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Paul Harfield
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Re: jackz432r

Post by Paul Harfield »

Hi Vince, Pete & Wurzel
Thanks all for your comments :D Vince I have sent you a PM. Wurzel I think you should certainly keep your moth pupae in an environment as close to where they would be naturally :D

I had not seen a butterfly since 1st November. However, yesterday whilst at the hairdressers there was a Red Admiral fluttering around outside the window :D I could see it in the mirror and out of the corner of my eye. I think my hairdresser thought I had developed a nervous twitch :lol: as I kept moving my head to get a better view. Luckily I did not end up with any bald patches :lol: This was between 2.30 and 3.00pm, sunny but cold and windy. Unfortunately it had disappeared by the time I left the salon :(

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David M
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Re: jackz432r

Post by David M »

Some fantastic larval shots there, Paul, and how unfortunate were you to have seen an abnormally late butterfly when you were in no position to go and investigate? :(

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Paul Harfield
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Re: jackz432r

Post by Paul Harfield »

Following on from the theme of things I missed out during the year this takes me back to the end of May:

Saturday 30.5.2015 Thundry Meadows, Surrey

I do nearly all of my butterfly watching within Hampshire. This was one of my rare excursions outside of my home county. My wife had taken me away for the weekend as a surprise :D . It was such a surprise I did not get to do any forward planning. On the Saturday I was told I had the day to go and find some butterflies so I drove off blind without a map and stopped at the first likely looking spot :D
Male Brimstone
Male Brimstone
female Orange Tip
female Orange Tip
That likely spot was Thundry Meadow, a small SSSI managed by Surrey wildlife trust containing a variety of different habitats beside the river Wey. One interesting fact that I learnt here was that mature Alder trees are something of a rarity in Surrey. This is such a contrast to my home turf where Alder is one of the commonest trees. The site is also specifically managed for Adders amongst other things, But I did not see one.
Ragged Small Tortoiseshell
Ragged Small Tortoiseshell
One of many Mayflies
One of many Mayflies
The Peacocks all looked a bit tired
The Peacocks all looked a bit tired
The weather was just about ok, a bit windy but mostly sunny with a chance of rain. Things were a bit slow to start. A few whites, orange tips, Brimstone, Peacock and a single Red Admiral but everything seemed to be looking a bit tired and worn out, the last throws of spring perhaps. One poor Small Tortoiseshell looked particularly ragged, but still had bundles of energy. Being a wet site there was plenty of Cuckoo Flower and Orange tips around, adults as well as a few larvae. Whilst taking some photos of Orange Tip larvae I managed to capture a micromoth of some sort which appeared to be egglaying on the same Cuckoo Flower. There were also plenty of Mayflies around
Orange Tip larvae large and small
Orange Tip larvae large and small
This micromoth appears to be egglaying on the same Cuckoo Flower plant as the Orange Tips
This micromoth appears to be egglaying on the same Cuckoo Flower plant as the Orange Tips
I thought I had exhausted the whole site and was on the point of leaving until I realised there was more to see. Through a gate and small wooded area I emerged into habitat which reminded me of the New Forest. By now it was a bit more sunny and the wind had died away somewhat. Peacocks, Orange Tips and Brimstones were all enjoying this more sheltered area. I then spotted a something silvery Grey. I was surprised to find a pristine Brown Argus, my first of the year. Another Brown Argus flying together with a single fresh male Common Blue completed my species list for the day.
My first Brown Argus of the year
My first Brown Argus of the year
A pristine male Common Blue to round off the day
A pristine male Common Blue to round off the day
This was a pleasantly relaxing few hours in unfamiliar territory. I met several people here, some of which had come from quite distance. One lady had come all the way from Switzerland! Looks like I happened upon a nice little spot :D

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Re: jackz432r

Post by David M »

That Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell look ready for their free bus passes! You did well to spot these species on the eve of June!

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Re: jackz432r

Post by Wurzel »

Looks like you discovered a real gem of a site there Paul :D and that is a cracking shot of the Brimstone :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


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Paul Harfield
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Re: jackz432r

Post by Paul Harfield »

Thanks David & Wurzel for your comments :D :D

I fear that there will not be much more from me in the form of retrospective or missed posts. Whilst UKB was resolving its technical issues, I appear to have simultaneously had some of my own :( . All of my data, including all of my photos from early 2015 to date seem to have been deleted sometime between Thursday and Saturday :shock: Embarrassingly, none of this years pics were backed up :oops:
I am not sure if I have a virus but everything has gone, including my desktop. This all occurred immediately after a windows update.
This is the second time I have had a similar problem. My brother is my IT brains, but I think this time the situation is beyond even his help :cry: :cry:

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Re: jackz432r

Post by peterc »

I am very sorry to hear about problems with your desktop and all those missing photos, Paul.

