Photo walks in Bristol area

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Photo walks in Bristol area

Post by sonomoha »

Hello (-:
I started making macro photography last year with a particular interest in butterflies.
For this second season, I am looking forward to more wings and to meeting more people in my area and further for photo walks.
As for equipment, I guess it's quite ok but I am still pretty new in the UK and finding places to make photographs is a struggle in progress. As I aim for snapping a few more species every year, I am willing to go extra miles to meet like-minded people and go on camp for photography.
Some of my findings are on my Flickr photo page, please have a look for an idea. Some are featured in few local group pools like Top quality british butterflies where I try to contribute more.

I would so like to move around the country from this month, to snap in fields in your area if you are so kind and interested in Butterfly+Moth photography let us get in touch and go snap :lol: Cheers
I can't name many of them but it relaxes me to take photos of butterflies and moths :lol: :lol:
Please drop me an email for photo walks. Here are my online galleries: FlickR ; Instagram ; 500px
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Re: Photo walks in Bristol area

Post by MikeOxon »

I missed this when you posted - mainly because I'm not in the Bristol area. I enjoyed looking at your Flickr pages and hope that you managing to find more of our rather restricted number of British butterfly species. I shall look forward to seeing more of your photos in your personal diary.
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