essex buzzard

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by millerd »

My favourite bit of English coast, Essex, and a great selection of butterflies, especially the Adonis. :) They seem later down there (but go on for longer) - the Adonis are much newer than those on the Chilterns and North Downs, and the Graylings on the Surrey heaths are probably long gone. Does Dorset still have Chalkhills? The foodplant is the same, but I know Adonis like warmer conditions with shorter grass. I didn't see any at Durlston.


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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

Nice to hear from you, Dave. As we have seen,the flight time of butterflies does vary,even within Britain. Why this is,I don't know,with some species flying earlier,later or longer than elsewhere . Dorset does have Chalkhill Blues. I saw a few worn adults on Bindon Hill even this late, so I guess they would be fairly common there in season. But at most Sites, Adonis seem to dominate ,though of course Chalkhills could have been present earlier,in high summer. Most Dorset sites are heavily grazed,which doesn't suit the Chalkhill Blue.

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

Old Harry Rocks

Walked here from Studland. Although this was one of the cloudy days,by luck,a few sunny spells appeared. Small Whites were abundant,no doubt using the sea kale as LHP. Red Admiral, Common Blues and this very nice Adonis Blue were seen. Speckled Wood on the access track. We were lucky,as shortly after leaving,the mist and drizzle returned.
Old Harry rocks
Old Harry rocks
Old Harry rocks from Studland
Old Harry rocks from Studland

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Goldie M
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Re: essex buzzard

Post by Goldie M »

Lovely Adonis essex, your lucky to see so many butterflies, nothing special here, Goldie :D

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

Thanks Goldie. By going to Dorset slightly later this year,we were hoping to catch the Adonis season,and it was great to see so many.

Durlston CP.

We visited Durlston on the 1 September. I was hoping,but not expecting to see any Lulworth Skippers,but we found several. Adonis Blues were again common,but numbers of species and butterflies were lower overall than I usually see in August. SmallWhite,Small Copper,Brown Argus,Common Blue,Painted Lady, Red Admiral,Meadow Brown and Small Heath were present.

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Goldie M
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Re: essex buzzard

Post by Goldie M »

Lovely Adonis essex, :mrgreen: I missed them again this year, looks like I'll have to visit Dorset in Sept Goldie :D

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

White horse of Osmington

This was the last site we visited. With sun all day, we arrived late afternoon. Unfortunately, cloud chose that exact moment to unexpectedly invade from the west. So after a few minutes sunshine, when a Clouded Yellow was seen,the butterflies soon disappeared,apart from a few Meadow Browns. But judging from the number of Adonis Blues we disturbed from the ground,and found roosting, this looks to be a great site,with much potential. Perhaps the most surprising thing we saw was this freshly emerged Marbled White,in September! We must return next year,as we had much unfinished business to do here,as we had only scratched the surface.

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by trevor »

Fresh Marbled Whites and Wall Browns in September ?. Whatever next.


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Re: essex buzzard

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Mark,

Really enjoyed your reports and photos form you know I missed out on visiting there this year and went to Cornwall instead for our late season week so it has been interesting to see what it has been like there this year.
Osmington has been my favourite site down there over the past few years, I reckon it has been more productive than the more usually visited (and managed) sites such as Durlston and Ballard Down. Like you I was a bit disappointed with Ballard Down the last time I visited.

I have also found good condition Marbled Whites on my early September visits there, they seem to last much longer on that stretch of coast.

Great stuff :D


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Goldie M
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Re: essex buzzard

Post by Goldie M »

Really enjoyed your posts from Dorset , I love it there and hope to return next year Goldie :D

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

Thanks Neil and Goldie for your comments. Goldie,you really should visit Dorset,it's a great way to finish the season,and I promise you butterflies by the bucket load if you come late August early September. Neil, Osmington looks such a great site,I may not be able to wait until next August...

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by David M »

A September Marbled White is something to behold, Mark! What a find.

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

Thursday 8 September

With great weather,and accurate forecast,and everything going to plan,this was one of the best days of the year. Even the roads were clear!

After unfinished business on our holiday,it was back to Dorset-for a day! Lots of lovely swallows and house martins were above the car park lane in Osmington,and we were able to pick out the juveniles. Then up the slope,with Speckled Woods and Small Coppers on the track side. Lots of Adonis Blues were on the down,including many more females than last week. Spent some time here,admiring these lovely butterflies,then walked up to the white horse. The views from here were splendid on this crystal clear day,right over to Weymouth and Portland. Kestrels were being hounded by jackdaws,and two Ravens flew over. One or two Adonis even up here,and a Clouded Yellow was seen. Esther found some nice autumn ladies tresses at the top of the slope.

By now we were hungry,so we headed to Lulworth Cove for lunch,a swim in the cove,and an ice cream.

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

We could easily gone back to Osmington and spent the rest of the day there,but instead we had a little walk around the village of Tarrant Monkton. With its ford and lovely Dorset thatched cottages, this is picture postcard stuff. Then a short drive to Fontmell Down,to spend the late afternoon there. Perhaps not quite so many Adonis Blues here,but a most enjoyable end to the day. Esther spotted a female with a good dusting of blue scales. A couple of juvenile buzzards were practicing their flight skills,and I briefly saw a hare. Many Meadow Browns were present,and a Small Tortoiseshell was present,too. By now it was 6pm,and time to head home. But it had been a truly super day. :D :D :D

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by Wurzel »

A great set of reports and photos form my home county Essex, I got all nostalgic and teary eyed reading them :D That Marbled White was a surprise - worth mentioning on the 'Notes' section?
Have a goodun


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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

Thanks Wurzel. But why ever did you leave such a great place? I can't believe a butterfly enthusiast would vacate the best county in Britain for butterflies without good reason...

East Kent

On Sunday 11 Sept,it was another sunny day,so we headed back to Lydden Temple Ewell. Most of the Adonis were looking distinctly more aged than those in Dorset,and we also saw an aged Silver Spotted Skipper. Several Small whites were about,and a few fresh 3rd brood Large Whites,my first since early August. A Clouded Yellow was present,and a late Brimstone was a surprise. Old Brown Argus were seen,several Common Blues were in better condition. Meadow Browns were still in reasonable numbers,one had lighter markings than usual. Surprisingly, a female Gatekeeper was seen,as were several Small Heath. A lovely Hummingbird Hawkmoth was at the Temple Ewell end.
Pictures to follow...

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

Pictures from Lydden TE. The Meadow Brown is a contender for my most ragged butterfly of the year!

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

A few more...

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Re: essex buzzard

Post by Wurzel »

More great shots Essex, especially the Hummingbird Hawk Moth :D I had to leave Dorset to go to Aberystwyth University, and then to London once I was in the band. But I'm only just over the border now and my passport is up to date :wink:

Have a goodun


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Re: essex buzzard

Post by essexbuzzard »

Ha ha,excellent Wurzel!

Sunday continued. After lunch,we headed for Dungerness. Went up the lighthouse,where the views were splendid. Then had a walk around,and managed to find some of Hoggers' Small Coppers,including this well-marked adult,as well as Common Blues and another hummingbird Hawkmoth . After the dry August, most of the flowers had shrivelled,the few remaining were a magnet for insects. Several Small Heath were also present.

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