striking and rarely recorded. The old larval skin is sometimes eaten after a moult by any instar (based on 5 observations).
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (freshly emerged) - Crawley, Sussex 19-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (freshly emerged) - Crawley, Sussex 19-April-2018
The following day (16 hours later) it is of a more conventional colouration,
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (early) - Crawley, Sussex 20-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (early) - Crawley, Sussex 20-April-2018
but this intensifies as the larva develops to full size.
Painted Lady larva 5th instar - Crawley, Sussex 20-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 5th instar - Crawley, Sussex 20-April-2018
At various stages of its development the larva is superficially similar in appearance to that of the Red Admiral, particularly if it is found feeding on nettle, however the 5th instar Painted Lady larva looks hairier, especially around the head and along the flank. Some 5th instar forms of Small Tortoiseshell larvae can also look very similar, but close inspection will show that they have green prolegs.

The 5th instar of the Painted Lady has two main colour forms. The most common is black and yellow, sometimes sprinkled with darker granules of orange, which all have black heads (which I call the dark form).
Painted Lady larva 5th instar - Crawley, Sussex 2-Dec-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar - Crawley, Sussex 2-Dec-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar - Lancing, Sussex 28-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar - Lancing, Sussex 28-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar - Crawley, Sussex 21-Oct-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar - Crawley, Sussex 21-Oct-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar - Crawley, Sussex 22-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 5th instar - Crawley, Sussex 22-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (variation) - Crawley, Sussex 18-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (variation) - Crawley, Sussex 18-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (variation) - Crawley, Sussex 23-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (variation) - Crawley, Sussex 23-April-2018
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (variation) - Lancing, Sussex 28-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (variation) - Lancing, Sussex 28-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (variation) - Crawley, Sussex 9-Nov-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (variation) - Crawley, Sussex 9-Nov-2019
The other type (which I call the coloured form) has a greater degree of yellow, cream and orange, giving it a more striking appearance.
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (coloured form) - Caterham, Surrey 5-July-2009
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (coloured form) - Caterham, Surrey 5-July-2009
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (coloured form) - Lancing, Sussex 7-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (coloured form) - Lancing, Sussex 7-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (coloured form) - Lancing, Sussex 14Sept-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (coloured form) - Lancing, Sussex 14Sept-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (coloured form) - Crawley, Sussex 20-Sept-2019 (L12)
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (coloured form) - Crawley, Sussex 20-Sept-2019 (L12)
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (coloured form) - Lancing, Sussex 20-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (coloured form) - Lancing, Sussex 20-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (coloured form) - Lancing, Sussex 19-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (coloured form) - Lancing, Sussex 19-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (coloured form) - Lancing, Sussex 19-Oct-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (coloured form) - Lancing, Sussex 19-Oct-2019
There is also a third variable form which is found less often and is very pale and has a reddish brown head instead of a black one. There may also be some overlap with the coloured form which usually also has a reddish brown head.
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (pale form) - Gatwick, Sussex 1-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (pale form) - Gatwick, Sussex 1-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (pale form) - Lancing, Sussex 21-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (pale form) - Lancing, Sussex 21-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (pale form) - Lancing, Sussex 31-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (pale form) - Lancing, Sussex 31-Aug-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (pale form) - Lancing, Sussex 13-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar (pale form) - Lancing, Sussex 13-Sept-2019
The colour of the 5th instar can change as it grows and I have noted a pink and yellow larva developing into a white and yellow one over the course of a few days.

