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by NickB
Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:39 pm
Forum: Field Trips and Events
Topic: Party September at Jack's
Replies: 18
Views: 1797

Re: Party September at Jack's

Me too! Though Erja will be away, so I'm foot-loose and fancy-free!
(And all on my own :( )
PS Spare room in Cambridge for those who don't fancy a tent at Jack's...
by NickB
Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:59 pm
Forum: Competitions
Topic: August 2008 Votes
Replies: 113
Views: 7521

Re: August 2008 Votes

Pete Eeles wrote:Yes - you're probably right Shirley - just give them a polite and private ticking off for their first offence :) .....
- Pete
.....And if all else fails, the thought of a visit from UKB's newly-resident Rotweiller may want to make them change their mind! :P
by NickB
Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:42 pm
Forum: Overseas
Topic: Short-tailed blue
Replies: 7
Views: 630

Re: Short-tailed blue

padfield wrote:...Nevertheless, this is clearly a very good stb year - so keep your eyes peeled!!

Yeah - they'll swim over here!
by NickB
Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:34 pm
Forum: Competitions
Topic: August 2008 Votes
Replies: 113
Views: 7521

Re: August 2008 Votes

I too admit to being bemused by the criteria that some people use for their voting! Like Guy, I find there are usually one or two stand-outs and the last vote could have gone to any one of several others..... Just goes to show that, as in all visual arts, some people have strange tastes......... or ...
by NickB
Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:03 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Net Rage
Replies: 161
Views: 6692

Re: Net Rage

Rosy Rustic wrote:You lot are far too reasonable.
Oh no we F*****g aren't!
We can argue black is white and pigs can fly, if we really want to get going......
PS Must keep taking those old-git tablets, I seem to have been coming over all sentimental recently!
by NickB
Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:08 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Net Rage
Replies: 161
Views: 6692

Re: Net Rage

If people want to protect the environment, stop Labour's wholesale plundering of green belt land for housing. I think that if we take action to maintain corridors and manage our urban areas more sympathetically, it is possible to combine building more houses with improving the areas that we leave f...
by NickB
Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:41 pm
Forum: Photography
Topic: New Canon 50d
Replies: 40
Views: 2217

Re: New Canon 50d

And the results, compared to a macro? I find the sharpness difficult to match - but the IS should help!
by NickB
Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:36 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Net Rage
Replies: 161
Views: 6692

Re: Net Rage

Oh dear!
Perhaps I should regurgitate that blackberry and apple crumble I had and put it back where I found them!

And what should I do with the Blackberry Jelly my son made? March him to the nearest Police Station I suppose!
by NickB
Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:46 pm
Forum: Sightings
Topic: Recording your Sightings
Replies: 28
Views: 18044

Re: Recording your Sightings

Just to remind members that Butterfly Conservation is mapping the progress of the Painted Lady in the UK at: Any sighting this year (not just current) can be entered. It shows (from the limited data) what a poor year we...
by NickB
Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:15 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Net Rage
Replies: 161
Views: 6692

Re: Net Rage

Rosy Rustic wrote:I've never been hunting, shooting or fishing but I know that I would get one hell of a kick out of it if I did.*
*maybe not the fishing, cos that's a bit dull for the most part.
Budding Extinction Club member, I feel!
by NickB
Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:06 pm
Forum: Photography
Topic: New Canon 50d
Replies: 40
Views: 2217

Re: New Canon 50d

Yeah - And when their D200 is much slower to autofocus with the 300mm than your D300, you may find that when your partner goes shooting her rugby matches (!) on Saturday's for instance, you mysteriously get left with the D200 for your butterflies! (Not that I'm bitter and twisted about it at all :x ...
by NickB
Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:01 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Net Rage
Replies: 161
Views: 6692

Re: Net Rage

I certainly would never go hunting or shooting, that's for sure! (Even clay pigeons have rights :!: ) I was just making the point that getting all dewy-eyed about the small-scale activities of local farmers and land-owners who go shooting with a few friends may be forgetting that, despite their acti...
by NickB
Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:12 pm
Forum: Photography
Topic: New Canon 50d
Replies: 40
Views: 2217

Re: New Canon 50d

Gruditch wrote:Chasing the latest models is a fruitless exercise, your better off investing in good glass. :wink:
Indeed! Tho' if you (like Gruditch and I) live with another photographer you may find that "lens envy" can be a problem! :roll:
by NickB
Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:42 pm
Forum: Competitions
Topic: July 2008 Votes
Replies: 31
Views: 3797

Re: July 2008 Votes

Dave McCormick wrote:Thanks guys for comments, ...., but at the time, it was the only shot I could get of the subject.
Yes - the b*****s just won't keep a pose for you. will they? :P
by NickB
Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:53 pm
Forum: Photography
Topic: New Canon 50d
Replies: 40
Views: 2217

Re: New Canon 50d

I wonder how the new model compares withthe likes of the Nikon d300? A friend has just bought it and told me of the huge number of autofocusing points compared with Canons meagre 9? Mark The answer is 51! Mind you, when you have a small subject that moves, they don't half jump around! (Like Gruditc...
by NickB
Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:13 pm
Forum: Competitions
Topic: July 2008 Votes
Replies: 31
Views: 3797

Re: July 2008 Votes

Nothing posted here is actually taken personally, I can assure you!
Indeed, us non-Canonista's get along just fine! :D
by NickB
Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:42 am
Forum: General
Topic: Net Rage
Replies: 161
Views: 6692

Re: Net Rage

Yeah - What is certainly upsetting is the wholesale management of acres and acres of moor and woodland so that those who maintain our "traditions" can blast away at anything in front of their guns! This example of elitism will never get my (or I suspect, your) support. Whilst some other wi...
by NickB
Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:07 am
Forum: Competitions
Topic: July 2008 Votes
Replies: 31
Views: 3797

Re: July 2008 Votes

In my humble opinion, Eccles is one of the best photographers on this site, and I personally loved that shot. Your new, and in your opinion, improved crop, does indeed show that you have a lot yet to learn Nick. :wink: Gruditch As we ALL have, I'm sure you will agree! (Of course, there are those wh...
by NickB
Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:07 pm
Forum: Competitions
Topic: July 2008 Votes
Replies: 31
Views: 3797

Re: July 2008 Votes

..... It's academic now but I notice from the exif data that this shot was taken in August and therefore not admissible....... Regards, Mike. Ah just because the bus has India on the tyres doesn't mean it is going to India, as my uncle used to say! :mrgreen: All I can say is that the ViewNX softwar...
by NickB
Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:10 am
Forum: Competitions
Topic: July 2008 Votes
Replies: 31
Views: 3797

Re: July 2008 Votes

Nick, I also agree that giving a subject room to breathe makes for a better photo, but using the rule of thirds here by placing the insect a little more to the right would have improved this entry. Regards, Mike. I quite agree with you; however, the "rule-of-thirds" is just one such rule....

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