UK Butterflies

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Orange-tip Aberrations

This page provides access to all named aberrations of a given species and Goodson & Read (1969) is a key resource in this regard.


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All Aberrations

Natural History Museum

ab. nov

This section contains those aberrations that are considered new, and have yet to be formally defined. (all aberrations)

ab. luteola (Stephan.Iris.1923.37.p.30.)

= flavus

Male. On the forewings the ground colour is yellow from the base to the orange apical tip, instead of white. The hindwings are presumably normal, as they are in flavus Frohawk.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. saxonia (Hering.Z.Wiss.Ins.1912.8.p.234.)

= flava Williams.Trans.Lond.Nat.Hist.Soc.1915.p.66.

Male. On the upperside the wings are pale yellow instead of white. The underside is normal.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. ochrata (Greer.Ent.Rec.1924.36.p.91.)

Female. On the upperside all wings are of a dull ochreous-yellow.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. perflavida (Strand.Deutsch.Ent.Z.1924.p.27.)

Female. The upperside of the forewings washed yellow, the apex also unfused with yellow. The underside clear citron-yellow along the veins and washed with orange from the discoidal spot outwards. The hindwings are not mentioned so presumably normal.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. proosti (Lambillion.Rev.Mens.Soc.Ent.Nam.1919.19.p.50.)

Female. The upperside of the forewings showing yellow stripes in the disc and yellow spots on the outer margin of the black apical tip. Hindwings yellow showing no trace of the underside marbling coming through.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. ochrea (Tutt.Brit.Butts.1896.p.245.)

Female. On the upperside of the hindwings the ground colour is almost entirely yellow.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. sulfureovenata (Keynes.Ent.Rec.1910.22.p.239.)

= flavoradiata Stephan.Ent.Rundsch.1917.34.p.12.

Upperside of the hindwings with the upper vein of the cell, and the upper four veins from the cell to the margin, strongly marked with bright sulphur-yellow.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. aureoflavescens (Cockerell.Entom.1888.21.p.189.)

= lutea Gillmer.Ent.Z.1907.20.p.237.
= crocea Röber.Seitz.Macrolep.1907.1.p.54.
= reignaci Gouin.Proc.Verb.Soc.Linn.Bord.1920.p.72.
= luteus

The orange tip of the male replaced by clear yellow.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. sassafrana (Oberthür.Lep.Comp.1909.3.p.140.)

The orange tip replaced by very pale saffron-yellow.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. ochracea (Sälzl.Iris.(1935-36)1936.49.p.159.)

The orange tip replaced by ochre-yellow.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. salmonea (Oberthür.Lep.Comp.1909.3.p.140.)

The orange tip replaced by rose-salmon.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. transvestita (Müller.Int.Ent.Z.1932.26.p.155.)

The orange tip of the male indicated only by a pale grey shade, giving the appearance of a female.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. femininus (Bang-Haas.Ent.Z.1938.52.p.177.)

The orange tip of the male completely disappeared with the exception of a citron-yellow transverse band, which runs from the costa to the tornus, travelling on the inner side of the black discoidal point. This presumably means the edge of the normal orange tip.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. deaurata (Williams.(nom.preoc.decolorata.Williams).Ent.Gaz.1959.10.p.138.)

= decolorata Williams.(nom.preoc.Caruel.1955).Proc.S.Lond.Ent.&.N.Hist.Soc.(1957)

Male with no trace of the normal orange tip.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. detersa (Verity.Rhop.Pal.1908.p.191.)

The orange tip of the male practically absent. Possibly the same as femininus Bang-Haas. Verity does not say what vestiges remain.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. flavida-virescens (Oberthür.Lep.Comp.1910.3.p.140.)

The orange tip replaced by greenish-yellow.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. lasthenia (Milliere.Ann.Soc.Linn.Lyon.1860.(Extract).Icon d.Chenilles

Male albino. The black apical tip and discoidal spot replaced by whitish, the orange patch normal. On the underside the hindwings are marbled with faint greenish-yellow with no black pigment intermixed.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. buschmanni (Müller.Int.Ent.Z.1930.24.p.153.f.154.)

Male. The usually orange-red marginal half of the upperside of the forewings is yellowish-brown but the greater part is dusted over with black. On the underside the same area is deep black-brown. Hindwings underside with dark green markings.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. reducta (Masowicz.Polsk.Pismo.Ent.1923.2.p.124.f.1.)

