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Goldie M
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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Your having a fantastic time Trevor :mrgreen: and what lovely shots I'm green with envy Goldie :D

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Re: Trevor

Post by bugboy »

You're just showing off now Trevor :P :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

I arrived at Chiddingfold forest, early, this morning full of expectation. But it soon became clear that
not much was flying, despite sunshine. The air was very cool early on, and even later on any slight breeze
had a chill to it. Humidity was minimal. All Butterfly species were slow to respond.
The second person to arrive was UKB's own millerd, good to meet you Dave, and put a face to the name.
Before Dave arrived I had enhanced Monday's bait, which had proved successful, and we waited.
We were convinced fortunes would improve when Neil Hulme appeared over the horizon, wealding a bottle
of his patent elixir. I thought we might have a contest on our hands ( which powder washes whitest type contest ),
Hulme or Tesco Tuna brine. But to the disappointment of us all no Emperor came down to adjudicate.
Although we didn't see any grounded Emperor's today, we were entertained by the building numbers of
Silver Washed Fritillaries, and the elegant flight of the White Admirals.

I hope Katrina saw some action after we had left, as it seems usual for an Emperor to descend when most
have gone home.


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Goldie M
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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Trevor, it looks like Pauline had the right Idea going out at 6.30pm Goldie :D

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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Sorry to hear Hid Nibbs didn't perform today - He is a fickle beastie! At least you had a SWF to see you through. :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »


After Mondays success, and nothing yesterday, I entered Chiddingfold forest with renewed optimism.
The day did however get off to a very slow start, with a lot of cloud, but some blue sky in the distance.
But the air was warmer than yesterday, and a new day is full of promise.
P.J. Underwood was the next person to arrive, and we stood and chatted, with little in the way of Butterfly action.
The piece and quiet was shattered at 11.04am when a Butterfly mistaken for a White Admiral landed in a nearby Hazel.
It was the first of five Purple Emperors that I would see today !. This first Emperor eventually settled on my refreshed
bait from Monday, which was smelling very fishy. This Butterfly had a damaged/deformed left forewing, but was otherwise
a lovely specimen.
Two Ladies spotted Emperor No.2 indulging on Horse dung, and this was a very large Emperor indeed and very fresh.
With many photo's taken, I noticed another Emperor flying towards the location of my bait, it was No.3, and again a
very fine specimen. No.4 again came down onto my Tesco Tuna, this Butterfly was enjoyed by two Lad's who had come up
from South Wales and left with images of two Emperors.
I was the sole observer of Emperor No.5, which was a bit skittish and departed my bait at 13.13. and so ended a glorious day.
Our first glimpse of Emperor No.1
Our first glimpse of Emperor No.1
No.1 With damaged wing.
No.1 With damaged wing.
No.2 Enjoying Horse dung.
No.2 Enjoying Horse dung.
EMPEROR No.5 having departed my bait.
EMPEROR No.5 having departed my bait.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Katrina »

Great result! Looks like I should have come. Emperor 1 seems to be the second one I saw yesterday possibly - a particularly sociable one!

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Re: Trevor

Post by bugboy »

I'm gonna have to stop looking at your diary at this rate Trevor, too much :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Trevor

Post by millerd »

And I definitely came on the wrong day! I wonder if there's truth in your theory that higher humidity brings them down. It was certainly muggier today than yesterday when it was much fresher... Lovely shots, Trevor, and there are more in them there woods than we thought! I'll try again at the weekend if the weather obliges.


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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

I think you're right Katrina, the wing damage on your Emperor does look the same
as my first one today. I've examined some of the other images taken, and there
is a slight tear on that wing.

