Montiaghs Moss

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Dave McCormick
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Montiaghs Moss

Post by Dave McCormick »

I went Montiaghs Moss in Co Antrim on Sunday. I'll post the few pics I did get later, in class at moment. It started about 12-13C and got to 15C by 1-2pm. I was there with 4 people from BCNI and saw these species:

Wood White (few) My first ever one I have seen
Green Veined White (numerous)
Female Orange Tip (1)
Small Heath (Few)
Speckled Wood (Quite a few)
Green Hairstreak (1) My first ever one I have seen (one photo, not so good I got)
Marsh Fritillary (a few, but at speeds they were flying, and hardly any flowering plants, not much hope to get a pic of one)

Poplar Hawk Moth
Eyed Hawk Moth
Sallow Prominent
Brimstone Moth
Silver Hook Tip (Tried to get a photo, but on guy tried to net it and failed, and I lost it)
1 micro
Argent And Sable

Ian Rippy was there and knew every species of dragonflies and damsels there. He also found orange tip eggs on cuckoo flowers. I tried getting a pic of that, but way too small. Species there were:

Variable Damselfly ( blue ones are very similar to Irish Damsel
Irish Damselfly (
4 spotted Chasers (
Hairy Dragonfly (found a mating pair, but flew off before I could get a photo) (
Large Red Damselfly (

saw numerous egg laying (and some being eaten by diving beetles as they did lay)

may have been more there, but don't remember

Also, the small heath I saw and did manage to photo fell down and played dead for a few mins, then flew off. Is this normal? I have a shot of it "playing dead"

Also saw my first sundew plants.
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Re: Montiaghs Moss

Post by Chris »

Sounds like a good day out Dave... my parents live near a huge moss in Shropshire and i could spend all day there! Of course, St Patrick didn't chase all the snakes out of England so you have to watch out for adders too! As a rule of thumb, if you take day trips out to unusual habitats, such as mosses, bogs, heaths and downland, you'll see a much wider range of interesting and unusual species than you will wandering around your local wood or gardens.

Dead jealous about the wood white and marsh fritillary... I've not had a chance to see one this year, yet, it means travelling miles and miles for me! I live in the most boring part of Britain when it comes to butterflies!

I'm not sure whether Small Heath play dead or not... but they do tend to bask whilst laid on their side, particularly when the sun is hidden by clouds. Perhaps it was doing this?

I'm really getting into dragonflies this year, and grasshoppers and crickets too! I find people seem more accepting if you say you're interested in insects rather than just butterflies! I've got a couple of good books on the subject, so if you are struggling to identify anything, gimme a shout.

Regards, Chris
With Kind Regards

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Dave McCormick
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Re: Montiaghs Moss

Post by Dave McCormick »

Well, here is a few shots, I have more, but my computer is running a bit slow at moment and need to fix that first before I post more:

Small Heath:


Wood White (is this reals wood white?):


Green Hairstreak (only pic that was any good)


Eyed Hawk Moth:

Cheers all,
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