Were you updating (or upgrading) to Windows 10? I have Windows 8.1 and am contemplating upgrading but I am holding back for now as I've read that there are some issues with it.



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Re: jackz432r

Post by trevor »

HI Paul,

Being a fairly newcomer to the high tech age, I don't put too much trust in it's capabilities.
As some sort of safeguard I always keep my camera memory cards, and buy a new one when
the previous one is full.
Hope you didn't lose many treasured images.

All the best,


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Vince Massimo
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Re: jackz432r

Post by Vince Massimo »

Sorry to hear about your problem Paul. You can of course copy any of the images you have previously loaded onto the website and store them, but they will only be at the (lower) resolution that you used.


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Re: jackz432r

Post by MikeOxon »

jackz432r wrote:All of my data, including all of my photos from early 2015 to date seem to have been deleted sometime between Thursday and Saturday
First rule, in this situation, is not to panic - the data may well be there, somewhere, lurking on the hard disk. You mentioned a Windows update and this process usually copies files to another location, while it works. The very first thing to try is to use the 'search' function in Windows Explorer to search the whole of your drive for a file name that you remember - it might turn up in a strange place and lead you to other files. In my experience, although people often jump to the conclusion "it's a virus", it rarely is.

There are many other possibilities: The free version of Zero Assumption Recovery can recover files even after they have been deleted (or even after a memory card has been accidentally formatted), providing the images have not been over-written by later 'saves'.

Finally, if all else fails, you can try removing the hard disk and connecting it to the USB port of another computer, to search its contents from there. Sometimes, an update can create a new drive letter, to act as a temporary storage area. I realise this last step needs some computer knowledge and I normally only try it, if the original computer is totally 'dead'.


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Pete Eeles
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Re: jackz432r

Post by Pete Eeles »

jackz432r wrote:Thanks David & Wurzel for your comments :D :D

I fear that there will not be much more from me in the form of retrospective or missed posts. Whilst UKB was resolving its technical issues, I appear to have simultaneously had some of my own :( . All of my data, including all of my photos from early 2015 to date seem to have been deleted sometime between Thursday and Saturday :shock: Embarrassingly, none of this years pics were backed up :oops:
I am not sure if I have a virus but everything has gone, including my desktop. This all occurred immediately after a windows update.
This is the second time I have had a similar problem. My brother is my IT brains, but I think this time the situation is beyond even his help :cry: :cry:
Oh crap. Sorry to hear this, Paul. I've had this happen to me once and figured that this is all it takes before you put serious thought into backups (I had a hard disk drive fail). I now backup to a NAS drive and the Cloud for every image I ever take. But it was a hard lesson to learn.


- Pete

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Pete Eeles
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Re: jackz432r

Post by Pete Eeles »

MikeOxon wrote:First rule, in this situation, is not to panic - the data may well be there, somewhere, lurking on the hard disk.
Good point, Mike. After a trip to Bulgaria, one of my Sandisk disks refused to be read. I paid £60 to get this sorted, but I recovered a couple of dozen Mazarine Blue shots that were, to me, irreplaceable.

It might be worth getting someone to examine your drive since the operating system update shouldn't have touched your data.


- Pete

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Re: jackz432r

Post by Neil Freeman »

Sorry to hear of your computer problems Paul.

I am no IT expert but it was explained to me once that deleting stuff on a computer doesn't really get rid of it as such but overwrites that bit of disc space and makes it available for use again. Think of it as building up layers like the skin of an onion with the old layers still there underneath. Someone who knows what they are doing should be able to retrieve the data/photos for you.
It is the same reason that police investigators often take away computers and are able to retrieve evidence even after it has apparently been deleted.



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Paul Harfield
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Re: jackz432r

Post by Paul Harfield »

Thanks all for your advice and concern :D
Pete Eeles wrote:Oh crap.
Yes that pretty much sums up the situation Pete

peterc. My problems followed an automatic update for Windows 7.

That sounds like a sensible idea to me Trevor. I currently keep my camera memory cards empty which, with hindsight, is perhaps a bit stupid of me.

Thanks for the advice Mike. I am not generally one to panic, at the end of the day if the images are lost I will just have to grin and bear it. I will certainly investigate every possibility, but I am not very hopeful.

The most annoying thing is that my brother has been telling me for the last few years that I should keep a backup or ideally 2 backups in different formats to avoid this happening. He has been able to help me through minor hiccups which have perhaps been a warning. He even bought me an external hardrive to use for the purpose (that still sits in the box unused :oops: ) I suppose that is what is called 'learning the hard way'

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Re: jackz432r

Post by MikeOxon »

I'm sorry that you have found out the hard way but, yes, backups are a great idea!

