Marbled White aberration?

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Roger Gibbons
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Marbled White aberration?

Post by Roger Gibbons »

In the Mercantour (south-eastern France) at the beginning of July, I noticed a slightly odd-looking Marbled White (Melanargia galathea) and asked someone with a camera to get a photo:
1620-150630 (235).jpg
MW is perhaps the commonest butterfly in France, and apart from the known and not uncommon dark form procida and the white underside form leucomelas, I've never seen any real form of aberration. Is this a rarity?

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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marbled White aberration?

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hello Roger,
I do see quite a few galathea in the area of Marseilles, but have never seen this aberration before.
I have seen the white underside form leucomelas, but only much further east (Alpes Maritimes), and never around Marseilles / Vitrolles.
Cheers, Chris
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