UK Butterflies

Building a Community of Responsible Butterfly Enthusiasts in Britain & Ireland

News Items

2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009

2017 UK Butterflies Outstanding Contribution Award
Posted on December 20, 2017

Congratulations to Richard Fox, Head of Recording at Butterfly Conservation, and winner of the 2017 UK Butterflies Outstanding Contribution Award. Richard provides regular updates of species distribution data (used on species distribution maps), ensures that all statements regarding species conservation status (in terms of abundance and occurrence) are accurate and provides general advice that symbolises the partnership that UK Butterflies has with Butterfly Conservation. A very deserving winner.

A Review of Butterflies of Hertfordshire and Middlesex
Posted on December 11, 2017

From the publisher: Copiously illustrated with colour photographs taken in the two counties, it provides the first in-depth account of butterflies found in our area for almost 30 years. It includes present-day and historic distribution maps for all 34 resident and migrant species recorded in recent years, together with an analysis of trend data. Its 272 pages also provide an expert evaluation of changing rural and urban landscapes and their impact on butterfly populations since the 1980s. Descriptions of more than 50 publicly accessible 'top spots' for butterflies are accompanied by maps and other information on visiting them. Click here to read the review.

A Review of Searching for Butterflies in Northern Spain
Posted on December 7, 2017

From the publisher: In July 2017 Paul and Helen spent two weeks in The Picos de Europa and surrounding areas with Paul's parents and his nephew, a budding wildlife photographer. Over 100 species of butterflies were encountered on this trip and 94 of these were captured on film and are included on this DVD. This twin DVD set also includes footage of the spectacular mountain scenery and much of the other wildlife encountered, including flowers, dragonflies, moths and birds such as Alpine Accentor and Wallcreeper. Click here to read the review.

A Review of Swiss Butterflies: East
Posted on December 6, 2017

From the publisher: This is an original film of butterflies in Eastern Switzerland. Easily accessible butterfly sites in Graubünden, Uri and Schwyz are visited, including the Albula Valley, Alp Valley, Beverin Valley, Oberalppass, Inn Valley, Poschiavo Valley and Rhine Valley. A full range of habitat is featured, including Woodland, Wetland, Rocky Steppe, Mountain and High Mountain. Butterfly subspecies found in specific locations are highlighted. Rare butterflies filmed include: Alcon Blue, Silvery Argus, Escher's Blue, Thor's Fritillary and Southern White Admiral. Click here to read the review.

UK Butterflies Annual Photography Competition
Posted on December 6, 2017

Congratulations to Nigel Kiteley, overall winner in the 2017 UK Butterflies Annual Photography Competition! With a superb photo of a Chalk Hill Blue, Nigel wins a copy of The Video Guide to the Butterflies of Britain and Ireland (DVD) which has been kindly donated by NatureGuides. Click here to see all of the winning entries.

Latest Issue of Butterfly Magazine
Posted on November 10, 2017

The Autumn 2017 issue of Butterfly, Butterfly Conservation's magazine is now out. As usual, plenty of news and also excellent articles that include the results of the Big Butterfly Count, tips on how to distinguish the various species of fritillary, the Grizzled Skipper in Wales, the Large Blue and Duke of Burgundy in the Cotswolds and management of the Morecambe Bay limestones. Not a Butterfly Conservation member? Click here to enter the Butterfly Conservation website where you can find joining instructions.

Butterfly Conservation Symposium 2018
Posted on November 1, 2017

The latest breakthroughs in the ecology and conservation of butterflies will be the theme of Butterfly Conservation's eighth international symposium from 6th to 8th April. The programme provides opportunities for Butterfly Conservation members to present talks or posters on practical conservation work and contributions will be welcomed. The symposium will end with a look of future challenges, including the impact of climate change. Click here for more details.

A Review of A Swift Guide to Butterflies of North America
Posted on November 1, 2017

From the publisher: This is a revised second edition of the most detailed, comprehensive, and user-friendly photographic field guide to the butterflies of North America. Written by Jeffrey Glassberg, the pioneering authority on the field identification of butterflies, the guide covers all known species, beautifully illustrating them with 3,500 large, gorgeous color photographs - the very best images available. This second edition includes more than 500 new photos and updated text, maps, and species names. The result is an ideal field guide that will enable you to identify almost every butterfly you see. Click here to read the review by Guy Padfield.

