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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »


0 Calendar 2018 Cover.jpg
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

And a Happy New Year to you too! :)

Those Wiltshire Walls were very nice as well, Wurzel. It's good to see them somewhere away from the coast - a reminder of when they were more widespread.


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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

HI Wurzel,

With so little Butterfly activity at this time of year, I have not browsed these diaries
seriously for a while. So I only discovered the report on your expedition to St. Peter's church
this morning. I am delighted the visit was worthwhile and you went home with some great shots.

We will have to pay the first brood a visit this spring. If there is a Spring brood at least it will
prove that there were some Ladies present in the church yard, but like you I didn't find any.

Wishing all at Wurzel Towers a Happy New Year, :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Dave :D I do have to remind myself at times that this wasn't always a coastal species :( Still they're holding on in Wiltshire :D
Cheers Trevor :D Thanks for the 'tip-off', it made having to go and collect the GCSE results more than bareable :D Definitely need to check out the site for this species this spring - even if they breed elsewhere I reckon a few 'incomers' could still set up territory here :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

January 2018

Finally got round to start work on the calendar...
1 Jan.jpg
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Wurzel wrote:... I do have to remind myself at times that this wasn't always a coastal species... Wurzel
Indeed, I remember back in the 1970s when I was but a nipper, they could be found all over the place around my mom & dads house here in the midlands...sadly no longer. The other side of that coin is that Speckled Wood was a rarity around here then and now they are everywhere.



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Re: Wurzel

Post by bugboy »

Wurzel wrote:January 2018

Finally got round to start work on the calendar...

Now you just need to finish your 2017 reports :wink:

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Happy New Year to you too Wurzel! :D love to see your Calendars and look forward to your Spring one :lol: Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Andrew555 »

Happy New Year Wurzel! :D Great shots and reports as always.
My favorite's, from Mottisfont the Painted Lady and especially the Large White on that white flower, love that shot.
And the close up of the Wall with it's wings half open from St. Peter's, head perfectly in focus, good stuff. :)

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Neil :D I can remember them flying around my Grans rockery when I was about 7 or 8 and then when I got into butterflies seriously 7 years ago they were (and still are in most places) decidedly uncommon :(
Cheers Bugboy :D Indeed - but if I wasn't behind with my PD then people might think I'd been kidnapped and replaced by an imposter :shock: :lol:
Cheers Goldie :D Yep I can't wait for the Spring ones either :D , though I can of it'll mean many more butterflies :wink:
Cheers Andrew :D I was chuffed with the Painted Lady and I don't know how the White came out so well as that was one of my usual 'grab' shots :o :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

The Devenish 16-09-2017

With the kids back at school and my sister back in Oz things were settling down and we were getting back into our usual rhythm. That being said I managed to fit in an afternoon at The Devenish between the weekend chores. The weather was settled and so for once I wasn’t racing the clouds. Upon my arrival I made my way, crunching up the path, over the gate and into the tiny paddock. I scanned around the tall stand of trees/Ivy to my left where a second gate led through a tunnel of trees to the Orchid Meadow. Almost straight away I saw what I’d expected to find – Red Admirals.
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It was hard to get an accurate count of them as the September sun was keeping them pretty active and they regularly took flight for no apparent reason; often setting off a neighbouring butterfly in the process. Most were higher up the vertiginous tree but luckily one or two stayed lower taking advantage of the fence posts with one even coming down to the deck. In amongst the Red Admirals were a few Comma, the odd White fluttered by (Brimstones and Large) and a single Peacock. All told there were probably 3 Commas and 10+ Red Admirals though, again, it was difficult to be sure. There were also a few Specklies hanging about around the gate and fluttering at mid to low levels amongst the dappled shade. One individual in particular stood out as he gave the impression of being quite fresh, almost glittering golden when the light caught him just right.
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At the top of the Paddock there’s a large dead tree which is covered in Ivy. In turn it was covered in butterflies and again it was nigh on impossible to get an accurate count as they would keep moving from nectar source to nectar source or would disturb/jostle/hassle a neighbour. I made my way through the right hand gate, past this tree and headed up the hill through the large Paddock towards the Down. As I wended my way upwards I stopped only twice, the first time for a Small Tort that didn’t return the compliment and the second for a Small Copper that did.
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On the Down proper there were still butterflies flying but capturing them on film was proving tricky although I did manage a couple more shots; Large White, Green-veined White and also a pair of Commas feeding side by side-ish from the same flower head of a Blackberry.
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I then entered the last part of the circular walk the Orchid Meadow. This is usually the most productive part of the site at any other time of year but in Autumn it can be bereft of butterflies and so it appeared today. I only managed singles of Green-veined and Specklies which stopped long enough for photos whilst Red Admirals and various other whites flew rapidly over this field seeking richer feeding grounds.
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I was almost back at the ‘Tree Tunnel’ when an orange blur flashed past out of the corner of my eye. I turned and was able to follow it and watch it land and so I cautiously approached it. My stealth wasn’t necessary though as it was very contented bumbling around the furry flower feeding. Another, brighter Copper hove into view and this one was much flightier and didn’t hang around for very long. So I went back to the aged one who was still patiently feeding.
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I came away relaxed and happy; what a cracking quick trip out; with double digits for species and some of those into double digits number wise to boot! There was me thinking the season was over…

