Thurlbear Quarryland

Discussion forum for places to see butterflies.
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Thurlbear Quarryland

Post by Denise »

I went to Thurlbear with eccles today, and although the sun was a bit intermittent we managed a few butterflies with Nightingale serenading us.
Within minutes of reaching the site we had a Dingy Skipper


The rest were a bit harder to find, but we did find a Grizzled Skipper (oh joy, a lifer! at last)


and with the help of my butterfly walks book (thanks to Simon C who told me about it) and a shout from a man called Pete (yes, another pete) from Paignton, we managed to see both a Duke and Duchess of Burgundy. If your reading this Pete, thank you very much.
I for one am well chuffed as this is another lifer. This one had a passion for daisy's.


Thanks Mike
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Re: Thurlbear Quarryland

Post by markatbath »

Good work denise, keep it up
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Re: Thurlbear Quarryland

Post by Denise »

Thanks Mark.

My next quest is for Small Blue, Adonis Blue (I note that you saw one today at West Yatton!)
PBF, SPBF and Wood White are next.
Will post here of course if I connect with them. :)

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