I use a cheap NAS enclosure (http://www.amazon.co.uk/D-Link-ShareCen ... 008HNRD4I/) with two large-capacity hard drives, one of which is set up to back-up the other at the same time each day. I also make reduced-size copies (1024x768) of all my photos that can be stored easily 'in the cloud' and are adequate for 'on screen' viewing anywhere that I have a web connection.

Here's a picture to hang on your wall above the computer:
backups.jpg (105.24 KiB) Viewed 547 times

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Re: jackz432r

Post by Padfield »

I've very often had to recover data from crashed computers, my own and others'. In the short term at least, it's all there - which is why, when I eventually get rid of machines, I take out the hard drive and destroy it physically.
MikeOxon wrote:The very first thing to try is to use the 'search' function in Windows Explorer to search the whole of your drive for a file name that you remember - it might turn up in a strange place and lead you to other files.
If you're lucky enough for this to be the case, the file explorer will not record any space having been freed up after the update. If you've really lost (i.e., the computer registers as having been deleted) a significant number of pictures, videos and other data-hungry file formats, you should notice a big leap in the amount of free space (if you were aware of how much you had before).

I often search for merely 'mislaid' files by file extension (.img or whatever)
MikeOxon wrote:The free version of Zero Assumption Recovery can recover files even after they have been deleted (or even after a memory card has been accidentally formatted), providing the images have not been over-written by later 'saves'.
If you have to go down this line or something similar, the sooner the better. Space registered as free will be used, both for storage and for the running of the computer, and over time your precious image data will be corrupted.

Good luck!


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Guy's Butterflies: https://www.guypadfield.com
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Pete Eeles
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Re: jackz432r

Post by Pete Eeles »

MikeOxon wrote:I also make reduced-size copies (1024x768) of all my photos that can be stored easily 'in the cloud' and are adequate for 'on screen' viewing anywhere that I have a web connection.
Hi Mike - since I think this thread is relevant to every visitor of this website! ... why don't you backup your full-size images? I use Carbonite for this and, thankfully, have never needed to use it to recover - but I do look at what it's storing every now and again and it's definitely worth it! Crashplan provide a similar offering. Whatever, you choose, I highly recommend it - my backup is a NAS drive that is sat 3 inches from my computer. If someone were to break in, they'd probably take both :(


- Pete

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Re: jackz432r

Post by MikeOxon »

Pete Eeles wrote: why don't you backup your full-size images?
Just me being old-fashioned and used to slower internet links! I only tend to look at my pics on-screen anyway, and sub-200kB images are very quick and easy to handle. The only precious pics, like the early years of our son, are on several DVDs scattered around the family :)


PS re. the original post - don't forget to look in the recycle bin !!!

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Re: jackz432r

Post by Wurzel »

Sorry to hear of your loss - good luck with the retrieval :)

Have a goodun


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Paul Harfield
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Re: jackz432r

Post by Paul Harfield »


Thanks for all the advice regarding my loss of data.

My new year was made especially happy by good news I received from my brother. A simple 'BTW your laptop is all sorted' casually dropped into an exchange of messages over New Year. After leaving him the offending laptop on Boxing Day, he was able to retrieve all missing data :D . A corrupted partition table was the problem apparently. A lesson learned, I will now always back up my data :oops:. Thanks Bruv.

It seems to have been gloomy and mild for weeks. There have been some sunny periods over the holiday period, but I have not seen a butterfly since 21.11.2015. I have also had some disappointing searches for eggs and larvae. However, it is sometimes surprising what can be found when you start closely examining a grass tussock.
A recent search was disappointing. This freshly moulted moth larva was all I could find in a clump of Cocks Foot. Hedge End 28.12.2015
A recent search was disappointing. This freshly moulted moth larva was all I could find in a clump of Cocks Foot. Hedge End 28.12.2015
In the same Clump of Cocks Foot it was mild enough to give this pair of flies an amorous feeling. There were also spiders and a myriad of other minute unidentified insects. Hedge End 28.12.2015
In the same Clump of Cocks Foot it was mild enough to give this pair of flies an amorous feeling. There were also spiders and a myriad of other minute unidentified insects. Hedge End 28.12.2015
As others have noted the prolonged nondescript mild weather has resulted in some curious mixtures of plants sporting out of season flowers locally. In the garden my Hebe still has a good covering of flowers whilst just up the path Primroses and Daffodils are in flower. There is also quite a lot of late Bramble flowers locally and all the local Holly bushes have a smattering of flowers (not really sure if they are late or early). Hopefully the freeze will come, but if the mildness continues for too much longer I hope not be too many butterflies are lulled into early emergence.
This Primrose was an early sign of Spring a short walk from home 28.12.2015 Close by Bramble and Holly also in flower.
This Primrose was an early sign of Spring a short walk from home 28.12.2015 Close by Bramble and Holly also in flower.
Looking forward to the coming season in 2016 :D

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