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Goldie M
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Re: Maximus

Post by Goldie M »

Lovely Blues Max, Goldie :D

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Re: Maximus

Post by Neil Freeman »

A beautiful series of Silver-studded Blue images Mike :D



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Re: Maximus

Post by Maximus »

Thank you Goldie and Neil :)

We've been planning to make the pilgrimage to Fermyn Woods for a few years now, but each year when the time came round we didn't go and so missed our opportunity for another year. Sunday 17th July this year, however, saw us speeding round the M25 (well not actually speeding) with surprisingly light traffic, on our way to that Mecca. I read the report of your trip you made on the same day, Goldie - surprised we didn't bump into you. Nice report and photos BTW :) I've also seen the reports and superb PE photos by Trevor, Pauline, Katrina, bugboy and Mike Oxon too, which are enough to spur anyone on! Anyway, we nearly didn't go as Cathy, perhaps more than me, hates crowded sites, and as we have had several bad experiences this year, similar to the reported Bentley Wood fiasco, this has put us right off, hence my lack of posts.
Arriving at Fermyn around 11am we headed for Lowick, parked by the church, and set off to walk in from the south end, hopefully avoiding the crowds. We took our time walking up the track which had lots of distractions in the way of various butterflies and birds. We hadn't even reached the wood when I spotted the familiar shark's fin shape of a grounded Emperor. We approached cautiously, but didn't need to as the Emperor was well and truly imbibing on a tasty morsel. We got some closed wing shots, but it wasn't until he flew along the track landing near a puddle that he opened his wings showing us his purple sheen. He wasn't a fresh specimen, but who cares when he shows you that much purple :roll: As we were taking some open wing shots we heard some approaching cyclists, but to our amazement they saw us, stopped and asked if we'd finished taking our photos. We told them we'd finished and thanked them for their patience, and as they cycled past the Emperor he flew up and around them before once again landing on the track.

Tatty but still nice
Tatty but still nice

Although we walked along the track to where you cross from Lady Wood to Fermyn we saw no further Emperors and very little else. A few SW Fritillaries and Commas with various Whites being the most abundant species. We also saw very few people, especially for a Sunday! We also heard through the grapevine that only a couple of PEs had been seen on the ground during the day.
We stayed at a hotel nearby on Sunday night, and the following morning drove up the lane by the gliding club only to find loads of parked cars in the layby and along the verge! People were still arriving as we set off up the track, which was still shaded at this time. We had just rounded the first bend in the track when we were buzzed by a PE, it was fantastic to see him gliding around at waist height investigating us. He obviously wasn't bothered by our presence as he then proceeded to land right next to us. What a marvelous experience it was :) We waited for him to settle and as we took some shots we were joined by some other photographers. No one rushed or pushed, everyone was chilled and enjoying the experience. Very refreshing. We chatted for a while and then moved on only to find another PE on the ground a bit further down the track. At one point three were being photographed at the same time on the same stretch of track.

Emperor on the ground just in front of the shadow
Emperor on the ground just in front of the shadow
Three Emperors on the ground
Three Emperors on the ground

We carried on along the track seeing two more grounded Emperors and others in flight, until we got to the point in Lady Wood that we had reached the day before. As it was so hot we decided to retrace our route back to the entrance as we had left our water in the car. We hadn't gone very far when an Emperor suddenly appeared and began flying in circles around us before deciding to land on Cathy's shoe. I went to take a shot but was too late as the butterfly took flight and landed nearby on the ground. Once again we allowed it time to settle before slowly approaching, where to our great surprise and joy we found it was an Empress sitting on the ground with her wings open.


This was an amazing first for us and she stayed long enough to allow other photographers to also get some shots. To finish off our trip we made a slight detour into Sudborough to see the house where BB had lived. Perhaps he helped to boost the population of PE's at Fermyn as I believe he reared them in the garden of his home. If Fermyn is below par this year we'd love to visit it when it's at it's best.

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Re: Maximus

Post by Pauline »

Great shots of the Empress Mike. I've only ever seen one before - some might recall she was tempted down by the dead deer at the Straits. Sounds like you both had a smashing time :mrgreen: and good to see you posting again (don't let a few bad experiences put you off :wink: :D )

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Re: Maximus

Post by bugboy »

That sounds (and looks) like an absolute dream trip. I had 4 grounded on my day there last week and like you say if this is a poor year...

Jut going to throw a :mrgreen: at you for the empress!

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Re: Maximus

Post by Paul Harfield »

Hi Mike
Great 'feel good' post and superb photos :D . Looks like you had a fantastic couple of days :D

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Neil Freeman
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Re: Maximus

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Mike,

Great report from Fermyn, I have not managed to make it there this year, shameful really as it is only a 90 minute drive for me but I have been a few times in previous years. As you say, Fermyn may be performing below par but it is all relative and I think people were a bit 'spoiled' by the 100+ sightings in a day of 3 years ago.
I am like you in that I try to avoid busy sites but at Fermyn it doesn't seem to matter, everyone I have ever met there has always been most polite and behaved impeccably. If only it was so elsewhere.



