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by Annie
Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:36 pm
Forum: Photography
Topic: My First Butterfly Photo
Replies: 3
Views: 305

My First Butterfly Photo


male PE taken in Straits Enclosure, Alice Holt Forest on 3rd July 2008 with a Fuji Finepix

I'm really pleased with this, I especially like the way the colour of the proboscis stands out against the background
by Annie
Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:45 pm
Forum: Weather
Topic: Met Office Weather "Gadget"
Replies: 2
Views: 643

Met Office Weather "Gadget"

I've just downloaded a very handy little weather gadget from the Met Office - it's available for Firefox or Vista (this is the link to the Firefox one) It gives you a Met Office button on the bottom status bar (on Firefox anyway, not sure a...
by Annie
Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:01 pm
Forum: Photography
Topic: Tips on what camera to get
Replies: 37
Views: 1841

Re: Tips on what camera to get

right, I had a terrible time with the Kodak bridge last week at Alice Holt. I found it awkward to take close-up photos and too cumbersome for me as a camera-virgin. So I tried my mum's little compace and got some fabbo pics of a male PE settled on the floor (the self-same one that walked up my right...
by Annie
Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:55 pm
Forum: Identification
Topic: Site For Parasitoid Wasp ID
Replies: 2
Views: 206

Re: Site For Parasitoid Wasp ID

camera at home (boyfriend's kit!) - I'll bring it in tomorrow. It's not the best photo in the world, and it looks a bit odd as the wasp was on the window at the time so it appears to be floating in the ether still, it's better than the godawful skipper photos I took in Sraights Inclosure last week :...
by Annie
Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:25 am
Forum: Identification
Topic: Site For Parasitoid Wasp ID
Replies: 2
Views: 206

Site For Parasitoid Wasp ID

I want to ID a parasitoid wasp that was hanging about in my sitting room last night

I've had a quick hunt around the interweb but can't find any really good sites for id'ing it. Wouldn't mind knowing what it was... I got some photos which should help
by Annie
Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:22 am
Forum: General
Topic: The first time a saw a....
Replies: 26
Views: 1365

Re: The first time a saw a....

ha ha!

I didn't phrase that very well, did I! reminds me of the song about "sitting on top of Lord Hereford's Knob" :lol:

anyway, in all seriousness, I think it's called Lollover Hill
by Annie
Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:48 am
Forum: General
Topic: The first time a saw a....
Replies: 26
Views: 1365

Re: The first time a saw a....

Cogley Wood was where I was heading this weekend, though due to time constraints I may not be able to get there. I know Great Breach/Breech Wood and Copley Wood, it was place that Heslop visited frequently I believe, though I don't know whether for PE's. I might just head out there this weekend for ...
by Annie
Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:01 am
Forum: Sites
Topic: Heddon Valley
Replies: 12
Views: 2490

Re: Heddon Valley

I sat in my lounge and looked over to Exmoor yesterday - normally I can see the headland near Lynmouth but the weather was so bloody awful I couldn't see further than Minehead!

Watersmeet to Lynmouth is a favourite walk of mine, might try to get out there in a couple of weeks
by Annie
Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:59 am
Forum: General
Topic: The first time a saw a....
Replies: 26
Views: 1365

Re: The first time a saw a....

My first was in Bentley Wood, about three years ago. Right at the end of the day, when we'd given up hope, a large female appeared through a hole in the canopy. I'm off this Saturday (weather permitting) to scope out a possible (and I use the word in the loosest of senses) PE site close(ish) to me.....
by Annie
Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:54 am
Forum: Books, Articles, Videos, TV
Topic: Daily Mail Saturday 5th July
Replies: 0
Views: 269

Daily Mail Saturday 5th July

Two-page spread in the back of the accompanying mag featuring some common UK butterflies and interview with Clive Farrell.
by Annie
Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:23 am
Forum: Sightings
Topic: July Butterflies
Replies: 36
Views: 2259

Re: July Butterflies

And we should all keep an eye on this: where Annie's true identity is revealed :) I'm Spartacus :lol: it's funny how you start to see PE's everywhere, if only in your head. I had to drive to a local town this morning, and their "welcome to..." ...
by Annie
Fri Jul 04, 2008 7:20 am
Forum: Sightings
Topic: July Butterflies
Replies: 36
Views: 2259

Re: July Butterflies

I would just like to point out that Matthew's health and safety notes may need a little updating - on depositing the paste he wrote "vile" on a little card and placed it in front of the suppurating ooze. Unfortunately, the side facing the pile proclaimed, in cheery cherry red, "Coca C...
by Annie
Fri Jul 04, 2008 7:13 am
Forum: Sightings
Topic: July Butterflies
Replies: 36
Views: 2259

Re: July Butterflies

I was lucky enough to visit Alice Holt Forest with Matthew Oates to look for Purple Emperors yesterday. We started off at one area (I can't remember the name!!) where, after an hour of looking we saw our first male, high in the canopy. Matthew put some belachan out but to no avail. Moving further do...
by Annie
Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:09 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Hazards of Butterflying
Replies: 163
Views: 8357

Re: Hazards of Butterflying

Jack - when you raised this topic yesterday I looked hard on the internet for any comments on forums etc against the use of these sonic devices, but could not find anything. What surprises me is that one company says they're ideal for deterring other dogs when you're out walking your own dog - I don...
by Annie
Wed Jul 02, 2008 1:00 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Hazards of Butterflying
Replies: 163
Views: 8357

Re: Hazards of Butterflying

and if someone parks inconsiderately behind you (as happened to me at Collard Hill the other day) you could just wedge some belachan behind their radiator grill...

I'm still surprised it's not rated as "weapons grade" :lol:
by Annie
Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:54 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Hazards of Butterflying
Replies: 163
Views: 8357

Re: Hazards of Butterflying

There's a wonderful story in my Grandfather's papers about one summer he was staying at a hotel for the PE season when somebody mentioned, loudly, the similarity of one of his facial features to that of a local "Ripper" style murderer who was still on the loose - so he promptly went out un...
by Annie
Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:00 am
Forum: Competitions
Topic: Daily Quiz
Replies: 755
Views: 23630

Re: Daily Quiz

Bryan, ...seems so obvious when you give the answer! and illustrates why I stick to the Sun's Quick Crossword and not the Times Cryptic :lol:
by Annie
Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:29 am
Forum: Sightings
Topic: July Butterflies
Replies: 36
Views: 2259

Re: July Butterflies

I'm off to Alice Holt Forest tomorrow for Purple Emperors and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! Plus with my newly-borrowed camera I can get photos of butterflies for the first time ever.
by Annie
Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:39 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Hazards of Butterflying
Replies: 163
Views: 8357

Re: Hazards of Butterflying

Jack, Berrow Dunes have almost the same problem as those detailed in your number 5. - it's a well known spot for unnauthorised nudism, and while I'm no prude and I've visited proper nudist beaches in the past, it certainly puts you off your stride to crest a dune and come face to face with a chap pr...
by Annie
Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:07 am
Forum: Photography
Topic: Tips on what camera to get
Replies: 37
Views: 1841

Re: Tips on what camera to get

My lovely boyfriend has lent me his Kodak P880 bridge camera for the week to see how I get on with the world of digital photography - here goes!

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