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by philm63
Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:18 pm
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

Cheers Wurzel, David There seems to be an on-going issue over the naming of species. Admittedly the Lesser Redpoll is commoner in the UK, but is restricted to here across to Central Europe, whereas the Common Redpoll has a wider distribution, including North America, so is the commoner Redpoll. I us...
by philm63
Mon Feb 05, 2018 2:58 pm
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

So far we have been lucky enough locally to miss most of the bad weather. Just three snow falls and none lasted more than 24 hours on the ground. The day light is extending and I actually see some light when finishing work, briefly admittedly, but it is a start. So any observing is limited to the we...
by philm63
Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:52 pm
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

And a good 2018

by philm63
Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:01 am
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

Cheers Andrew, David I couldn't agree more about wanting next Spring to come quickly, hopefully we are going to have a decent summer in 2018, and who knows a repeat of 2009, with a good year for Painted Ladys. I certainly have plans to widen my visiting area at the appropriate periods. I know of two...
by philm63
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:10 pm
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

Cheers Wurzel and thanks for the mammal ID
The old offer still stands, if you ever venture up this way in spring would be more than happy to show you my local moorland stomping grounds, weather permitting. What is glorious on a sunny day can be harsh and uninviting on a bad one

by philm63
Wed Dec 06, 2017 7:25 pm
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

Cheers David, Andrew Spring cannot come quick enough, I have had enough of winter already and it hasn't really started yet Memories Having re-capped the butterflies during the period I couldn’t finish without mentioning the memories stirred as I went back over 3 years’ worth of Trip Reports and the ...
by philm63
Tue Dec 05, 2017 9:18 am
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

Cheers Wurzel Remaining Aristocrats Painted Lady No good years for this species locally since 2009, none in 2014, 2 in 2015, none in 2016 and a single in 2017 IMG_6819.JPG IMG_6817.JPG Peacock Normally Peacock is a reliable local butterfly, and 2014 to 2016 followed the general trend. However, in 20...
by philm63
Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:46 pm
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

Cheers essexbuzzard, Andrew I have amended the posts appropriately Nymphalids Comma 2014 was not a bad year with a few sightings throughout the summer, the first on 2 July and the last on 10 September. 2015 was quieter with only a few seen in August. None seen at all in 2016 and seen twice in 2017 i...
by philm63
Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:08 pm
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: Andrew555
Replies: 433
Views: 53682

Re: Andrew555

Nice shots Andrew, I would love to have a site that like that locally

by philm63
Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:07 pm
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: Wurzel
Replies: 5857
Views: 2864397

Re: Wurzel

Just to second (or third or whichever) what everyone has said, a lovely image
by philm63
Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:56 pm
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

Hi Wurzel - Glad you like them. Which image do you think is a Gatekeeper, could it be the last one, is that what you think Whites continued Large White Common enough in the right places, I got the impression numbers were down in 2017 and the sightings were limited to the period May to July with just...
by philm63
Fri Dec 01, 2017 11:47 am
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

Cheers Andrew, David and Goldie Browns continued Speckled Wood This was again another species that had a few good years till 2016, but appeared thinner on the ground in 2017. The best spot locally Prince of Wales Park suffered from the over-removal of ground-level shrubbery and this robbed the butte...
by philm63
Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:48 am
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

Cheers Wurzel, essexbuzzard I seem to think that the Walls in angled-wings shots seem to show more texture and a richer colour, or maybe I just need to get my glasses changed!! Browns continued Meadow Brown It can be the commonest butterfly at the higher elevations locally, with good numbers in June...
by philm63
Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:38 am
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: essex buzzard
Replies: 2615
Views: 1891090

Re: essex buzzard

Nice find. We have had around 6 locally over the past few weeks, with them showing a preference for cemeteries. Didn't have the free time to go looking regrettably

by philm63
Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:40 am
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

Browns Gatekeeper None seen locally for a few years, but was only sporadic before that. In 2017 had a single that was retrospectively identified in these posts, I had assumed it was another Meadow Brown. That will teach me to be more observant IMG_9748.JPG Small Heath There is a reliable site, with ...
by philm63
Tue Nov 28, 2017 8:01 am
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

Cheers Goldie and Andrew The Skipper was photographed on the 23 July this year, it was not at a site I usually see them and was very lethargic but looked in good condition. The hardest bit was operating the camera in my other hand and trying to get a focus at such close range Goldie. I also ran into...
by philm63
Mon Nov 27, 2017 8:10 am
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

Hi all Since my last post in April 2014 I have been loitering around the fringes and still keeping up with people’s diaries and sightings. I decided it was time to start posting again, so I hope you all will all excuse the absence, and hopefully I can manage to post the odd image to brighten up your...
by philm63
Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:42 pm
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: philm63
Replies: 253
Views: 28212

Re: philm63

At last some butterflies! last Tuesday (15th) saw my first Small Tortoiseshells, with a few around, followed a few days later by the first Peacock. With the bank holiday managed to get out a bit and added three male Orange Tips; none of which showed any inclination to stop. The 15th is almost the sa...
by philm63
Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:31 pm
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: Neil Freeman
Replies: 4364
Views: 2329940

Re: nfreem

Neil Ah, Speckled Woods - now there is a butterfly I can relate to as it is probably the butterfly I see most of in a year. Outnumbered yes by Ringlets and Meadow Brown in season but I can rely on Speckled Wood over a longer period. Not as common as Whites certainly but Whites are not as exciting. A...
by philm63
Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:23 pm
Forum: Personal Diaries
Topic: Wurzel
Replies: 5857
Views: 2864397

Re: Wurzel

Great stuff Wurzel - a fascinating look back at 2013, with some great shots and a 20104 butterfly already. Lets hope all that water doesn't limit you efforts to get out and about - enjoy


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