Male in which the orange tip is interrupted by parallel whitish stripes along the nervures.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. umbrosa (

= marginata Pionneau.(nom.preoc.Greer).Proc.Verb.Soc.Linn.Bord.1927.78.p.98.

Male with a line of black shading between the orange patch and the white ground on the upperside of the forewings.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. turritis (Ochsenheimer.Schmett.Eur.1816.4.p.156.)

= hesperidis Newnham.Ent.Rec.1894.5.pp.97 and 219.

Very small, and distinguished by the black central spot on the forewing in the male being situated on the edge of the orange patch, instead of in the orange as in the typical cardamines. Female also small. Newnham’s hesperidis would seem to be identical to turritis Ochsenheimer. He says it differs from turritis Ochsenheimer by its smaller size, so was apparently unaware that turritis was ‘very small’. This form is not only confined to very small specimens.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. divisa (Sheljuzhko.Mitt.Munch.Ent.Ges.1925.15.p.97.)

The discoidal spot of the forewings divided into two.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. parvipuncta (Turati.Nat.Sic.1919.p.217.)

The discoidal spot of the forewings in the shape of a fine comma.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. antiquincunx (Bryk.Ent.Tikdskr.1923.44.p.109.)

The discoidal spot of the forewings reduced to a small speck.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. immaculata (Pabst.Ber.Nat.Ges.Chemnitz.1884.p.16.)

The discoidal spot of the forewings completely absent.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. crassipuncta (Mezger.Lamb.1931.31.p.115.)

The discoidal spot of the forewings very large.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. macula-punctata (

Female with large distorted discoidal spot on the forewings with two short points or streaks on its outer edge and one on its inner edge pointing towards the base.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. pupillata (Lempke.Tijdschr.Ent.1936.79.p.250.)

The discoidal spot of the forewings is pupilled.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. nigrocellularis (Oberthü

Female with the discoidal spot of the forewings drawn out into a long thick streak travelling towards the apex but not reaching it on both upper and underside.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. caulotosticta (Williams.Trans.Lond.Nat.Hist.Soc.1915.p.67.)

Female with the discoidal spot of the forewings large and branched, the upper portion extended to the subcostal vein, travelling down it towards the base.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. schepdaeli (Derenne.Rev.Mens.Soc.Ent.Nam.1923.23.p.25.,

Female with the discoidal spot large, the costa black from the base to the centre of the wing and linked with the discoidal spot by a black streak, then continuing on to the black apical tip in a thin streak.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. costaenigrata (Closs.Int.Ent.Z.1921.15.p.83.)

= umbratilis Stephan.Iris.1923.37.p.29.
= nigroconjuncta Uffeln.Jahresber.Westf.Prov.-ver.Wiss.Kunst.1926.p.161.

Male. The costal edge of the upperside of the forewings heavily dusted with black from the base to beyond the centre. Stephan’s umbratilis was a female specimen.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. williamsi (Greer.Ent.Rec.1928.40.p.33.)

Female with the costa of the forewings black from the base right to the apical black tip, so wide that it connects with the upper edge of the black discoidal spot, giving the appearance of a broad stripe.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. decolorata (Caruel.Rev.Fr.Lep.1955.15.p.22.,fig.Oberthü

Female in which the usual black parts (discoidal spot and apical tip) are replaced by pale grey. Caruel says this form is figured by Oberthür, and erroneously named by him as ab. lasthenia Mill. Caruel’s statement is correct, since in lasthenia there is no trace of grey on the discoidal, nor at the apex.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. lineata (Lempke.Tijdschr.Ent.1953.96.p.275.)

Female in which the dark apical tip of the forewings is reduced to a few lines along the nervures.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. quadripunctata (Fuchs.Jahrb.Nass.Ver.Nat.1898.51.p.203.)

On the upperside of the hindwings there is a black discoidal spot, normally there is only one on the forewings. On the underside, the hindwings show a large spot surrounded by green scaling.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. marginemaculata (Stephan.Iris.1920.37.p.29.)

On the upperside of the hindwings the dots or spots on the margin are well marked.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. sagittata (Caruel.Rev.Fr.Lep.1955.15.p.21.)

