At last a different Species

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At last a different Species

Post by jellyang »

Its been pretty awful weather in Norfolk for the last two weeks. In fact its been pretty lousy for the past month or so.
Some days I have struggled to see any butterflies, the odd White or Speckled Wood was about as good as it got!

Today was partly sunny but very breezy so I wasn't too suprised to see very little on my afternoon dog walk. Early evening the wind dropped a little & the sun was shining so I went to a local field to see what was around and there he was a beautiful speciman of Ringlet :D Newly hatched & waiting for me ! Now this species may not be rare but it was a eureka moment after a dismal few weeks.

Please could you all send the sun & any unwanted butterflies eastwards!

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Re: At last a different Species

Post by NickB »

Same here in Cambridge - it has been so cool and damp everything seems to be waiting for the sun!
I have seen 1 Large White in the last 2 weeks in my local cemetery - and I pass though it at least 4 times a day!
Not seen a Meadow Brown yet either.,,or a Ringlet. Anything would be a bonus!
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