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

At least, around here, the season still has a while to go after mid September,
but of course the best is over ( apart from some fresh Cloudies ! ). :D
Your Large White is for me the pick of the bunch, in perfect condition and displaying well.
Is it just me, or do the final flush of Large Whites look much larger than earlier broods.

Keep well,

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Andrew555 »

What a great afternoon Wurzel. :)
Lovely selection, that Large White and Copper. :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, great shots of the LW and Copper but I like the Comma on the Blackberry best, I just love to see Butterflies on fruit in September :lol: Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by bugboy »

Wonderful Autumnal selection, that Comma in particular looks so crisp I can almost pluck from my screen :)

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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

A great autumn selection, Wurzel. It was a good one, so hopefully you have a few more posts to go to take us into the new season! :) I also like that perfect Large White - they are certainly more obliging at the tag end of the sumer.


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Trevor :D Yep they do seem larger later in the year although whether they actually are or not I'm nor sure?
Cheers Andrew :D That Large White was pretty stand out for me :D
Cheers Goldie :D Those Commas were feeding up well, I reckon the juice was starting to ferment :wink: :lol:
Cheers Bugboy :D The light was just right on that one :D
Cheers Dave :D I reckon they're all sh$$$ed out by then Dave :shock: :lol: Biological imperative met they can just chill out 8)

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Larkhill 19-09-2017

As I was due to stop off at Teddy’s Vets for his meat (the excellent Ronniethe poo no less!) I made sure my camera was ready as I’d also be able to sneak in about 10 minutes at Larkhill…

I started at the main Car Park and made my way down the Eastbound path but it was very quiet – not even a White flying by. I’d worked to about half way along the path before I found my first butterfly, a Meadow Brown still looking in very good nick and certainly not decrepit as it easily escaped my lens. Further on I was stopped dead in my tracks by a glorious female blue, she was a first rate stunner and practically glowed amongst the fading green. I spent some time with her enjoying her company as she fluttered about like a fading sapphire.
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I realised I’d used all of my time and so scurried back up the path. As I beetled on a pair of Blues took off from the middle of the path and proceeded to start scraping. When they landed they did so in tandem contrary to how they’d just been behaving. It wasn’t a friendly stop though, they were just sizing each other up before they started at one another again. The victor (I assume) landed back relatively close to where they’d originally appeared from.
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Once again I started scurrying car-wards and once again I was brought to a shuddering stop but this time by a Common Lizard. It was stretched out on the base of the ‘Do not Enter Live Ordinance’ sign as if contemplating whether to risk it or not?
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Finally I made it back to the car and from there to the Vets and home without my subterfuge being detected…

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Lovely unusual Blue Wurzel, last year there seems to have been more than usual, a real treat, :D Snow forecast for here tomorrow I hope this cold weather as been helpful to this years Butterflies.Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Andrew555 »

Beautiful Blue Wurzel. :D Sometimes even a short scout around an area can reap fine rewards. :)

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