Marbled white

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Marbled white

Post by eccles »

OK I know they're not particularly rare, but it seems to be a good year for them this year and they are pretty insects.
Here's one I took today feeding off (I think) black knapweed.
Canon S3+500D.

David Tipping
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Post by David Tipping »

They are particularly rare if you live up north mate! I have to drive 50 miles to see them!
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Post by eccles »

I didn't know they were that scarce up there, Dave. I notice yours like knapweed too. Nice pic BTW. :)
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Post by Wayne »

Nice pics guys :-)

Where did you travel to to see it Dave?

Post by Guest »

It's not as pretty as the Spanish Marbled White though :lol: ... .php?t=206

David Tipping
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Post by David Tipping »

Thanks Wayne (and Eccles).
My pic was taken at a Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Reserve called Kiplingcotes Chalk Pit, which is about 3 miles from Market Weighton. If you are interested in visiting, take the road signposted Kiplingcotes Station from Market Weighton, and you'll eventually come to a small car park on a disused railway line. Walk a few hundred yards further along the line and you'll come to the reserve. Incidentally, Kiplingcotes is not marked on the OS map, but it's on the road that leads to South Dalton.
I was there on Monday 10th and there are lots of marbled white around at the moment, along with common blue, small skipper and the usuals such as ringlet and meadow brown.
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Post by David Tipping »

Martin - Spanish marbled white are even rarer in Yorkshire!
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Another Spanish Festoon

Post by Martin »

I've seen 2 now, and still don't have an image I'm 100% happy with :(


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Post by Wayne »


It all depends what sort of photograph you are looking to take.

If you want a textbook type of photo then I agree with you, the plant is in the way and you cant see all of the butterflies markings etc.

However, from a different point of view it is a really nice photograph showing the butterflies habits etc. Nice angle, composition etc.

At first I seemed to go for the typical shot, butterfly with wings fully spread, ignoring the surroundings, flowers etc. But if I cant get that shot then I try to look for something a bit more creative like your shot :-)

Like this one :

Oh and by the way, your first photo is fantastic ;-)
David Tipping
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Post by David Tipping »

I agree with Wayne, it's an unusual shot and all the more interesting for it. Let's face it, you're never going to get a complete shot of both underwings of a butterfly because it's always going to be perched on something. Yours is probably as good as it gets. You should enter it for the UK Butterflies photo competition!
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Re: Another Spanish Festoon

Post by Martin »

V6GTO wrote:I've seen 2 now, and still don't have an image I'm 100% happy with :(


OOOOOPS! :oops:

Posted wrong photo...this is a Spanish Festoon.

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Post by Wayne »

Thought it looked a bit different! :lol:
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