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Re: Trevor

Post by P.J.Underwood »

Yes Trevor,it went mad after 10.45am when the sun came out.They were on your log ,down the track to the bridge and round the corner.They just kept bombing from side to side.How many,I am not sure-4+++?

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »


Today at least four species were taking salts/minerals from, usually, Bird or Animal droppings.
The one exception was a Comma, which spent ages on my baited log. A first for me was a
Silver Washed Fritillary imbibing on Horse dung, unfortunately about a quarter of it's right hand
forewing was missing.
The Purple Emperors seen today all behaved differently to previous days, by being very skittish.
Even the period of grace between the Butterfly landing and stealthy approach did not work,
and they took off at the slightest movement. This behaviour was noticed by another visitor.
Was this to do with the weather or, some other change in their development ?.

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

I must have just missed you, Philip, and yes it was going mad as I arrived.
My log proved extremely popular, with two Emperors on it at the same time.
Might see you tomorrow.


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Re: Trevor

Post by millerd »

More success, Trevor! :) and a bit of :mrgreen: Amazing to see so many species down on the ground like that. I found a Red Admiral doing this on my way back on Wednesday but no others - must be the dry weather.


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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

An enviable selection of woodland species there, Trevor.

Who can explain Purple Emperor behaviour? I'm sure even Neil Hulme and Matthew Oates are perplexed at times.

Just be grateful that they're at a place near you and occasionally give you an audience!

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Re: Trevor

Post by peterc »

What a spectacle, Trevor.

I posted on here the two (we now know it's two :) ) male PEs which were seen in Hatfield Forest on Wednesday. Someone suggested that these individuals were attracted by dog pee partly because they were about a foot above the ground on the post and on the pine tree. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?



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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Fantastic shots Trevor, I want to go to Fermyn Wood but no ones mentioned seeing them there yet, I'm ready with my tin of Tuna :lol: Goldie :D

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Doug Neve and myself had a marvellous time with the Woodland Butterflies today.
We also enjoyed the company of P.J.Underwood and Dave Cook, and our cameras were kept busy.
During our morning stay we had two grounded Purple Emperors, and a few less manic ( compared to recent days )
Silver Washed Fritillaries and White Admirals.
A surprise later in the day, a fresh, lone, Small Copper.

Summer at it's best,

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Re: Trevor

Post by P.J.Underwood »

I thought they might appear in that 2 hr sunny window.I note you are now on 3/4 purple!
A shade more to go.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Being stuck in work, jobs planned all weekend etc makes your post is slightly unbearable Trevor :mrgreen: :roll: :lol:

Have a goodun


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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

My envy is directed mainly to the absence of the magnificent Purple Emperor within reasonable travelling distance of my home. :(

It must be such a delight to be able to nip into local woodland to enjoy such a spectacle.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Many thanks Philip, Wurzel and David.

Wurzel : Having ' jobs to do ' in the Emperor season is inexcusable, apply a well used teacher's phrase ' must do better '.

I wish there was a local woods with Emperors, David, my favourite spot is 54 miles from home, but worth it.

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Re: Trevor

Post by P.J.Underwood »

I have no excuse for missing out.I live 7 mins away!

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Re: Trevor

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Trevor,

Just catching up on your recent excursions, great reports and photos of the Purple Emperors and the other summer butterflies...great stuff :mrgreen: :D



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Re: Trevor

Post by P.J.Underwood »

Just letting you know I had four down today,about 10.30am when the sun came out.

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Many thanks Neil and Philip,

With Doug Neve in the driving seat we headed over to East Blean woods for the Heath Fritillary.
Unfortunately we were rather late with this species, and most of those seen were rather worn.
Any in reasonable condition were quite willing to pose despite the strong sunshine and warmth.
Doug and I later split up for about 20 mins. When we met up again he pointed out an image he
had recently taken, and was a little unsure what the Butterfly was. I immediately identified it
for him.
Just to say that after seeing that image the day was to get a whole lot more exciting, and the
Heath Fritillaries suddenly became yesterdays news................
...........I might even earn a few mrgreens after my next posting !. :lol:

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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Great Heaths Trevor :D I'm reckoning Camberwell?

Have a goodun


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Re: Trevor

Post by millerd »

I'm very envious of your opportunities to have daily visits to Chiddingfold, Trevor, and of your trip to Kent. Great photos throughout. :) I can't wait for what might be coming next... :o

PS. I'm with Wurzel on this - know some have been seen...


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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

So what was the Butterfly species I was viewing on Doug's camera ?.
Well, it is one of the most elusive and sought after species for most of us.
Certainly I have only managed to get my camera anywhere near one once in my entire life.

Doug. had taken a cracking image of a Purple Hairstreak, resting closed wing, low down
on a leaf of a coppiced Sweet Chestnut. Unfortunately his offer to show me where it was
failed when we discovered just how much coppiced Chestnut there was to search.
My first opportunity of a PH photo had slipped away.

BUT ! about 10 mins. later he spotted another PH further along the path on another coppiced
Chestnut leaf. This time I was lucky and obtained a passable closed wing shot, then she suddenly
opened up, I could hardly believe my eyes a beautiful female PH showing her purple to perfection.

A little later, as I was watching some Bramble blossom, another PH flew past me and landed
just long enough for two bad shots. Altogether between us we found five PH low down.

What a day !

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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Fair play a Camberwell would have been brill but those Purps are something else, the colour is almost dazzling :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Beautiful 8)

Have a goodun


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