Painted Lady in my house

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Painted Lady in my house

Post by AndrewB »

Hello everyone, this is my first post, but I am really seeking some advice. I was in the garden on Sunday picking up a few leaves and found a rather soggy butterfly which I initially thought was dead, but it moved so I bought it indoors. It has perked up and seems to be OK this morning. I don't really have any great knowledge of butterflies but as far as I can establish by googling it is a Painted Lady (sorry, I don't have a camera or a decent phone to take a photo).

My first thought yesterday was to simply release it the next day, (revealing the depth of my knowledge) but having searched I realise it may need somewhere to spend the winter (assuming it can survive).

I'm not sure if there is anywhere I can move it to, e.g the shed or the loft where it will not be too disturbed. It is currently sitting on the kitchen table!
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Re: Painted Lady in my house

Post by Catteraxe »

Hi Andrew,

Welcome to UK Butterflies! Your best course of action is to put the Painted Lady in your shed.

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Re: Painted Lady in my house

Post by AndrewB »

Hi Kevin

Many thanks for your reply!

It still seems to be OK, so I have moved it to the shed. I thought it might be unusual to find one this late in the year, but hopefully it will survive the winter.

Just to add I live in East Anglia and have a buddleia in the garden, as does next door so I do often see quite a few butterflies in summer in a good year. Never anything really unusual, sadly. Peacocks seem to be the most frequent visitors.

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Re: Painted Lady in my house

Post by Catteraxe »

Hi Andrew,

Your Painted Lady won't overwinter but there really isn't much you can do other than release it when the weather improves. Buddleia is a very good nectar source for butterflies and there have been a lot of 'late' sightings of different butterflies this year.

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Re: Painted Lady in my house

Post by David M »

Sorry for butting in, but if it IS a Painted Lady, then surely it's best to release it on a mild day with a benign weather forecast?

These butterflies do NOT enter true diapause and therefore will not successfully hibernate like Commas, Peacocks, et al.

If released, there is still an outside chance that it may fly in a southerly direction. In 3-4 days it could be in a place where the cold won't kill it.
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Re: Painted Lady in my house

Post by AndrewB »

I have checked today, and once again thought it had died as it was on its side with wings folded. However when I put it on my palm it's wings opened and it was still very much alive. I was going to ask if this was usual for a dormant butterfly, but I am certain it is a Painted Lady (it is brown and has the distinctive black and white bars on its wing tips) and if as David says it will not successfully hibernate then releasing it is perhaps a better option.

It has been raining here for 3 days solidly, but it's not particularly cold and the forecast is for the weather to improve towards the end of the week. I must say I also feel I am likely to want to be checking on it every few days.

Perhaps I could at least set it down outside on the patio table and see if it flies away, bearing in mind it was a bit bedraggled when I found it, and if not return it to the shed and hope for the best.
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Re: Painted Lady in my house

Post by David M »

Try feeding it, Andrew. Put some sugar in a small amount of tepid water and dissolve it as best you can. Then dab the liquid onto a cloth or some cotton wool and see if the butterfly extends its proboscis to drink the fluid. It might be very short on energy which it will need if you are to release it.
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Re: Painted Lady in my house

Post by Pete Eeles »

Andrew - is there any chance of you posting a photo? It's important that we can confirm the ID so that the best advice is given.


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Re: Painted Lady in my house

Post by Padfield »

Hi Andrew. If it is a painted lady (as Pete says, it is important to be sure to give the right advice) there is a strong chance it has already done its duty - mating, laying eggs, &c. - and is simply tiding out the end of its days. Undoubtedly, releasing it on a warm day, preferably near gardens with nectar sources, would be the best thing for it, whether it chose to fade away or fly south as David suggests. Death is inevitable - but it might still be able to enjoy a little life. In the meantime, before release, it needs to be as cool as possible, so as not to waste its energy.

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Re: Painted Lady in my house

Post by AndrewB »


Hello everyone, I have managed to upload a photo using my 10 year old Vivicam 3785. I have done as David suggested and soaked an old hanky in sugar water, and have currently placed it on the patio table. The sun is out, but it doesn't seem to be showing any inclination to fly. If it hasn't moved by late afternoon, perhaps return it to the shed?

Many thanks for your help and advice so far.
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Re: Painted Lady in my house

Post by David M »


This puts a whole new complexion on things.

It's a Small Tortoiseshell, not a Painted Lady.

As such, forget about releasing it; put it in an egg box and then place in a shed or other unheated outhouse. It ought then to hibernate naturally.

You can then check on it in early March and if all is fine, release it on a sunny morning.
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Re: Painted Lady in my house

Post by AndrewB »

Thanks again David, and apologies to all for my newbie ignorance and guesswork :oops: . Now I've found the old camera still works I will certainly add photos in future if relevant. I have done as you advised, and feel really pleased that it is very likely to survive.

I looked up the wiki entry for the Small Tortoiseshell, and apparently it has experienced a decline in recent years.
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