Bugboys mission

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Thanks Trevor, you can always count of that Mr Hulme to trump your day out can't you!

Thanks Goldie, I didn't do anything other than sweat a little bit and he was on me!

You can go off people sometimes Wurzel :wink:

1st April, Walthamstow Marshes

I decided to have a few hours browse this morning before the predicted showers arrived just to see how my patch is moving along. As it turns out it was much the same as my last visit but with the addition of a few Speckled Woods. Once again Commas were the most numerous, popping up in all the usual spots,
Just 3 Peacocks were seen, one of whom had quite spectacular hindwing ocelli
a more normal blue 'face'
a more normal blue 'face'
A few Small Tortoiseshells sat for me
and again, a single Small White.
Three male Specklies were about, mostly not very cooperative but all very fresh and with a distinct orange tinge to the speckles.
As you would expect, they mostly disappeared when the sun was obscured but I filled in the time looking for other stuff and came across a Bee Fly grounded by the lack of said sun, perfectly positioned in the centre of the path, waiting to be splattered. He was easy to move and posed perfectly for me.
After an afternoon trip to the shops, the clouds seemed to be thinning so I was tempted out again for a last little wander. Predictably less was about but another Comma did pose impeccably
I've got the whole of next week off, perfect timing from the look of the forecast, to go to some of my favourite sites and see if there's any early emergents :)

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

:wink: I was only pointing it out... :lol:

Looks like the Mr Greens will be pouring forth from my computer across the interweb to your p.c. next week Bugboy - that is almost perfect timing :mrgreen: Cracking set of shots and impressive haul from today, my fave has to be the second Specklies shot - really captures the 'feel' of the species if you get my drift :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

bugboy wrote:I've got the whole of next week off, perfect timing from the look of the forecast, to go to some of my favourite sites and see if there's any early emergents
You scoundrel, Bugboy! :twisted:

I'll look forward to your reports this coming week. I too have bagged time off, but unfortunately only one day, rather than a whole week.

It's times like this when I wish I were retired!

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

I know what you mean Wurzel, if he could speak I'm sure he would be saying something along the lines of "Go on, I dare you, take one more step :twisted:"

2nd April, Tottenham Marshes

I popped into work today to get this year’s transects started and on the way home I couldn’t resist stopping by the other Marshes near me for the last few hours of daylight. The Small Torts and Commas today were conspicuous by their absence today, none were seen along the gully next to the river. I suspect this was due to there being no significant wind today, allowing them to disperse unhindered across the neighbouring meadows, all of which have large swathes of fresh nettle growth awaiting the hungry jaws of their offspring. There were a few Whites around though and the first one to settle within range was a female Small.
Further out flitting over the meadows were a couple more. As they slowly drifted closer I took a couple of distant shots and zoomed in. Sure enough I could just make out a distinctive pattern telling me these were worth further attention. My first GVW of the year settled near me a short while later, a lovely marked lady.
Over at Tottenhams Butterfly Alley (I need to give it some sort of name!) the usual suspects were all present, enjoying the afternoon sun. The several Peacocks and Commas today joined briefly by a single Small Tort and a couple of unidentified whites.
It was whilst I was stalking one of these that a small flash of blue caught my eye. Now If Millerd were here, then I’m quite sure he would have settled down at waist height, had clean and sat patiently whilst we took pictures from every angle. Sadly he wasn’t so I was left with a fleeting flyby and a few rushed snaps, some of which turned out surprisingly identifiable.
After this clouds thickened and the sun all but disappeared but I did find a couple more butterfies wandering further afield.
On my return I had another Pheasant encounter, this time a couple of males were having a standoff in the middle of a meadow. As I got closer the reason for the standoff erupted from under my feet, taking several seconds of my life!
Before leaving I made one more saunter along Butterfly Alley. Everything it would seem had gone to bed but just as I reached the end I saw a distinctive shape nestled in the turf. There is something so scrumptious about a freshly minted GVW!
A brief glimpse of the sun was enough to wake him up where he was quickly joined by another male, both very fresh and obviously still learning how to use these big flappy things that weren’t there when they went to sleep last autumn!
A few hours that bodes very well for this coming week

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by trevor »

Well done with the Green Veined Whites. One species conspicuous by their absence around here.
Only a matter of time. Hope you have a great time on your week off !.

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

Splendid reportage once again, Bugboy. I'm sure by next weekend you'll have seen just about everything on the menu. Surely Large Whites and Small Coppers can't be far away?

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

trevor wrote:Well done with the Green Veined Whites. One species conspicuous by their absence around here.
Only a matter of time. Hope you have a great time on your week off !.
Thanks Trevor, I'm sre I'll be letting you all know how things go this week :)
David M wrote:Splendid reportage once again, Bugboy. I'm sure by next weekend you'll have seen just about everything on the menu. Surely Large Whites and Small Coppers can't be far away?
Add to them Orange-tip, Dingy and Grizzled Skippers, Green Hairstreak, Small Blue, Dukes...... I'm getting greedy now :oops:

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

I reckon you'll chalk off at least three of those!

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

I saw my first Large White today and there was a Greenstreak seen at my Marshie site so I reckon you could be quids in with your week off timed as it is Bugboy :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Lovely Green-veined white shots :mrgreen: :D

Have a goodun

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Bugboy,

Best of luck for your week off...looks like you could be in for a productive week.