Unsurprisingly there are numerous hurdles for the larva to overcome, including parasitism by small wasps.
Painted lady larva 5th instar (parasitised) - Lancing, Sussex 4-Sept-2019
Painted lady larva 5th instar (parasitised) - Lancing, Sussex 4-Sept-2019
In the case of this larva, 122 Braconid wasps emerged from their cocoons. Three out of four larvae collected from the wild were parasitised in this way at 5th instar stage. Pauline Richards (UKB) reported that two of three larvae were similarly affected in September 2109, so that is a total of five out of seven being parasitised. However this is too small a sample to draw any conclusions.
Parasitic wasps - Crawley, Sussex 17-Sept-2019
Parasitic wasps - Crawley, Sussex 17-Sept-2019
By the 3rd instar the caterpillar will start perforating the leaves and at the 4th instar stage it will start feeding at the leaf edges, moving out more into the open where it will form increasingly larger and untidy shelters.These take the form of silk and folded leaves, mixed with droppings and (when on Thistles) uneaten spines. These characteristic structures are enlarged as required or new ones are formed elsewhere on the plant. These tents can become quite prominent either in isolation or in groups.
Painted Lady larval shelter (3rd instar) on thistle - Lancing, Sussex 2-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (3rd instar) on thistle - Lancing, Sussex 2-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (4th instar) on thistle - Lancing, Sussex 7-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (4th instar) on thistle - Lancing, Sussex 7-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (4th instar) on thistle species - Lancing, Sussex 19-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (4th instar) on thistle species - Lancing, Sussex 19-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar in shelter - Lancing, Sussex 31-July-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar in shelter - Lancing, Sussex 31-July-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (vacant) - Shoreham, Sussex 28-July-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (vacant) - Shoreham, Sussex 28-July-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (vacant) - Shoreham, Sussex 28-July-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (vacant) - Shoreham, Sussex 28-July-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (vacant) - Shoreham, Sussex 28-July-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (vacant) - Shoreham, Sussex 28-July-2019
Larval shelters will differ according to the food plant. On Common Mallow the larvae tend to stay on the upper side of the leaf.
Painted Lady larval shelter (1st instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 8-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (1st instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 8-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (2nd instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 19-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (2nd instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 19-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (2nd instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 20-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (2nd instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 20-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (3rd instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 7-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (3rd instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 7-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (3rd instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 1-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (3rd instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 1-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (3rd instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 3-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (3rd instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 3-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (3rd instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 3-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (3rd instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 3-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (4th instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 1-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (4th instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 1-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (5th instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 7-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (5th instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 7-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (5th instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 14-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (5th instar) on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 14-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (5th instar) on Tree Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 14-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (5th instar) on Tree Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 14-Sept-2019
They also have the same habit on Burdock.
Painted Lady larval shelter (1st instar) on Burdock - Lancing, Sussex 1-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (1st instar) on Burdock - Lancing, Sussex 1-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (2nd instar) on Burdock - Lancing, Sussex 1-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (2nd instar) on Burdock - Lancing, Sussex 1-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelters (2nd instars) on Burdock - Lancing, Sussex 14-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelters (2nd instars) on Burdock - Lancing, Sussex 14-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelters (3rd instar) on Burdock - Lancing, Sussex 1-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelters (3rd instar) on Burdock - Lancing, Sussex 1-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (4th instar) on Burdock - Lancing, Sussex 7-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (4th instar) on Burdock - Lancing, Sussex 7-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (5th instar) on Burdock - Lancing, Sussex 15-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (5th instar) on Burdock - Lancing, Sussex 15-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (5th instar) on Burdock - Shoreham, Sussex 20-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (5th instar) on Burdock - Shoreham, Sussex 20-Sept-2019
While, on Common Nettle, the shelters are sufficiently distinctive to be able to differentiate them from those of Red Admiral.
Painted Lady larval shelter (3rd instar) on nettle - Lancing, Sussex 1-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (3rd instar) on nettle - Lancing, Sussex 1-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (4th instar) on nettle - Lancing, Sussex 7-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (4th instar) on nettle - Lancing, Sussex 7-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (4th instar) on nettle - Lancing, Sussex 9-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (4th instar) on nettle - Lancing, Sussex 9-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (5th instar) on Nettle - Crawley, Sussex 16-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval shelter (5th instar) on Nettle - Crawley, Sussex 16-Sept-2019
One example was found of larval feeding damage on Vipers Bugloss leaves. This suggested that the larva fed primarily beneath the leaves, which would be logical because this plant is the most closely related to thistles where it has the same habit.
Painted Lady larval feeding damage on Vipers Bugloss - Lancing, Sussex 28-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval feeding damage on Vipers Bugloss - Lancing, Sussex 28-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval feeding damage on Vipers Bugloss - Lancing, Sussex 28-Sept-2019
Painted Lady larval feeding damage on Vipers Bugloss - Lancing, Sussex 28-Sept-2019
When fully grown and ready to pupate, many caterpillars will do so on the host plant inside a tent of silk and folded leaves, but others will leave the plant to pupate in sheltered spots in nearby vegetation. I have also found a pupa inside a shed which was several metres from the host plant.
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Vince Massimo
Administrator & Stock Contributor
Administrator & Stock Contributor
Posts: 1856
Joined: Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:36 pm
Location: Crawley, Sussex

