Neil Freeman

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Neil Freeman
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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Neil Freeman »

Thanks Goldie, glad to hear you have loads of Specklies too :D

Saturday 19th September

A beautiful first half of the morning with not a cloud in sight although it was a bit chilly to start with. By 10.00am it was warming up in the sun and the Specklies were up and about in the back garden and a Red Admiral, probably the same one that has been lurking around all week, was in the front garden flitting between the buddleia and basking close by.
Red Admiral - Coverdale 19.09.2015
Red Admiral - Coverdale 19.09.2015
Earlier in the week I had spotted the distinctive little holes caused by Holly Blue larvae feeding on the Ivy flower buds in the back garden but didn't have time for a proper look until this morning. Most of the flowers are high up and difficult to get a good look at but I did find a couple of larvae on some lower flowers and managed to get some photos.
I used my old FZ150 with close up lens for these shots as I don't have an adaptor for my FZ200.
Holly Blue larva - Coverdale 19.09.2015
Holly Blue larva - Coverdale 19.09.2015
Holly Blue larva - Coverdale 19.09.2015
Holly Blue larva - Coverdale 19.09.2015
Later in the afternoon I had a couple of hours free so decided to nip around to my local spot at Castle Hills near Solihull. By this time the clouds had built up, as they have so often done during the afternoons this year, but with the occasional bit of sun breaking through it was not long before I started seeing butterflies, a few Speckled Woods and whites to begin with plus a couple of late Meadow Browns. There were also a few Common Blues scattered about the meadow areas, mostly looking worn and faded now.
Common Blue - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Common Blue - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Around this time for the past couple of years I have found some Small Tortoiseshells on a large patch of Asters (at least I think that is what they are) and sure enough there were some there again, at least four different ones either on the Asters or close by.
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
The clouds had now built up to 100% overcast and it had turned quite dull and gloomy so I started to circle back, stopping off to check out the bank where I had seen a number of Painted Ladies a few weeks back. As I approached I noticed an orange butterfly go to ground and sneaking up on it confirmed it as a Painted Lady and took a quick shot before it took off and disappeared at high speed.
Painted Lady - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Painted Lady - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
A few minutes late I saw what I thought at first was the same butterfly returning but when it settled it turned out to be a second individual, confirmed by some damage to its hindwings.
Painted Lady - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
Painted Lady - Castle Hills 19.09.2015
I had been hoping for a Small Copper or two this afternoon but despite checking the usual favourite spots I didn't find any. Third brood of this species can be a bit hit and miss around here and some years they seem to have more of an extended second brood than a proper third one. I will hopefully manage to get back here for another look over the next couple of weekends, after all this is usually a good site for autumn Commas and I haven't seen any of those yet.

Bye for now,


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Butterflysaurus rex
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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Butterflysaurus rex »

Really nice Holly Blue larvae there Neil. It's been a bumper season for Hollies down here, hopefully the spring brood will be very productive.

Nice STS as well not seeng many of those where I am.



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Goldie M
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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Goldie M »

Lovely STS's Neil, they look in good condition too, I've had lots in the garden again, it makes the Autumn seem more like Summer , we've had some good weather here, raining here during the day for the first time for ages it's rained during the night before and been really nice through the day, it looks like we've also got a nice weekend to come Goldie :D

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David M
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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by David M »

Holly Blues and Small Tortoiseshells have been doing well this year in south Wales, so it's pleasing to know they're thriving elsewhere too!

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Neil Freeman
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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Neil Freeman »

Thanks James, I have seen quite a few Holly Blues in my garden this year but strangely not that many whilst out and about around my patch.

Thanks Goldie, the first half of the week was a bit wet and gloomy around here, 'unsettled' they call it on the forecasts, but it has brightened up today and the weekend is looking promising.

Thanks David, I usually seem to get a late flush of Small Tortoiseshells around here.

Friday 25th September

This week has really felt like Autumn is here with it now being pitch black when I get up for work at 05.30. The drive from Solihull to Coventry has seen temperatures down to single figures on the display in the car with 8 or 9 degrees showing on a couple of mornings. After a fair bit of rain earlier in the week it has cleared up nicely today with a clear blue sky this morning and the usual cloud building up through this afternoon.