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Goldie M
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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Trevor, do you think a tin of anchovies will do any thing :lol: I bought one today in mistake for Tuna :lol: Goldie :lol:

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Looking at my damp garden early this morning, and with cloud and a breeze blowing,
I was in two minds weather or not to risk a trip to Chiddingfold forest.
But as the weather forecast predicted a sunny afternoon, I went with crossed fingers.
On arrival, there was no sign of sun, but as the morning wore on some avid Emperor hopefuls
began to arrive. P.J.Underwood with Malcom, Mark Colvin and Nick Broomer and later
the two Lads from South Wales.
By late lunch time the cloud began to break, but P.J. and Malcom had to leave , and just like
Monday, an Emperor came down about ten minutes after their departure.
This specimen, the only one of the day, had wing loss on the left hind wing, and just would not
settle in one place for very long, he had a preference for Horse dung.
Other sightings included a nectaring White Admiral, and a very fresh Comma.

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Re: Trevor

Post by P.J.Underwood »

May I suggest it? A new way to attract Purple Emperors-me to leave.It has worked twice now.

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Sorry you missed H.I.M. a second time P.J. it must be your companion from Emsworth
who is kicking himself !.

Might see you next week,

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

I was not planning a Butterfly expedition today, having swapped my day at work from Thursday to today.
This was fortunate on two fronts, for on Thursday I had my best day ever with the Purple Emperor, and
this morning the weather was atrocious.
But as I had my camera in the car, and the weather had improved, I stopped off to visit Eartham woods
on the way home, and the Butterflies came out to play!.
Red Admirals were almost into double figures. Also seen two lovely fresh Commas, several Marbled Whites,
Large Whites, and my first Gate Keeper of the year.


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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

After several days of atrocious weather, ie. high winds and torrential downpours I thought the weather
forecast for today was just about good enough to risk a trip to Chiddingfold forest.
I was anxious for the welfare of the Purple Emperors there, as the seven I saw last week could have
succumbed to the weather without having had a chance to find a mate. Unfortunately none were seen,
not even in the air. Time will tell.
On the positive side. many fresh Silver Washed Fritillaries were seen nectaring, both male and female,
in equal numbers. White admirals also put in an appearance.
My visit was cut short by a torrential shower, so my coat and bag to put my camera in were a good investment.


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Re: Trevor

Post by P.J.Underwood »

At Chiddingfold yesterday we had two nasty hailstorms plus serious rain.I told Malc not to come up as it would be a waste of time.Instead he went to Havant thicket,where he had a good photo of a P.E. on the ground and saw two in flight.They did not have the storms we had.

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

As today was a day of two halves, I will post in two parts.

Part 1.
Doug and I had planned a day at Chiddingfold forest, it was a treat to be in the passenger seat.
We arrived at 08.30 to a cool but promising morning, within a few minutes we found some
fresh Gate Keepers warming up, and a frisky Comma. Further into the wood, and now getting warmer
the first of several White Admirals came down to nectar on bramble, and weren't too difficult to approach.
Ringlets were by now everywhere, and getting tatty. Doug found one middle aged couple of Ringlets mating.
The warm sun had by now been replaced by cloud, and we decided to move on...............

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Post by trevor »

Part 2.

On leaving Chiddingfold forest we had two options for the next destination, Southwater woods or Knepp.
We opted for the Knepp estate. We arrived to find Neil Hulme parked just down the road, the ensuing
conversation with Neil obviously included the Purple Emperor, I mentioned that I had never knowingly
had a decent view of a female PE. Neil kindly offered to find us some.
Only a couple of minutes after entering the site a huge female PE flew past us. With many Sallows to
choose from the females were out in some numbers. We spotted one land in a Sallow and she stayed just
long enough for a few underside shots as she was several feet above our heads.
Neil then spotted another female land at shoulder height and deposit an egg on a Sallow leaf. Unfortunately
I don't have a macro lens, so the image below is the best I could manage.
In all a brilliant afternoon, with several more sightings before heading for home.

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

A lifetime first for me today. The only discernible Purple Hairstreak image I've ever managed.
I just happened to see this PH flying fairly low around an Oak, it then settled about 8ft above my head.
So my image was taken on full zoom, then heavily cropped.


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