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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

The warm sunshine today dictated that I would be observing Butterflies, rather than photographing them !.
Earlier on this morning I was lucky enough to find a basking Small Tortoiseshell, and several nicely marked
Speckled Woods.
Later on it became apparent that a group of tall Holly trees held a large population of Holly Blues,
with many chases taking place, all being too active for any photo's.
All the above activity was in the grounds of Great Cheverell church, where a great many naturally
hybridised Primroses are to be found.

Last edited by trevor on Mon Apr 10, 2017 3:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Neil Freeman »

trevor wrote:...Wurzel is right about the West being slower than the East, and of course you are even further West, David...

And here in the midlands I am usually slower to get going than all of you...often a good two weeks or more behind the south-east :mrgreen:

Some more great reports and photos Trevor, oh! to be able to get out during the week...roll on retirement.



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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Many thanks Neil. Back to Sussex next week, it'll be interesting to see how things have moved on.
Grizzled Skippers showing, and Pearls not too far away.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Lovely Small Tort and Specklie Trevor and good to see those Primroses still going strong :D Good luck next week in Sussex but don't stay away too long as things are building nicely over this way :wink:

Have a goodun


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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

A planned early start this morning was thwarted by extremely cold air.
By about 10.30 I started to find a few Holly Blues taking in the sunshine, at ground level. As things started to
warm up I went over to the church yard, where the best of today's activity took place.
I was pleased to find a male Holly Blue basking with wings fully open, almost straight away.

The best was yet to come, as I spotted a female Orange Tip avidly fluttering around, what turned out to be,
the only Garlic Mustard plant on the entire bank. She gave my camera a very busy 20 mins. including a shot
where she had just deposited an egg. (click on image twice )

Later in the afternoon a male OT landed in the pub grounds, but never once opened up.

I wish all days were as good as this one turned out to be !.

Note the egg, just to the right of the abdomen.
Note the egg, just to the right of the abdomen.
Male OT
Male OT
Last edited by trevor on Mon Apr 10, 2017 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Trevor

Post by millerd »

Some nice Holly Blues, there, Trevor, and catching the OT laying too. I've never seen that. :mrgreen: :)


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Re: Trevor

Post by bugboy »

I agree, that ovipositing Orange-tip is a peach of a picture :)

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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Cracking shots Trevor :D :mrgreen: That OT is really getting her abdomen right in there :shock: No luck with the Grizzlies today but I'll keep you posted...

Have a goodun


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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

Great effort with the female Orange Tip, Trevor.

Is it just me or are Holly Blues having a peach of a year? They're everywhere.

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Many thanks everyone. The ovipositing Orange Tip shot was pure luck, but very pleasing.
As for Holly Blues, as David M says, they are everywhere at the moment.
This morning before returning to East Sussex I nipped up to the church grounds,
where there is a favourite Holly Blue warming up spot, a patch of S/E facing brambles.
It was not long before a stunning female HB landed, and gradually opened up, to reveal
an absolutely pristine specimen.

Female Holly Blue
Female Holly Blue
Male Holly Blue
Male Holly Blue

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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Every where but here Trevor :D But I'm living on hope and enjoying your shot's :D Goldie :D

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

I paid my first visit, for over a week, to the old railway, in Hailsham, this morning.
By the end of the morning the place was teeming with Butterflies, and it has yet to reach it's peak.
Things were slow to get going, but I was very early, the only action was from some Specklies.
In this situation the only thing for it is to pop into town for a bacon roll and a coffee.
Upon my return I came across three fairly lethargic male Orange Tips, which were warm enough to fly,
but to cool to patrol and thus making frequent stops to bask.
Being probably the last person on UKB to obtain an open wing OT shot, I made up for it today in style !.

Another highlight was in the form of two huge, pristine Large Whites, and both settled with wings open.
Holly Blues were everywhere, as were Speckled Woods, and these are becoming a pain by seeing off
any passing Butterfly and sending up the one lined up in the view finder !.
A final treat for the day was the discovery of a female Orange Tip resting on a spent Daffodil head in my garden.

Other species seen............
Red Admiral.
Small White

A very satisfactory day!
Female OT, my garden.
Female OT, my garden.

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Re: Trevor

Post by bugboy »

Nice Orange-tips Trevor, that third one looks very well marked, perhaps an ab. crassipuncta?

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

bugboy wrote:Nice Orange-tips Trevor, that third one looks very well marked, perhaps an ab. crassipuncta?
Not sure, Paul. Maybe others might have an opinion.

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Re: Trevor

Post by millerd »

Great Orange Tips, Trevor, but for me the standout butterfly is that perfect Large White male. They so rarely open that much and are often a bit ragged. Terrific shot in my book. :mrgreen: :)


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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Just for you Dave, here is the other Large White from this morning.

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Same place, same time, again this morning.
With milky sunshine and a cooler breeze than yesterday it was not surprising to find fewer
Butterflies on the wing today.
First to appear were Speckled Woods, right from the start they were found basking, and later quarrelling .
A few early Holly Blues came down onto the low foliage, and opened up, including a nice female
Several more flew just as I had them lined up. :x
Male Orange Tips were much more lethargic than yesterday, and were approached much more easily.
I have yet to find any female OTs. along the old railway. Even the patrolling males failed to locate any.


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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

Nicely marked Orange Tip, Trevor, and a beautiful female Holly Blue. I'm still waiting for an opportunity this spring to get so close to the fairer sex of this species but I'm sure I won't be able to top yours!

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

The temperature this morning was almost cold enough for the central heating, and together with the
grey sky and breeze I abandoned all hope of going out today.
Salvation came after lunch, when there were enough holes in the cloud for an afternoon visit to the old railway.
I soon found a male Orange Tip, such was the ratio of sun and cloud it was only a matter of time before
I would have a perfectly behaved Butterfly.
One thing I have noticed with Orange Tips is that nearly always choose the flower head of Cow Parsley
to rest on when the sun goes in, and this was the case today.
The main path along the old line, with London road <br />bridge in the background.
The main path along the old line, with London road
bridge in the background.
Neil Hulme raised the question ' Can you ever have too many Orange Tips ', the answer is an emphatic NO !.
Last edited by trevor on Wed Apr 12, 2017 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Now for a real mystery.
I noticed this female Holly Blue land on a Celandine flower,
she then seemed to go through the motions of depositing an egg,

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