Pottering about in the garden this afternoon I watched at least three different male Specklies competing for the sunny patches which are now getting smaller as the sun gets lower in the sky.
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 25.09.2015
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 25.09.2015
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 25.09.2015
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 25.09.2015
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 25.09.2015
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 25.09.2015
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 25.09.2015
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 25.09.2015
A Red Admiral was hanging around for most of the hour or so that I was out there, a different one from the one that was about last week, identified as such by the small white dots in the red band on the forewing (ab. bialbata).
Red Admiral - Coverdale 25.09.2015
Red Admiral - Coverdale 25.09.2015
Red Admiral - Coverdale 25.09.2015
Red Admiral - Coverdale 25.09.2015
The weekend is looking promising for another look around one of my local spots but fingers crossed that the cloud doesn't build up as much as it did last weekend.

Bye for now,


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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by David M »

Still some life left in the season, Neil, so make the most of it.

It's a bit ironic that we've had to wait till late September for a guaranteed week of good weather but we'll take anything that's on offer!

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Goldie M
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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Goldie M »

Love the Speckie with the Red Berries photo Neil, it really does look like Autumn, hope the rest of the week bucks up, nice Sunset now after a very dull afternoon.Goldie :D

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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Wurzel »

Lovely Red Admirals and Painted Lady recently Neil :D But the final Small Tort is a cracker, the contrast it great - a really dark indivudal :D

Have a goodun


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Neil Freeman
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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Neil Freeman »

Many thanks for your comments David, Goldie and Wurzel :D

Saturday 26th September.

Another beautiful Saturday morning and this time it remained pleasant into the afternoon with occasional white clouds gliding across the sky instead of the grey overcast that has been developing all too often this year.
I decided to return to my local spot at Castle Hills near Solihull and repeat the circuit that I had done last weekend to see what the better conditions would produce.

Starting off at the bank that had been covered with knapweed a few weeks back, there was still some in flower which was providing nectar for a couple each of Small Tortoiseshells, Small Whites and a Painted Lady.
Still some Knapweed in flower on this bank.
Still some Knapweed in flower on this bank.
Painted Lady - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Painted Lady - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Painted Lady - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Painted Lady - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Moving on along the path, half a dozen Common Blues were still about albeit now looking a bit old and worn.
Common Blue - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Common Blue - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
One of my targets for the day was Autumn Commas and I soon found a couple flitting along the hedges by the paths.
Comma - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Comma - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
I made my way to the large patches of Asters which have been quite productive at this time of year as previously mentioned in this diary and noticed a number of butterflies feeding on them including four or five Small Tortoiseshells, a couple of Peacocks, and singles of Comma, Common Blue, Meadow Brown and Speckled Wood.
Meadow Brown - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Meadow Brown - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Common Blue - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Common Blue - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Peacock - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Peacock - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Peacock - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Peacock - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Peacock - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Peacock - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Comma - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Comma - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Comma - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Comma - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
After spending a bit of time watching the various butterflies and taking a few photos I then circled back, spotting a single Small Heath and another Peacock on the way.
Small Heath - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Small Heath - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Peacock - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Peacock - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Just before getting back to the car I went for another quick look at the knapweed bank and saw the Painted Lady was still there. As I was watching, a cloud covered the sun for a few minutes and the PL went down on a patch of bare ground to bask so I took another couple of shots to finish off with.
Painted Lady - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Painted Lady - Castle Hills 26.09.2015
Bye for now,


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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Wurzel »

Cracking Painted Lady shot Neil and the 'distant' Small Tort is lush :D

Have a goodun

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David M
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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by David M »

Looks like there is still quite an array of flowering plant life in your neck of the woods, Neil. At this time of year, if you can find such a spot you can be almost certain that butterflies will have found it too!

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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Maximus »

A brilliant selection of shots of late September butterflies, Neil :D very nice to see the lovely Peacocks, I've not seen any around here for a while, guess they're hibernating?

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Goldie M
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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Goldie M »

Love the photos Neil, the Butterflies always show off best when on lovely flowers Goldie :D

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Neil Freeman
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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Neil Freeman »

Apologies for the late response but many thanks for all your comments Wurzel, David, Mike, and Goldie :D

Sunday 27th September

A sure sign that autumn is here is the increasing numbers of birds coming to the feeder in the garden with gangs of Great, Blue, Coal, and Long-tailed Tits visiting most days along with Robins, Dunnocks, Blackbirds and the occasional Wren picking up the fallen seed on the ground. There is also a pair of Great Spotted Woodpeckers with at least one juvenile that is usually around at some point during the day. Even if I don’t see them I often hear the distinctive sound of one of them drumming on the trees with their beaks.
A pair of Nuthatches have also been about and it is interesting to see these the right way up for a change instead of hanging upside down which is how I usually see them.
Nuthatch - Coverdale 27.09.2015
Nuthatch - Coverdale 27.09.2015
Later on Sunday afternoon I went for a look around my local spot at Bickenhill but there was not much butterfly activity about despite the nice sunny conditions. A total of three Speckled Woods, one Small Tortoiseshell and a couple of passing whites was all that I saw. The difference between this site and Castle Hills on the previous day (Saturday 26th Sept.) was the almost complete lack of nectar flowers here with just a few straggly ragwort plants scattered about.
I did notice a large number of orb weaver spiders sitting in their webs that were stretched across the long grass and many of these were Four-spotted Orb Weavers (Araneus quadratus) along with the common Garden species (Araneus diadematus) that I usually see.
Four-spotted Orb Weaver - Bickenhill 27.10.2015
Four-spotted Orb Weaver - Bickenhill 27.10.2015
Sunday 4th October.