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Re: Maximus

Post by Wurzel »

Fantastic stuff Mike :D :mrgreen: I really am going to have to bite the bullet and make a visit there next year, it looks so easy there! Bentley did produce Emperors for me this year but I missed the grounded ones :roll:

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Maximus

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Mike, I don't know how we missed you at Ferymn, I was the lady in the Striped hat if you saw me and didn't know :lol:
We only stayed one night and went home the following day my Husband enjoys the outings but is not quite the enthusiast that I am :lol: being has I'd got what I went there for we decided to go home because of the heat plus the fact he'd not been too well lately.
When we arrived at Fermyn we went to the part of the Woods facing the the Gliding club, and were lucky to get a spot near the entrance on the grass verge, we didn't go into Lady Wood at all spending all our time at Fermyn because that's where all the activity was :lol:
Your photos are great and I've seen the Empress only once a side view in Dean Woods Kent, so you were lucky seeing her and open winged too, wish we'd met you Goldie :D

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Re: Maximus

Post by trevor »

A fantastic visit to Fermyn, Mike. Lovely shots to take home too.
I had great success with male Emperors this year, but you managed an Empress as well :mrgreen: .
We had a small gathering of fellow hunters, mostly regulars and all were great company.

Best wishes,

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Re: Maximus

Post by Maximus »

Thanks Pauline, we got lucky with the Empress, I guess it's just right place right time :wink: :D

It was magic, bugboy, I saw your report and lovely photos taken during your Fermyn visit and it sounded like you had a dream trip too, and in good company :D

Thanks Paul, it was a great first visit to Fermyn :D you really should try to get up there next year :D

Thanks Neil, I've seen your past reports and photos from your visits to Fermyn, it's the stuff of dreams :D It certainly is all relative and I agree with you, if only it was so elsewhere.

Thanks Wurzel, bite it and get up there next year :wink: it is easy and it's also very relaxed, you'll have a great time :D

Hi Goldie, I think we missed you because you popped off home in the morning, it was pretty hot! I agree with you that a lot of the action was taking place in Fermyn. Nice Emperor photos BTW :D

Thanks Trevor, I saw your reports and great photos of your success with Emperors this year, excellent stuff :D Glad that the company was good too.

A recent trip to Denbies to look for our first Chalkhill Blues of the year was very productive with plenty of both male and females on the wing in the warm sun. Also seen were Small and Essex Skippers, Marbled Whites, a couple of Common Blue males and a faded Dark Green Fritillary. Although we looked for SS Skippers we only got brief glimpses of a couple and were unable to get any shots of them!


Lovely female Chalkhills


Including this lovely female ab.


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Re: Maximus

Post by millerd »

A nice selection of Chalkhills from Denbies, Mike, especially the fresh females. Always a reliable spot too for aberrant undersides on both sexes. Hopefully, I'll get down there this coming weekend when the bicycles have relinquished their hold on the roads! :)


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Re: Maximus

Post by David M »

You've had a productive couple of weeks, Mike, and I've enjoyed your reports.

Great stuff.

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Re: Maximus

Post by Wurzel »

Fantastic Chalkhills Mike :D :mrgreen: I'm using a special toothpaste that strengthens tooth enamel ready to 'bite it' next year :wink:

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Maximus

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Mike, I love the the photo with the '6 Chalkhill Blues it's great. Goldie :D

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Re: Maximus

Post by Maximus »

Now that April's arrived I thought that it was about time I dusted off my camera, put on my walking shoes and got out and about to enjoy a new butterfly season.

Probably like most people on this site, over the last couple of weeks we've seen the five post hibernators, with only the Red Admiral appearing to be in low numbers at the moment. Commas appear to be the most plentiful species so far, at least at the sites we have visited, we've also had garden flypasts of Small Whites and a single Holly Blue.

The stars of our show however have been the Orange-tips which we 'rescued' as eggs/cats from a road verge before it was strimmed last summer, and which after overwintering in our shed, have now finally begun to emerge. So far we have released two males and a female into our garden, what stunning butterflies they are and so evocative of spring.

Male Orange-tip
Male Orange-tip
Female Orange-tip on Blackthorn
Female Orange-tip on Blackthorn
Male left, Female right
Male left, Female right

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Re: Maximus

Post by Pauline »

Welcome back Mike. Some great shots to kick off 2017 :D

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Neil Freeman
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Re: Maximus

Post by Neil Freeman »

Pauline wrote:Welcome back Mike. Some great shots to kick off 2017 :D
Agreed, welcome back to a new season Mike :D



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Re: Maximus

Post by Wurzel »

It looks like you've hit the season running as it were Mike :D Great stuff, I'm looking forward to more :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Maximus

Post by millerd »

I'm very envious of those glorious Orange Tip shots, Mike. I can rarely get that close to the non-roosting ones. :)


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