Bugboys mission

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

18th March,

Since winter came back with vengeance there was nothing for it but take my new lens out for another test drive with birds in mind. I figured I’d go the London wetlands Centre again and see if I could get some better pictures of some of the residents. Bitterns it would seem had heard about my new lens and were all in hiding (or gone to wherever they spend the summer), none were seen whilst I was there.

Despite the wintry scenery the signs of spring were there to be seen, Great-crested Grebes were all now sporting breeding plumage
And a pair of Sand Martin had turned up to get first dibs on the artificial sand bank.
Although the Bitterns were all in hiding, a Common Snipe was putting on a really good show, practically showing off as though it was auditioning for the front cover of the Snipe edition of Vogue!
At the other end of the reserve (not auditioning for Snipe Vogue) were a couple of it’s smaller, less common relative, the Jack Snipe.
I also managed a slightly confusing image, where does one Gull end and the other begin :shock::?:
A quiet but pleasant day but with April less than two weeks away I just hope winter ends soon!

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Andrew555 »

Lovely Snipe Bugboy, great close shots. Nice to have a co-operative subject. :D


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

Some mighty fine shots with your new lens Bugboy :D :mrgreen: , I've not seen a Jack Snipe for years but when you get a view like what you had the're really stand out different from a Snipe :D Just seems odd that there are Sand Martens while there is still snow on the ground, mind you they say 'in like a Lion, out like a Lamb' so fingers crossed we'll have a very good spring when it finally arrives :?

Have a goodun


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Goldie M »

Lovely shots Bugboy, it looks like it was a good out lay buying your Lens, well worth it. Goldie :D

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Thanks Andrew, yes he was exceedingly cooperative and he had only two observers for the entire time!
Thanks Wurzel, I have my fingers crossed winter has now finally ended, I have the last week of March booked off... I do hope that statement isn't noticed by Mr sod and his law :roll:
Thanks Goldie, I'm trying to get the most out of it before I go back to my macro for the butterflies...

19th March, 2 Tree Island

My new lens had a day out in Essex today, seeing what it could do with flocks of waders. I got there an hour or so before high tide, just in time to witness the magnificence of a wader murmuration as Knots and Dunlin came into the sheltered lagoon to sit it out. It took some time for them to settle, several times all flying up for a couple more circuits and quite often almost within touching distance above my head, the sound of them whirling around just adding to the spectacle. I don't think any pictures can ever do justice to this kind of thing but armed with my new lens it would have been rude to not let it have a go, although it was very much a case of point and shoot and hope the autofocus could work out what was going on! Because of this I did come home with well over 1000 images to sift through :oops:
More signs of spring were around, despite the snow on the ground and the bitingly cold wind, some of the Black-tailed Godwit were moulting into their striking summer plumage
Elsewhere all the usual winter visitors were still hanging around, the Brent Geese were much closer today than on previous visits
And good numbers of ducks were still active, Shoveler, Teal and Shelduck making up the majority
Although the lagoon was full of Knot and Dunlin there was still room for small numbers of other species, Avocet, Oystercatcher, Curlew, Grey Plover, Redshank and some Bar-tailed Godwit
Throughout the afternoon (I sat in the hide for about 3 hours, sheltering from the wind and watching all the activity going on) something kept spooking the birds and finally on the fifth or sixth time everything went airborn I found the culprit, a Marsh Harrier. Here it is trying top blend in with some Avocet
A thoroughly good few hours. (I promise I'll post some butterfly images soon)

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Andrew555 »

Safe to say that lens has definitely proved it's worth Bugboy. :D Great shots of those flocks, and the other birds. :D


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Thanks Andrew, I agree, it did well with those moving targets :)

20th March

One last trip out with the new lens today before back to work for a week. This time I was after woodland creatures in Epping forest, which don't sit still like the coastal relatives. I managed a few though.
I promise the next post I make will have at least one butterfly in it!

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

Great set of bird shots Bugboy - that new lens is a peach :D :mrgreen: Hopefully there will be at least one or two good butterfly days in the forseeable future :?

Have a goodun


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

Don't worry about the lack of butterflies in your images, BB, the bird photos more than compensate, particularly the ones of the Marsh Harrier being 'harried'. :)

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Thnaks Wurzel and David, yes it is proving its worth and no need to worry about a lack of butterflies anymore :D

26th March, …and we’re off! (as promised butterfly pictures are present in this post :D )

Like several others the warm springtime sun drew me out of the house in search of our favourite subjects. I normally stay local until things really get going with the locally restricted species emerging but I decided to take my new lens for its first foray into deepest Sussex, hoping its reach would help in search of Large Tortoiseshell at North Stoke. The early cloud soon vanished and by 10 it was wall to wall blue sky and with the temperature rising, layers were removed. Despite the sun and warmth though butterflies were rather thin on the ground, still feeling the effects of the recent cold spells no doubt but as noon grew close a couple of male Brimstone, my first of the year, began patrolling, such a wonderful sight!