All week whilst I have been at work, after a foggy or cloudy start the sun has come out and it has turned into a beautiful afternoon. Getting home from work, the shadows are now lengthening across the garden and a few Speckled Woods and the odd Comma has been about, usually higher up around the trees which are still lit up by the sun.
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 02.10.2014
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 02.10.2014
Comma - Coverdale 02.10.2014
Comma - Coverdale 02.10.2014
Saturday arrived and despite a forecast which promised another similar day of a misty start clearing for a sunny afternoon, it remained dull and cloudy all day with temperatures that refused to rise above the low teens. It was that dull and gloomy that not even the Specklies were tempted out.

Today (Sunday) dawned much better with clear blue skies and by mid-morning there was enough sun on the garden for a couple of male Specklies to be squabbling over the best spots.
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 04.10.2015
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 04.10.2015
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 04.10.2015
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 04.10.2015
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 04.10.2015
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 04.10.2015
The forecast for today had it clouding up later through the afternoon but by 2.00pm with clear blue skies still as far as the eye could see and a couple of hours free I decided to go out and make the most of it...

To be continued,


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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Wurzel »

Looking forward to the next installment Neil, cracking shots of the four spotted Orb spider :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Goldie M »

Great Speckie photos Neil, it was dank and dreary today no Butterflies Goldie :D

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Neil Freeman
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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Neil Freeman »

Cheers Wurzel, next bit coming up...

Nothing here today either Goldie, raining most of the day.

Sunday 4th October - continued.

As mentioned in the previous post, I decided to make the most of the beautiful October sun and nip out for a couple of hours in the afternoon. At this time of year, every weekend could be my last chance to get out so I went round to my local spot at Castle Hills near Solihull again as I reckoned that the patches of asters and knapweed there would be my best bet of seeing some butterflies.

I pretty much followed the same circuit that I have followed on my previous visits here and sure enough soon found a couple of Small Tortoiseshells on the knapweed on the sunny bank. A few Speckled Woods were seen along with a couple of Commas as I carried on along the path towards the asters and arriving at these patches of flowers there were a couple more Small Tortoiseshells and three Commas feeding on them.
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Small Tortoiseshell - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Comma -  Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Comma - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Comma -  Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Comma - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Comma -  Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Comma - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Comma -  Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Comma - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Comma -  Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Comma - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
A couple of ragged looking male Common Blues were also still hanging on in there,
Common Blue - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Common Blue - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
With the good weather that we had last week I had been hopeful that a third brood Small Copper may show up and I was pleased when I found a nice female not far from the sunny knapweed bank.
Small Copper - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Small Copper - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
When I was returning to the car later I checked this area again and found the female SC again and took a few more photos. I lost sight of her and found her again a couple of times and it wasn't until I checked my photos later I realised that I had in fact photographed two different females. Their similar markings and the fact they were in the same area made me think that they were the same one at the time.
Small Copper - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Small Copper - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
The second one...
The second one...
A single Peacock that I disturbed and which flew off rapidly and a few 'whites' actively flying around completed the tally for the afternoon. No Painted Ladies here today, probably headed south by now.

Also of note were the number of Dragonflies on the wing, mostly Common Darters with a few larger 'Hawker' types as well.
Common Darter - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Common Darter - Castle Hills 04.10.2015
Not great numbers of butterflies but enough to make for a really pleasant couple of hours, particularly after the dull and gloomy day we had on Saturday. I reckon the weather forecasters got the days the wrong way round.

Bye for now,


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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by millerd »

That patch of Michaelmas Daisies certainly attracts the butterflies, Neil. I wish some grew around here. I haven't seen a Small Tortoiseshell round here since early August (maybe even July) and no Coppers at all. A lovely Autumn selection of photos. :) :mrgreen:


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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by trevor »


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Re: Neil Freeman

Post by Wurzel »

Lovely Commas Neil :D And the orange marginal markings on those Coppers seem huge :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


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