Male. On the upperside of the forewings two black streaks from the margin run along the inner margin, towards the base. These streaks start just above the anal angle.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. striata (Pionneau.Misc.Ent.1924.27.p.57.)

= radians Verity.Cat.Lep.Gironde.1928.p.22.

Male. At the apex of the orange patch on the upperside of the forewings there are three clearly visible little black rays.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. radiata (Williams.Trans.Lond.Nat.Hist.Soc.1915.p.69.)

Female. On the upperside of the forewings at the apex there are a series of black dashes or stripes stretching from the black apical tip towards the discoidal spot. In extreme forms they can even reach it.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. marginata (Greer.Ent.Rec.1920.32.p.154.)

On the upperside of the forewings the small black dots on the margin are united to form a narrow marginal line, from the black tip at the apex down to the tornus. Described from a male.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. alberti (Hoffman.Das.Nat.Cabinet.1894.p.230.)

Included as an aberration by some authors. Hoffman himself thought it to be a different species because it fed on a different foodplant. Male with all the markings more intense and the orange more fiery, the black deeper. The underside of the forewings shaded sulphur-yellow from the base to the orange patch, the hindwings with less white spaces, the green markings covering the greater part and dotted with black.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. minora (de Selys.Ann.Soc.Ent.Belg.1857.1.p.6.)

= minor Cockerell.Entom.1889.22.p.176.
= minor Mosley.Nat.Journ.Suppl.1889.p.6.

Very small specimens. Cockerell says half normall size.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. major (Tutt.Ent.Rec.1897.9.p.224.)

Very large specimens.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. arsenoides (Newnham.Lep.Church Stretton.1900.p.122.)

= andromorpha Verity.Rhop.Pal.1911.p.342.,pl.68 is given but the insect not figured.

Female with partial orange tips. Upperside. Verity’s form was a female with the apex sprinkled with orange scales. Upperside. These are mixed gynandromorphs.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. commaculata (

= commaculata Oberthür.Lep.Comp.June.1909.3.p.140.

The underside irregularly spotted with the orange colour of the male. These may well be treated as synonyms of ab. arsenoides Newnham, being separated merely because they are underside.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. androgyna (Newnham.Lep.Church Stretton.1900.p.122.)

Completely halved gynandromorph. The right side wings female, the left wings male.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. flavescens (Oberthü

On the underside of the forewings of the male washed with yellow from the base to the orange patch, the apex beyond it also yellow. Upperside of hindwings washed with yellow except the anal area.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. citronea (Wheeler.Butts.Switz.1903.p.64.)

On the underside of the forewings the ground colour along the inner margin is yellow instead of white. The upperside is normal.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. subtus-flavovenata (Reuss.Int.Ent.Z.1915.9.p.54.)

= pulverulenta Mezger.Lamb.1933.33.p.208.

On the underside of the hindwings the black dusting is lacking giving the impression of bright yellow marbling. The veins are outlined in yellow.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. cinerea (Newnham.Ent.Rec.1890.1.p.242.)

On the underside the green marbling is replaced by grey.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. kutokovi (Krulikowsky.Rev.Russe.Ent.1909.8.p.265.)

On the underside of the hindwings little white remains, most of the wings being covered with green scales.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. subflavopicta (Mezger.Lamb.1931.31.p.115.)

Female with the underside of the forewings showing irregularly marked areas of yellow, usually between the discoidal spot and external margin.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. dispila (Raynor.Ent.Rec.1906.18.p.298.)

= bimaculata Müller.Int.Ent.Z.1928.22.p.139.

Female showing on the underside of the forewings a second black spot beneath the discoidal.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. bilineata (

Similar to ab. dispila Raynor but with two spots beneath the discoidal spot on the underside of the forewings, which are in the form of streaks 2mm long and parallel.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. substriata (Caruel.Rev.Fr.Lep.1955.15.p.23.)

Specimens with three or more extra black spots, or grey, on the underside of the forewings.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)

ab. discocellularis (Strand.Int.Ent.Z.1914.7.pp.323-4.)

On the underside of the forewings an extra black spot beneath the discoidal spot and, in addition, the upperside of the hindwings showing a black discoidal point. A combination of dispila Raynor and quadripunctata Fuchs, hardly worth a separate name.

Natural History Museum (all aberrations)