Another butterflyer turned up for a bit but like me only Brimstones were observed. In the absence of anything settling I turned my attention to the birds. I’ve recently discovered how to combine images, hopefully this will help save Pete some memory space for the site (I’m assuming this is how it works)

There were several Buzzard encounters as they flew quite low.
collage buzzard.png
A male Great-spotted Woody was hammering away, trying to attract a mate
collage woodpecker.png
A couple of Robins were having a turf war, lots of aggressive posturing going on.
collage robins.png
And various other small birds were flitting around getting in the springtime mood. I was quite impressed how my lens picked out the female Bullfinch from in amongst the twigs, I’m so used to my macro getting totally confused with shots like that.
collage tit bullfinch.png
Neil Hulme popped by for a couple of hours but even his presence couldn’t tempt much more out of wherever it was hiding, and we concluded things really were very much in the early stages at this site currently and needed a run of a few warm days to properly wake things up.

I did manage a couple of Comma’s though, again my first of the year. The first one flew up from under my feet and settled up in some Sallows. The second one just before I left, causing my heart to miss a beat when I glanced a butterfly shaped orange blob basking on the other side of the fence.
collage comma.png
The Brimstones did start to settle but not close so here’s a 'spot the Brimstone' picture.
As I was walking back to the station I also saw my first Peacock of the year, just a flyby but plenty more chances in the coming weeks no doubt :)

So no Large Torts today but Spring has most definitely sprung (until tomorrow that it…)
collage springtime.png
Just a word of warning, if anyone’s tempted to venture here in the coming weeks, pack your wellies, you’ll need them, it’s very wet and muddy!

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by trevor »

Well done, Paul. All we need now is some sustained decent weather. All we've had so far is the odd nice day.
I have been following your bird images, superb stuff !.
As for Large Tortoiseshells you had better head for Switzerland, Guy almost has an infestation on his doorstep.

All the best,

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Andrew555 »

Great selection of bird shots Bugboy :D , what a lovely day to be out and about.
Glad you had some butterfly action as well. :D


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

A cracking start Bugboy! :D I had fun with the 'Spot the Brimstone' :D Looking forward to seeing some Large Torts - on your posting, it's a bit too far for me really :)

Have a goodun


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Goldie M »

Great start Bugboy, but i must admit it was the Robins that caught my eye :lol: Goldie :D

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

You delivered on your promise, BB! Butterflies are now on your menu and I'm sure you'll see plenty more (with hopefully a Large Tortoiseshell or two thrown in).

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Thanks Trevor, yes Guys large Torts are something to drool over aren't they :lol: !
Thanks Andrew, Yes Butterflies at last... however short lived it may be :roll:
Thanks Wurzel but don't go holding your breath for Large Torts here, It's a bit of a trek for me and I'm still struggling to get the weather to play ball with my time off work, its starting to get very frustrating :evil:
Thanks Goldie Robins are quite comical when getting territorial but all the posturing is for a good reason, if it came to blows they're quite willing to fight to the death!
I did deliver David but only just. I too am hopeful for a large Tort again this year, but far from expectant. Finding one of these elusive butterflies in the UK really is the proverbial needle in a huge haystack. Won't stop me trying though :)

29th March

Well it looks like butterflies were just a brief interlude. There was a bit of sun this morning after yesterdays monsoon but not enough for anything to show itself so my wander of local patches came up blank on that front. A shame too since much of the local Blackthorn is now in full bloom, some even starting to go over. There were plenty of bees around, Dunnocks were busy setting up their territories..
and a trio of Blue Tits were playing hide and seek in some Sallow
Blue tits.JPG
But the sun soon vanished and by noon the rain clouds came back :roll:

Things don't look too good for the rest of my break from work :(

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

Looks like it's going to be one of those 'stop, start' Springs Bugboy :? Mind you at least you have your new bit of kit to keep you occupied, soem more great avifauna shots :mrgreen: :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

bugboy wrote:...A shame too since much of the local Blackthorn is now in full bloom, some even starting to go over..
I see what you mean, BB. That's very surprising as I haven't seen it even begin to emerge near me, and we haven't had the bitter cold like you further east.

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

I think you're right Wurzel :roll:. I have heard a rumour about a mini heat wave in mid April :?: The new lens has certainly been the saving grace this spring.
It's really only this patch that flowers so early every year David. The very white patch in the centre is actually some kind of wild Cherry I think. Based on the way Blackthorn grows via suckers, I'll wager a bet that most of this is one organism.

1st April
Even on a grey, chilly Easter Sunday, most of my local patches would be teaming with people, but not wanting to waste a day without rain I spent a few hours wandering around Epping Forest this afternoon. There wasn't a great deal to see, most of the activity could be heard rather than seen in the tree tops but I came home with a few images
Playing hide and seek with a Green Woodpecker and a Goldfinch
Playing hide and seek with a Green Woodpecker and a Goldfinch
GC Grebe.JPG
I'm back to work this coming Wednesday so I'm sure that will herald the return of spring!

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

bugboy wrote:I'm back to work this coming Wednesday so I'm sure that will herald the return of spring!
Looks like your sense of pessimistic irony is going to be proved right, BB.

The forecast is dreadful all week except for one sunny day- Thursday! :(

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