Chequered Skippers - Roybridge

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Chequered Skippers - Roybridge

Post by Jonny721 »

I am going on a field trip to Scotland with university from the 26th June - 3rd July. During this trip we visit Creag Meagaidh NNR and I am hoping that I might be able to persuade my lecturers to take a slight detour since the nearest Chequered Skipper sites appear to be around the Roybridge area, only a 20 minute drive from the site. Does anybody know whether the butterflies will still be flying at that time (assuming the weather is preferable), and if so does anyone have specific directions to sites to look?

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Jack Harrison
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Re: Chequered Skippers - Roybridge

Post by Jack Harrison »

Sorry to have to say so, but your dates are too late.

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Re: Chequered Skippers - Roybridge

Post by Jonny721 »

We are visiting this site on Monday and I have heard reports of still fresh looking Chequered Skippers being seen today in other parts of their range, so it may still be possible for me to see them, where do people suggest as per my original post?
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Pete Eeles
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Re: Chequered Skippers - Roybridge

Post by Pete Eeles »

Hi Jonny,

As Jack said, I think you may be too late to see Chequered Skipper - but you might find a few stragglers. The good news is that you might see the first emergence of Mountain Ringlet at Creag Meagaidh NNR, given that the Scottish colonies emerge later than those further south. Let us know how you get on.


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Re: Chequered Skippers - Roybridge

Post by Jonny721 »

Hi Peter

I fully expected to be too late to see Skippers however I have friends currently staying at the opposite end of the Skippers range on the Ardnamurchan peninsula and today they observed several individuals so that has at least given me some hope. Where would you suggest specifically around Roybridge to look, I will only have a short period of time and still have to persuade my lecturer to take a detour!

We went up Ben Lawers today but it wasn't sunny so no chance of Mountain Ringlet (I have seen them before in the Lake District), so I will be looking harder at Creag Meagaidh.

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Jack Harrison
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Re: Chequered Skippers - Roybridge

Post by Jack Harrison »

opposite end of the Skippers range on the Ardnamurchan peninsula
I saw them on Ardnamurchan last year near Ardery (NM746618) approximately midway between Strontian and Salen but I suspect that they could occur much further west, perhaps as far as Glenborrodale. But it would need a lot of searching.

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Re: Chequered Skippers - Roybridge

Post by MikeOxon »

The nearest place to Roybridge where I have seen Chequered Skipper is in a small clearing by a layby on the minor road from Spean Bridge, South of the Rover Spean, just before it crosses a bridge over The Cour NN2478081115
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Re: Chequered Skippers - Roybridge

Post by Pete Eeles »

MikeOxon wrote:The nearest place to Roybridge where I have seen Chequered Skipper is in a small clearing by a layby on the minor road from Spean Bridge, South of the Rover Spean, just before it crosses a bridge over The Cour NN2478081115
I was at that very spot 2 weeks ago (a short detour while on my way to the Commando memorial) which provided one (worn) male Chequered Skipper.


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Re: Chequered Skippers - Roybridge

Post by lee3764 »

Try Glen Loy! They were late emerging this year. Look along or near the river bank 3 miles along no through road. Happy hunting!

Lee Slaughter (Cornwall).
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Re: Chequered Skippers - Roybridge

Post by dave brown »

I was once informed of a site behind Spean Bridge Railway Station where very late Chequered Skippers are often seen (last week of June). This is a proper walk leading through a small wooded area out onto a more open area on your right hand side. They were seen within 200 metres of the gated entrance, which commences almost immediately after crossing the station. This information is about ten years old, but may be worth a go if you are that close.
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Re: Chequered Skippers - Roybridge

Post by Essex Bertie »

I've just returned from Scotland and last Tuesday (23rd June) walked the Glasdrum NNR Mountain Ringlet transect. There were plenty of (up to 20) Chequered Skippers, mainly males defending their corners, in the glades walking up and a few about the tree line (also Emperor moths). There were 20+ Small Pearl-bordered Fritillaries on the way up too and plenty of Anania funebris under the pylons last weekend. So I think things are late in Scotland and would be surprised if there were not Chequered Skippers about this week. I didn't record any Mountain Ringlets on the 2km circuit despite good conditions, so I assume they weren't out. I did see a Green Hairstreak however, clocked at +495m! At Taynish NNR, Saturday 27th, there were still several Marsh Fritillaries flying in each of the sheltered coastal glades and a fresh SPBF. At Moine Mhor NNR, on Monday, 22nd, there were 8 of us there all day and we recorded only 1, possibly 2 Large Heath in good habitat.
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