Kev Ling

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by Pauline »

Typical WA poses Kev - very well captured, well done :D

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by kevling »

Thanks Pauline, I enjoyed seeing the underside as it perched on the leaf above me.

Regards Kev

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by Wurzel »

There must have been something in the air today as I to saw my first WA's of 2015, but I didn't get a nice underwing shot like that Kev :mrgreen: :D

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Kev Ling

Post by Goldie M »

Nive shots of the WA Kev wish they came North Goldie :D

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by kevling »

Cheers Wurzel; A combination of nice evening sunshine and happening to be in right place at the right time :D

Cheers Goldie; I'll gladly swap a WA for one of your dancing Large Heaths :D

Regards Kev

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by kevling »

18th July 2015 - Bonny Wood, Suffolk

A visit was paid to this location with the target species being Purple Emperor. A small colony has recently been discovered here thanks in main to a report from the 'Purple Project', a study by Liz Goodyear & Andrew Middleton detailing suitable woodlands in Suffolk that could support non - introduced populations. Bonny Wood was identified as a very good habitat with an abundance of Sallow.
So with my wife, daughter, camera and lots of optimism in tow, we set out to enjoy this wonderful woodland.
And what a place it is. Operated by the Suffolk Wildlife Trust, it is home to many species of Butterfly (14 seen in total during our visit). It is also a great habitat for Dragonflies too.

A total of five Emperors had been seen during the preceding week by visitors and just as we were leaving, we were rewarded with a single example that was very active. After buzzing right in front of my face, it flew into a low canopy, before coming briefly to rest on the path some yards away. Such was it's active nature, I managed only a couple of poor record shots, but it was still a great experience to get an encounter with HIM in Suffolk (non-introduced).
Bonny Wood, 18.7.15 (2).JPG
Bonny Wood, 18.7.15 (8).JPG
Bonny Wood, 18.7.15 (6).JPG
Other highlights from our visit were three Purple Hairstreaks, including this very obliging example.
Bonny Wood - 18.7.15.JPG
Bonny Wood - 18.7.15 (3).JPG
A healthy number of Silver Washed Fritillaries were also present with (15+ seen)
Bonny Wood - 18.7.15 (3).JPG
Bonny Wood - 18.7.15 (6).JPG
Bonny Wood - 18.7.15 (8).JPG
Bonny Wood - 18.7.15 (9).JPG
White Admiral were seen in double figures too
Bonny Wood - 18.7.15.JPG
Bonny Wood - 18.7.15 (1).JPG
I'll finish with a small selection of other images taken.

Small Skippers and friends
Bonny Wood - 18.7.15.JPG
Comma at rest
Bonny Wood.JPG
Southern Hawker
Southern Hawker - Bonny Wood (5).JPG
Common Darter
Common Darter - Bonny Wood (2).JPG
A cracking morning with butterfly numbers in their hundreds.

Regards Kev

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by kevling »

With a nice splash of early Autumn sunshine, there is still activity to be had, as demonstrated by this pair of Large Whites in my garden. Unfortunately the small number of larvae that were feeding on my Nasturtiums have since disappeared, presumably predated.
Garden - Sep 16.JPG
Garden - Sep 16 (1).JPG
Also seen this weekend was this Small Copper, along with a Small Heath and Red Admiral.
Rushmere Hth - Sep 15.JPG
Rushmere Hth - Sep 15 (2).JPG
Lets hope there are still a few more days to enjoy them before the long winter lull ahead.

Regards Kev

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by Wurzel »

You're doing well to see Small Coppers - I thought all of them had moved to Hoggers Territory :D Seriously I don't think I've seen a third brood yet :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Kev Ling

Post by Goldie M »

Lucky you Kev, I'm afraid we've not done very well in the North for Coppers this year, I saw some in May and that was the last time I saw them, even went back to the same spot twice ( Southport Dunes) no luck. Goldie :(

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by kevling »

With the UK butterfly season drawing to a close, I've been reflecting on my summer trip to the South of France. Through a combination of butterfly guides and expert opinion from fellow UK butterfliers, I have now identified a total of 50+ species seen on what was not a dedicated butterfly holiday. With the exception of a whole day in the Parc Du Mecantour, the rest were the result of frequent diversions from family activities (thanks guys :lol: ).
To give those that have not visited this area an idea of what you can see, I include a list of my sightings. There were a good number of others that went unidentified though, mainly erebia and hesperiidae But I'm very happy with what I did observe.

Dingy Skipper, Large Skipper , Lulworth Skipper, Small Skipper, Essex Skipper, Carline Skipper, Mallow Skipper , Oberthurs Skipper.