Re: Painted Lady (Early Stages)

Post by Vince Massimo »

The Pupa

When ready to pupate the larva suspends itself by its tail from a silk pad and hangs in a “J” position.
Painted Lady larva (suspended for pupation) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady larva (suspended for pupation) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady larva (40 mins. before pupation) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady larva (40 mins. before pupation) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady larva (10 mins. before pupation) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady larva (10 mins. before pupation) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady larva (commencing pupation) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady larva (commencing pupation) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady larva (commencing pupation) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady larva (commencing pupation) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Pupation 24-April-2018
Attaching cremaster 24-April-2018
Attaching cremaster 24-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (freshly emerged) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (freshly emerged) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (1 hour old) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (1 hour old) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (4 hours old) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (4 hours old) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (6 hours old) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (6 hours old) - Crawley, Sussex 24-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (24 hours old) - Crawley, Sussex 25-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (24 hours old) - Crawley, Sussex 25-April-2018
The pupae of this species have two main colour forms, plus some variability within the forms themselves. First there is the golden/brown form.
Painted Lady pupa (golden/brown form) - Crawley, Sussex 26-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (golden/brown form) - Crawley, Sussex 26-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (golden/brown form) - Crawley, Sussex 26-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (golden/brown form) - Crawley, Sussex 26-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (ventral view) - Crawley, Sussex 26-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (ventral view) - Crawley, Sussex 26-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (dorsal view) - Crawley, Sussex 26-April-2018
Painted Lady pupa (dorsal view) - Crawley, Sussex 26-April-2018
Although occasionally a pure golden form will crop up.
Painted Lady pupa (gold form) - Gatwick, Sussex 9-Aug-2019
Painted Lady pupa (gold form) - Gatwick, Sussex 9-Aug-2019
The other type is the pearly/grey form.
Painted Lady pupa (pearly/gray form) - Crawley, Sussex 4-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (pearly/gray form) - Crawley, Sussex 4-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (pearly/gray form) - Crawley, Sussex 4-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (pearly/gray form) - Crawley, Sussex 4-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (pearly/gray form variation) - Caterham, Surrey 15-July-2009
Painted Lady pupa (pearly/gray form variation) - Caterham, Surrey 15-July-2009
Approximately 24-18 hours prior to emergence the pupa starts to show colouration through the wing casings.
Painted Lady pupa (15 hours before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 6-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (15 hours before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 6-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (10 hours before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 6-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (10 hours before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 6-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (10 hours before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 6-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (10 hours before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 6-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (5 hours before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 7-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (5 hours before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 7-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (5 hours before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 7-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (5 hours before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 7-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (3 hours before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 7-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (3 hours before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 7-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (90 mins. before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 7-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (90 mins. before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 7-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (90 mins. before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 7-May-2018
Painted Lady pupa (90 mins. before emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 7-May-2018
Painted Lady (emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 7-May-2018
Painted Lady (emergence) - Crawley, Sussex 7-May-2018
Emergence 7-May-2018
Emergence 7-May-2018
Emergence 7-May-2018
Emergence 7-May-2018
Emergence 7-May-2018
Emergence 7-May-2018
Emergence 7-May-2018
Emergence 7-May-2018
Emergence 7-May-2018
Emergence 7-May-2018
Emergence 7-May-2018
Emergence 7-May-2018
Release 7-May-2018
Release 7-May-2018
Other observations

Post Script to the 2009 event.