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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by millerd »

Lovely GVW, Buggy. When brand new they are such an attractive butterfly. :)


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Thank you everyone, I think my week got off to a reasonably good start :)

3rd April, A Big Tortoiseshell long shot

So, what does bugboy decide to do on his first day of his week off, go hunting for an early Green Hairstreak or Grizzled Skipper, perhaps a little jaunt to Bookham to see if any Copper have hatched? Well no, I start at the top and go after the mythical UK Large Tortoiseshell of course! Noting that Neil's sighting wasn't too far from a mainline station, I left at the crack of dawn and put my day into the hands of southern rail.

They didn't fail to disappoint :roll: , one cancelled and one delayed train later (4 hours in other words) I arrived at Amberley armed with my phone's GPS and map..... whereby I got lost for a bit, the GPS couldn't work out where the hell I was but during my idle wanderings I did stumble across a roosting female Orange-tip.
With the weather looking particularly dreadful, low grey cloud and a nippy breeze I finally got my bearings and headed along a country lane to North Stoke only to get lost again, I'd completely missed the track down to the site and found myself wandering aimlessly across what are probably private fields :oops: . The day wasn't getting any better when I finally found the clearly signposted track, the weather if anything was getting worse but I hadn't come all this way to give up. Over 3 hours later and not seeing a single butterfly of any species I gave up and walked dejectedly back to the station. Not really wanting to leave, I decided to go find my female Orange-tip. As a testament to the awful weather she was still on exactly the same flower head. It was only now that the clouds began to break, awaking her and I cursed my luck. Still, I was able to get some nice studies of an Orange-tip :)
Orange-tip female, Amberley #22.JPG
It was still quite early, around 3 and I mulled over whether to back to Tortoiseshell valley. Long looks at the sky trying to work out if it was clearing up or not and wondering if it was worth going back or leaving early and avoiding the London rush hour. The clincher though was when it occurred to me that it was around this time of day that Neil saw his one. That was it and at least this time I knew where I was going. With the weather improving by the minute my hopes of catching a glimpse rose and as I got to the bottom of the hill at the entrance to the site I saw only the second butterfly of the day, a large Nymphalid feeding on some blackthorn. I hadn't even got my camera ready when it took off and glided casually in front of me. Seeing it's upperside in the sun, my heart leaped into my mouth and then it landed in the grass a few feet away :shock: :D :shock: . A few expletives of joy later and I had bagged the lifer to end all UK lifers!
And here it stayed allowing me to get within touching distance. It alternated between basking on the ground and on tree trunks. When I finally lost sight of it I wandered off to see if I could find Neil's one, this one obviously being separate individual. I didn't find any more but I did get a peacock flyby and disturbed a lovely male Orange-tip who thoughtfully settled for me. Safe to say the day had improved somewhat :D
Thinking my day was over I disturbed my Tortoiseshell again. It hadn't moved at all, still soaking up the rays in the same area and so I spent the best part of another hour in its company.
Only four butterflies seen all day but oh what a day, from dejected to euphoric in under an hour!

Ok well I guess I shall await the little green faces, I think they will all be very well deserved 8) . I certainly won't be using them on other peoples pages for a while
Last edited by bugboy on Tue Apr 04, 2017 10:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by millerd »

You deserve rather a lot of little green faces, Buggy. That is utterly brilliant. Persistence paid off big time. Well done, and great photos too. :D Oh and this as well... :mrgreen:

Last edited by millerd on Mon Apr 03, 2017 8:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Padfield »

Welcome to the UK large tortoiseshell club, Buggy! Mine was back in 1985. I know just how ecstatic you felt - they are wonderful insects in their own right, but on UK soil just out of this world.


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

No-one can ever take that away from you, Bugboy. Your abysmal start to the day was recompensed several times over!!

So, that's TWO different mainland LTs photographed on here so far in 2017. How many more are out there?

All we need now is evidence of breeding.

Things are looking extremely positive.

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Neil Hulme »

Hi Paul,

You superstar! Congratulations - just rewards for battling against the odds and showing such tenacity. I had hoped that by providing accurate grid references on the BC Sussex website it might encourage others to go out looking, as working on this species in the UK requires a significant investment in time - the more eyes the better. Large Tortoiseshells are incredibly elusive and highly skittish, unless you catch them under marginal flight temperatures.

The very good news as far as I'm concerned is that your specimen is a male. Your sighting provides a valuable piece in the UK Large Tortoiseshell jigsaw I've been working on, which is discussed in the forthcoming 'The Butterflies of Sussex'. Far from being 'proof' of anything, it is pertinent to point out that this sheltered river bluff hosts the largest population of healthy Wych Elm I know of in West Sussex. The slope faces south and south-west, but is sheltered by the crescent-shaped topography - and it's in a river valley close to the coast.

We need more eyes out there, collecting more data. Those living in East Sussex would do well to search the Litlington/Friston Forest/Lullington Heath area.

BWs, Neil

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Pauline »

Fantastic news Buggy. I am really, really pleased for you (just wish it had been me :wink: :lol: ). Well deserved after all your persistence and determination.

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by peterc »

Brilliant stuff, Paul.

Perhaps you or Neil will see a pair of LTs in cop - now that would be something else :) :) .



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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Art Frames »

Done with style and restraint, I have so much too learn :wink: - I am also extremely pleased for you. Sorry I don't really do jealousy but I can do great happiness :D :D :D . Hope your holiday continues in similar style. best of luck.

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Goldie M »

What can I say Buggy :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: three greens should do it, Goldie :D

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