In Partnership With ...
Posted on October 26, 2017

We're delighted to announce the forging of a closer relationship between UK Butterflies and Butterfly Conservation, ensuring that the complementary nature of our efforts benefits the conservation of the butterflies and moths we all care about so much. Click here for more details.

A Review of The Ecology & Evolution of Heliconius Butterflies
Posted on July 9, 2017

From the publisher: The Heliconius butterflies are one of the classic systems in evolutionary biology and have contributed hugely to our understanding of evolution over the last 150 years. Their dramatic radiation and remarkable mimicry has fascinated biologists since the days of Bates, Wallace, and Darwin. The Ecology and Evolution of Heliconius Butterflies is the first thorough and accessible treatment of the ecology, genetics, and behaviour of these butterflies, exploring how they offer remarkable insights into tropical biodiversity. Click here to read the review by Guy Padfield.

A Review of The Butterflies of Sussex - A Twenty-First Century Atlas
Posted on May 20, 2017

From the publisher: Sussex, sitting on the South Coast and boasting a diverse range of habitats set within beautiful, iconic landscapes, has always been recognised as one of the best areas of the country in which to watch and appreciate our butterflies. This work summarises their current distribution and status, based on an intensive five year survey by local Butterfly Conservation members. The lavishly illustrated texts, covering 53 species, include many original insights into a rapidly changing world of losses and gains, capturing an unprecedented period in the history of British butterflies. Click here to read the review.

Notes and Views, Issues 8 and 9 - Sep 2016 to Apr 2017
Posted on May 10, 2017

Issue 8 (Sep 2016 to Dec 2016) and Issue 9 (Jan 2017 to Apr 2017) of Notes and Views are now available, providing summaries of interesting items posted on UK Butterflies and other media.

A Review of A Naturalist's Guide to the Butterflies of Britain and Northern Europe
Posted on May 7, 2017

From the publisher: This easy-to-use, fully comprehensive identification guide to the 159 butterflies found in Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, Belgium, Netherlands and the Baltics is perfect for amateur naturalists. High-quality photographs are accompanied by detailed species descriptions, which include common and scientific name, wingspan, distribution and habitat. The user-friendly introduction covers living with butterflies, anatomy, behaviour, enemies and friends, ecology, distribution and conservation. Click here to read the review.

Mountain Ringlet Crowdfunding Campaign
Posted on April 24, 2017

Dr. Steven Ewing of the RSPB Centre for Conservation Science is coordinating a crowdfunding campaign that will support a detailed ecological study of one of our least-known species; the Mountain Ringlet. This research project will be carried out in partnership with the National Trust and Butterfly Conservation, with support from UK Butterflies. If you would like to contribute to this project, then please visit the corresponding crowdfunding page where you can also find more information on this project.

UKB TV - Episode 2: White-letter Hairstreak
Posted on March 27, 2017

This video is the second in a series of episodes produced for UK Butterflies TV by Dr. Dan Danahar, each looking at the autecology of the different species of butterflies found within the British Isles. The series also aims to interview those individuals who have made significant contributions to the conservation of each species in an attempt to capture, for posterity, their stories told in their own words.

Reviews of Butterflies and Dragonflies of Sri Lanka and Butterflies of India
Posted on January 11, 2017

These two titles, the first published in 2015 and the second in 2016, follow in the footsteps of the similarly formatted A Naturalist's Guide to the Butterflies of Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, reviewed here. The aim and scope of all these books is the same: to provide the keen naturalist with an authoritative, portable guide to the species most likely to be seen in the regions covered. Click here to read the reviews.

Announcing Project Frohawk
Posted on January 4, 2017

We're announcing an exciting new initiative: "Project Frohawk"! The essence of this initiative is to document (with relevant photos) every larval instar of each butterfly species found in the British Isles and significant progress has already been made. Click here to learn more and to see how you can help.

UKB TV - Episode 1: High Brown Fritillary
Posted on January 1, 2017

This video is the first in a series of episodes produced for UK Butterflies TV by Dr. Dan Danahar, each looking at the autecology of the different species of butterflies found within the British Isles. The series also aims to interview those individuals who have made significant contributions to the conservation of each species in an attempt to capture, for posterity, their stories told in their own words.