At the end of the 2009 influx, on 27th September I found a half-grown larva feeding on thistle at my local site in Chaldon, Surrey. I took it into care and kept it outside in a sheltered position for most of the time in order to let it develop naturally, but on occasions of severe weather it was given extra protection. It grew very slowly in the cooler Autumnal conditions and only pupated on 2nd November. It was then given protection until the adult emerged on 17th November 2009.
Painted Lady - Caterham, Surrey 17-Nov-2009
Painted Lady - Caterham, Surrey 17-Nov-2009
This was probably one of the last of the species to emerge, although there was a report of eggs being laid on Mallow on 30th October in Newhaven, Sussex. (Courtesy of Dave Harris via Sussex BC website).

At the end of June 2019 another Painted Lady migration commenced. It was on a smaller scale than that of 2009, but it was protracted and there was some useful data gathered. On 24th August 2019 I counted 83 eggs on a single Common Mallow plant which all hatched in quick succession, suggesting that they were laid over the course of a few days.
Mallow leaf with eight Painted Lady eggs and one larva - Lancing, Sussex 24-Aug-2019
Mallow leaf with eight Painted Lady eggs and one larva - Lancing, Sussex 24-Aug-2019
Migrant females continued arriving on the south coast of Sussex over the following five weeks and these tattered butterflies were still seen to be egglaying on or around the beach at Lancing on 19th September.
Migrant female Painted Lady egg laying - Lancing, Sussex 19-Sept-2019
Migrant female Painted Lady egg laying - Lancing, Sussex 19-Sept-2019
Over the course of two days on 13th and 14th September a migrant female (with characteristic wing damage and wear) was seen to be regularly laying eggs on the same Common Mallow plant that was monitored in August. By the end of the day on the 13th, there were 53 eggs on the plant and by the end of the following day the total had risen to 112. There were 4 other butterflies seen regularly nearby, but these were all fresher individuals (assumed to be home grown) which were only interested in nectaring, so I surmised that the migrant was responsible for the majority of the eggs. By the next day she had gone and was not seen again.

Eggs laid on or around 19th September at Lancing, Sussex gave rise to larvae that were still active on 28th November. On that date three 5th instars were found basking on their Mallow food plants which were growing in a very sheltered location on the seafront path.
Painted Lady larva 5th instar - Lancing, Sussex 28-Nov-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar - Lancing, Sussex 28-Nov-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 28-Nov-2019
Painted Lady larva 5th instar on Mallow - Lancing, Sussex 28-Nov-2019
Painted Lady larval habitat context - Lancing, Sussex 28-Nov-2019
Painted Lady larval habitat context - Lancing, Sussex 28-Nov-2019

Images of Adults
Painted Lady - Caterham, Surrey 28-July-2009
Painted Lady - Caterham, Surrey 28-July-2009
Painted Lady - Chiddingfold, Surrey 16-July-2009
Painted Lady - Chiddingfold, Surrey 16-July-2009
Painted Lady - Mill Hill, Sussex 29-Sept-2018
Painted Lady - Mill Hill, Sussex 29-Sept-2018
Painted Lady (dark form - reared) - Crawley, Sussex 9-May-2018
Painted Lady (dark form - reared) - Crawley, Sussex 9-May-2018
Painted Lady (migrant female) - Lancing, Sussex 8-Sept-2019
Painted Lady (migrant female) - Lancing, Sussex 8-Sept-2019
Painted Lady - Mill Hill, Sussex 29-Sept-2018
Painted Lady - Mill Hill, Sussex 29-Sept-2018
Painted Lady - Caterham, Surrey 25-July-2009
Painted Lady - Caterham, Surrey 25-July-2009
It has taken me 10 years to complete this report and my thanks go to Pete Eeles for organising the livestock for the 2018 photos. A major revision to this report was made in July, August and September 2019 further detailing the 1st and 2nd instars after finding many eggs and larvae on Mallow and Burdock at Lancing on the Sussex coast following an influx of adults.

Reading References:

The Butterflies of Britain and Ireland (Thomas and Lewington 2014)
UK Butterflies website
Also: The Great Butterfly Adventure (Africa to Britain) - ITN Productions 2016

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Vince Massimo
Administrator & Stock Contributor
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Joined: Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:36 pm
Location: Crawley, Sussex

Re: Painted Lady (Early Stages)

Post by Vince Massimo »

Following the Painted Lady influx of 2019 I have made some major revisions and updates to the original report. Most of these are in Part One, but it will be clear where all the new images are as these are all dated 2019. There are also several new observations.

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