Apollo , Swalowtail , Scarce Swallowtail

Cleopatra , Clouded Yellow , Large White , Small White

Purple Hairstreak, White Letter Hairstreak, Scarce Copper, Sooty Copper, Geranium Bronze, Long Tailed Blue, Lang's Short Tailed Blue, Meleager's Blue, Brown Argus, Holly Blue, Damon Blue, Common Blue, Eschers Blue, Chalkhill Blue, Provence Chalkhill Blue, Adonis Blue

Southern White Admiral, Comma, Red Admiral, Painted Lady, Two Tailed Pasha

Marbled Fritillary, Weavers Fritillary, Spotted Fritillary, Silver Washed Fritillary

Speckled Wood, Wall Brown, Striped Grayling, Rock Grayling, Great Banded Grayling, Dryad, Great Sooty Satyr, Southern Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Small Heath

Large Ringlet

Marbled White
Western Marbled White

Here is a small collection of my personal favourite photographs from the trip.

Scarce Swallowtail
P9 Scare Swallowtail - Monaco.JPG
Rock Grayling
P12 Rock Grayling %.JPG
White Letter Hairstreak
P28 White Letter Hairstreak.JPG
Sooty Copper
P56 Sooty Cooper.JPG
Adonis & Long Tailed Blue
P88 Adonis and Long Tail Blue%.JPG
Scarce Copper
P100 Scarce Copper.JPG
Oberthur's Grizzled Skippe
P204 Oberthur's Grizzled - Sospel%.JPG
Spotted Fritillary
P334 Spotted Frit- Agay.JPG
P262 Spotted Frit- Theoule.JPG
Striped Graylings
P320 Striped Graylings- Esterel.JPG
Southern White Admiral
P335 Southern White Admiral- Agay.JPG
P113 Southern White Admiral.JPG
Lang's Short Tailed Blue
P349 Lang's Short Tailed Blue.JPG
Geranium Bronze
P419 Geranium Bronze- Theoule.JPG
Now to spend the long winter months, dreaming about what next summer could bring.

Kind Regards

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by David M »

Nice tally, Kev, especially given that you had other 'duties' most of the time.

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by Wurzel »

I am very envious of your tally Kev especially as it contained 26 species I've not seen before :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


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Re: Kev Ling

Post by kevling »

Thanks David; Yes I'm very happy with the number I saw. A return to the Parc Du Mecantour is a must I think.

Thanks Wurzel; I'm normally envious of your posts and all the Fritillaries you see in the west country. Glad to get my own back :lol:

Regards Kev

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by kevling »

At last. After reading everyone's posts of early sightings in 2016, it took until 25th March for me to finally break my duck.
A warm Good Friday at Orwell Country Park in Ipswich produced a Small Tortoiseshell nectaring on Blackthorn blossom.

After a slightly disappointing 2015 weather wise, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this year will make up for it.
There are a few 'first timers' on my wish list this year including Wood White,Duke of Burgundy and Marsh Fritillary.
We have a holiday to Wiltshire at the end of May, staying near Salisbury, so hopefully the Marshies will hopefully still be in abundance, along with some other notable spring species. If the weather plays ball, I will be paying my first visit to Bentley Woods for PBF and SPBF.

Regards Kev

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by Wurzel »

PM me nearer the time Kev and I can give you some inside info on Pearls and Dukes in Wiltshire :wink:

Have a goodun


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Re: Kev Ling

Post by kevling »

After a prolonged spell of wintry weather across the UK, I was in danger of not seeing an April orange Tip for the first time.
Thankfully the weather gods had a change of heart and on April 30th, we enjoyed our first Butterflying afternoon of the year :D

We returned to our traditional Orange Tip hot spot in Ipswich, where despite the lack of flowering Garlic Mustard compared to other years, we saw several including a female.
Also seen were several Peacocks, Small Tortoiseshell, Comma and Green Veined White.

Spring has finally started. Cue huge sigh of relief.

Regards Kev
Orange Tip 1.JPG
Orange Tip 3.JPG
Orange Tip 2.JPG

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by kevling »

First Green Hairstreak of the year today at Spring Wood in Ipswich. That's nine species seen over the weekend.

Regards kev

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by kevling »

Well I can certainly live with this weather. Spent the afternoon butterfly watching with my daughter (aka Pretty Butterfly). I won't even offer any of my photographs of mating Green Hairstreaks as she has totally outdone me with her images (see her new diary) :lol:

We did encounter plenty of Orange Tips though, with a good number of both male and female. This female did encounter a would be male suitor, but was not having anything of it. I hope some couples get it on, so there are some eggs to be found over the next few days.
Bobbits Lane - 6.5.16 (1).JPG
Bobbits Lane - 6.5.16.JPG
Bobbits Lane - 6.5.16 (6).JPG
Bobbits Lane - 6.5.16 (5).JPG
Regards Kev

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David M
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Re: Kev Ling

Post by David M »

Lovely juxtapositioning of those male and female Orange Tips, Kev.

Yes, this is a special time in the calendar, made all the better when we have 24c temperatures to complement it!

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Re: Kev Ling

Post by Butterflysaurus rex »

Very nice Orange Tip sequence there Kev, not easy to capture the action as well as you have done.



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